Showing posts with label work work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work work. Show all posts

Menangani isu multilateral sangat menyenangkan....

Dini hari, saat iseng-iseng browsing, I found this 2008 article that I wrote for Tabloid Diplomasi ..

It was about my first posting as Third Secretary at the Indonesian Mission to the United Nations Office in Geneve, World Trade Organization and other International Organizations...

How I miss Geneve....

Anyway....I don't even remember this article, but it certainly thrilled me of my early, amateur pieces of writing I re-read it, I just realized that I was involved in so many organizations during that time...Precious time indeed, with invaluable experiences and great circle of friends...

Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations, UN Office in Geneve...
Wanna check it out? here it is...

Indah Nuria Savitri


"Menangani Isu Multilateral Sangat Menarik"Saya resmi bertugas di Perwakilan Tetap RI (PTRI) Jenewa sejak tanggal 24 November 2007. Sehari setelah tiba dari Indonesia, saya langsung bertugas untuk mengikuti sidang 30th International Conference of ICRC. Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama PTRI Jenewa adalah mewakili kepentingan Republik Indonesia di PBB, WTO dan organisasi internasional lainnya di Jenewa. Isu-isu yang menajdi tanggung jawab PTRI antara lain menyangkut isu keamanan internasional; perlucutan senjata; hukum internasional; hak atas kekayaan intelektual; hak asasi manusia, sosial dan kemanusiaan; ilmu dan teknologi; ekonomi perdagangan dan pembangunan; lingkungan hidup; kerja sama Selatan-Selatan; perdagangan internasional; kesehatan; ketenagakerjaan; migrasi; telekomunikasi dan meteorologi.

PTRI juga terlibat secara aktif pada beberapa organisasi internasional di mana Indonesia memiliki kepentingan dan komitmen yang sama, seperti ASEAN melalui ASEAN – Geneva Committee, G-15, G-33, G-20, ITCB, Gerakan Non-Blok dan Organisasi Konperensi Islam. Pada intinya PTRI menangani isu multilateral dan hal ini yang membedakan PTRI dengan KBRI, karena KBRI menangani isu bilateral dengan negara terkait.

Sebelum ditugaskan di PTRI saya bertugas di Direktorat Diplomasi Publik, jadi tidak memiliki pengalaman multilateral yang merupakan core task dari PTRI Jenewa. Tapi justru di situ sisi menariknya bertugas di PTRI Jenewa, karena saya harus belajar semua dari awal. Seperti punya pacar baru, you are eager and thrilled to learn the rope. Another interesting thing here is your circle of friends. Saat ini posisi saya sebagai Sekretaris Ketiga untuk Politik II, yang antara lain bertugas menangani isu HAM dan kemanusiaan, di antaranya Dewan HAM dan seluruh special procedures dan mechanism, UNAIDS, UNOCHA dan mekanisme PBB lainnya di bidang kemanusiaan dan bencana alam.

Perwakilan Tetap RI Jenewa (PTRI) memiliki tugas utama menangani isu-isu multilateral di bidang Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) dan Kemanusiaan pada Dewan HAM (DHAM) termasuk seluruh special procedure dan mechanism terkait, UNAIDS, UNOCHA, UN CERF, ICRC dan UNISDR. 

Bidang Politik II pada prinsipnya menangani isu Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) dan kemanusiaan, yang dibahas di berbagai forum PBB maupun organisasi internasional lainnya. 

Sepanjang tahun 2007 – 2008 bidang politik II telah melaksanakan tugas-tugas diantaranya mempersiapkan bahan pernyataan, intervensi maupun dokumen terkait untuk Delri dalam berbagai sidang sesi regular maupun sesi khusus DHAM dan seluruh special procedures dan special mechanism yang terkait di dalamnya, the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), termasuk Relief Web, IRIN, dan UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), serta UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).

Di samping itu, kami juga harus menghadiri dan berpartisipasi dalam berbagai pertemuan formal, informal, maupun side events yang diadakan dalam kerangka DHAM, termasuk segmen Universal Periodic Review (UPR), Durban Declaration and Plan of Action (DDPA), Durban Review Conference (DRC); Special Procedures, termasuk CEDAW, CAT, Convention on Disabilities, serta optional protocol; the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), termasuk Relief Web, IRIN, dan UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF),serta UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).[]

Batiment A, Palais des Nations, Geneve

Myanmar, the Land of Gold: #Shwedagon Pagoda..

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya sempat berbagi cerita tentang pengalaman mengunjungi Myanmar, salah satu anggota paling muda ASEAN.

Dan seperti biasa, banyak sekali yang ingin diceritakan. But again, baru sempat menulisnya setelah jeda sekian lama :D..tidak ada maksud lain selain sharing pengalaman berinteraksi dengan penduduk asli seraya menikmati keindahan alam di sana.

So....No excuses, I said to myself. Ayo kita menulis dan lanjuuuut kita mengunjungi Myanmar :D.

After finishing a fruitful Bilateral Dialogue between Indonesia and Myanmar at ministerial level, I finally got a chance to see more of Yangoon..

As always (hiks), I only have a very limited time and of course I managed to visit the famous Shwedagon Temple although I just got a chance to visit it at night.

Myanmar is indeed potential in terms of tourism .
And visit to Shwedagon Pagoda is indeed a must when you come to Yangon, Myanmar.
Coined as the landmark of Myanmar, the Pagoda is situated in Singuttara wonder you can easily spot this jewel-studded pagoda even from afar...

Built firstly by King Okkalapa looong long time ago, a shrine believed to house the holy hair pieces of Buddha, has continuously  expanded into one of the holy places for Buddhists.

one of the Buddha statues in Shwedagon.... 
It is incredible.

