Yeaaah ;)...
Remember Making Strides against Breast Cancer walk that I did last year in the middle of my chemotherapy?
I did that in the middle of the second chemo I got. And it as the AC one..
the tough one :).
I shared it in my blog as well and you can read it here on
And this year, 2015, we will have the same, or even more fuuuun :).
And last week, I joined the Kickoff Breakfast for Making Strides against Breast Cancer.
Thanks to my dearest Kisha Kelly, who contacted me in the first place, I managed to get a reservation for this kickoff breakfast.
I did that in the middle of the second chemo I got. And it as the AC one..
the tough one :).
I shared it in my blog as well and you can read it here on
Making Strides against Breast Cancer...The D-Day :)
And this year, 2015, we will have the same, or even more fuuuun :).
And last week, I joined the Kickoff Breakfast for Making Strides against Breast Cancer.
Thanks to my dearest Kisha Kelly, who contacted me in the first place, I managed to get a reservation for this kickoff breakfast.
My dearest Kisha Kelly :) |
Surely the most fun breakfast I have ever attended!
And very moving as well ..
You know, being a breast cancer survivor, I just celebrated my first birthday a couple weeks ago.
I just had my mammogram, 1 year after my last one last year, so it marked my 1 year cycle already.
And I never thought it felt so wonderful.
I just had my mammogram, 1 year after my last one last year, so it marked my 1 year cycle already.
And I never thought it felt so wonderful.
I just can't help it when during the breakfast, we, the survivors, were asked to light the candles that we got for free together with Magnolia bakery's cupcake.
To light the spirits and remember those who have lost the battles.
I cried like a baby :).
Happy tears indeed..
Even as I wrote it now.
To light the spirits and remember those who have lost the battles.
I cried like a baby :).
Happy tears indeed..
Even as I wrote it now.
Merci, Ya Rabb...
I can't help it...
I can't help it...
I know it is still a long and winding road ahead with Herceptin and Tamoxifen at least for the next 5 years but I have all the hopes and spirit to stay healthy and live healthier.
So we started the kickoff breakfast at New York Marquis Hotel with the registration for everyone...
Newcomers, survivors, family members, volunteers, team leaders, pacemakers, sponsors... Everyone is welcomed.
They had photo booth and pink carpet as well ;).
You should see the properties we have here.. Super cute.
You should see the properties we have here.. Super cute.
Then we also had free cupcakes for survivors presented by Magnolia bakery.
Inside the hall, we had some presentations, testimonies and information session given interactively by Kelly Crawley. She was supeeeeer coool indeed.
We all made a pledge to join this noble cause of raising awareness of breast cancer and helping those suffering from it. That's why I am also soooo excited to invite everyone of you to join my team, Indonesia Ceria & Beyond, to walk in Central Park on Sunday, October 18, 2015.
Even Miss New York 2015 joined our breakfast and will have a team for the walk!
We had a blast last year and will definitely come back this year.
Please donate and contribute and show me some love to this great cause. Ask me how to do it ;). look for some charity sales I will soon do (I am thinking of cooking some cakes and food for sale ;) and handy crafts, too) to gather more funds for continuing this fight.
There are soooo many ways to help as well.
Get more information at or You can also check making strides against breast cancer in Central Park and my blog for more updates :)
Here is a video about the next walk we are going to make :)
Here is a video about the next walk we are going to make :)
Aren't you super excited?
I am ;)
Wish me luck, people ✌
I wish you the best of luck! You look fantastic, BTW.
ReplyDeleteThank you very muuuch Veronica :)..I hope it will be a blast as well :)
Deletewahhh kerennnnn
Deletewahhh kereennn
Deletewahhh kereeen
Deletewaah kereeen nihhhh
DeleteI love the pink balloons. It looks like a great time. I love the, "Fight Like a Girl" sign. I did have a high school classmate that had breast cancer, and it was a guy. Kind of rare though.
ReplyDeleteI love that sign as well...really boost my spirit :). You are right, breast cancer on men is rare, but it happens..
Deletewewwwww kereeeen dahhh
Deleteseru banget ya mba itu acaranya
ReplyDeleteiya nih mbaaa....asli seruuu :)
DeleteWah..keren acaranya mba..bisa ketemu miss new york juga.. ^_^ semangat terus ya mba
ReplyDeleteiya mbaaa...perhatian yang diberikan juga besaar :)..semoga saya bisa teruskan dengan semangat yang sama di Indonesia nanti :)
DeleteIt does look like a great breakfast. You certainly have a lot to celebrate this year! I hope your walk this fall gets a lot of supporters. You deserve it!
ReplyDeleteI sicerely hope so, too Theresa :)
Deletetirainya warna fav mbak Indah banget tuh
ReplyDeleteiyaaa makliiid...hidup unguuuu :)
DeleteMama bo... Semoga setelah ini sehat teruus, n makin banyak yg aware soal cancer ini supaya pd beralih ke gaya hidup sehat. N yg udh terlanjur kena, moga semangat utk sembuh ky mama bo. Aamiin...
ReplyDeleteaamiiiin Noe...that's what we want...sehat sehat sehaaat :)
DeleteMama bo semoga sehat..buat aku juga sehat...semuanya deh... btw..naksir tasnya...cakep
ReplyDeleteIya Mba Adeeee....sehat selalu yaaa...jangan lupa gaya hidup yang sehat :). Itu tas by Batik Chic mbaaaa :)..
DeleteMba,... thank for sharing ya... aku banyak belajar dari dirimu...
ReplyDeletekeep sharing dan sehat selalu yaaa
terima kasih maaak...stay tuneee yaaaa :)
DeleteJadi bikin aku berpikir juga nih tulisanmu, Mak. Selama ini masih seenaknya aja gaya hidupnya. Btw, sehat terus ya Mama Bo, I try hard juga buat menjaga pola hidup sehat
ReplyDeletesemangaaat maaaak...setujuuu...gaya hidup sehat yang kita butuhkan sekarang :)
DeleteTopinyaaaaa. Aku sukak sama topinya. :)))
ReplyDeletehehehehe...mak Istiii..mau fedora unguuu akuuu :)