As you stepped in, you would line up for tickets, took off your shoes and went through a 'tunnel' before welcoming yourself in a huge courtyard full of beautifully adorned temples, statues, and relics. As it is a highly sacred ground, no shoes, socks, and sandals are allowed.

It opens from 4 AM in the morning (definitely for monks and those devoted prayers) until 9 PM, but I guess the foreigners can only visit this place starting from 6 AM.

Here are some photos I took during my visit there.

lines of golden Buddha statues...

send a little prayer here...

gold gold and more gold...
everything is beautifully gold...

sleeping Buddha in one spot...

It was a great visit indeed.

Apalagi setelah tau bahwa stupa yang ada di Pagoda ternyata terbuat dari lebih dari 8000 batang emas!  Ada sekitar 10 ribu batu mulia, mulai dari berlian, safir,merah delima, giok dan topaz! Another wooow indeed. No wonder this stupa is incredibly famous for beautifully capturing the ray of the sun, particularly during sunrise and sunset... too bad I missed it.

Many people were flocking..and the Temple itself is more like a huge Buddhist  complex with so many temples with different sizes, details and most of the temples were covered with gold (originally as well as plated :D), it was very grandeur and flashy at the same time.

locals and tourists, young and old...all gathered in Shwedagon...

Coming there with some friends, we stayed around to see people praying as well as gathering cheerfully with families..some of them even had a picnic. 

In one spot, people devotedly prayed, they burnt incense, followed the monks and chanted.

While in another corner, people were happily chatting, eating, sitting and enjoying the surroundings, spending some quality time with family, with one another. gooold....

It was a mixed feeling for me.

Knowing that this is a holy ground as well as public space where people spend time relaxing.

I myself try to observe and respect the holiness of this site, including by refraining myself from talking aloud and laughing, as well wearing modest clothes.

Well, as you can see in the pictures, it was quite a crowd we have here.

I was trying to communicate with local people while visiting the temple...asking here and there, trying to get more information on some details or asking for help in translating the scripts written on the wall. Well, most of them returned back to me with huge smiles and said 'no English"...some have been kind enough to talk to me in their local English..some of them were flocking near me and saying nothing but local lingo, and some even asked their friends to take pictures with me hehehe....never mind, I still enjoyed my conversations with them :D.

solemnly praying....

more Buddha....

with was an enjoyable visit indeed....

I really love the details on the roof...

one part of the roofs....

ceramic depicting the story of Buddha...

Burmese elephant :D...

All in all, it was quite an experience.
I guess I need to go back to explore more of this ASEAN  fellow member country and enjoy  more of the beauty of Myanmar..

enjoying Thai food in Yangoon...well well....

while waiting for my flight to Yangoon :D...monks are the priorities :D...

Anybody wants to take me back there?

ASEAN BLOGGER FESTIVAL INDONESIA 2013 #3's my 3rd piece now already ... related to ASEAN Blogger Festival Indonesia 2013..

I know it takes ageeees to complete what I have in mind (and notes) regarding our one-of-a-kind event, but please, please, please bear with me :D...


Let me talk a lil' bit about Solo.

I love this city...

Being famously known as the Spirit of Java, Solo is indeed the perfect choice for hosting this event. With its vibrant artistic environment and deeply-rooted cultural lives, Solo definitely has a lot to offer to bloggers. Even the theme for ASEAN Bloggers Festival Indonesia 2013, Re-inventing the Spirit of Cultural Heritage of Southeast Asia, perfectly reflecting the thrust of this lovely city. Wherever you look, wherever you go, Solo will cater you thirst for everlasting cultural values and principles.

My short conversations with many Soloensis (if I may call them that way :D) or Solonese clearly
reflected their pride and unconditional love towards their traditional values and rich cultures.

And as we packed ourselves for a 3-intensive-day meeting during ABFI, we had the honour, and privilege, to witness the beauty of those generations-long inherited traditions during the Mangkunegaran Art Festival.

Regularly conducted, The Mangkunegaran Performing Art truly entertained us. Through dances and operette, we vividly enjoyed these arrays of beautiful moves depicting the gracefulness as well as grand philosophies of their lives.

Enjoying tari Golek Sukoreno, Tari Kupu, Tari Sobra and Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber operette, I was fully absorbed to the richness and colorful world of Solonese....Breathtaking...

How could you not enjoy it....lovely Gamelan composition, graceful moves and beautiful ladies and girls....

Aren't they beautiful....

during the preparation....

si timun mas :D....

I do envy these girls....they are sooo graceful...

Even Sodra Dance is sooo funny, yet still energetically and gracefully performed by boys with cool attire..perfect mix between traditional costumes with modern touch..I loveee those shades :D...

And of course....the Mangkunegaran Palace itself is quite a place...

And bloggers? we enjoyed it sooo much...

cheeeers..... doesn't take much to fall in love with Solo...first impression and you'll be smithen...
So,  come and visit Solo then ... feel the vibe and get ready to fall for it :D...

Till we meet again, Solo...



And we are soooooo exciteeeed :D

Imagine this.
Around 250 bloggers, from all over ASEAN countries, gathered in a beautiful city of Solo, the spirit of Java!

say cheeers...some of us taking a lead in photo session :D...

Ecstatic? Indeed.
High-spirited? For sureeee.
FUN? definitely.

Because we finally can get together, discuss and share many interesting issues when it comes to bloggers.

Bloggers ...those staying in the frontlines when it comes to many important things, from raising awareness and solidarities towards certain issues or events, from promoting tourism to inspiring people, and of course from providing necessary information to sharing valuable lessons in life.

before everybody gets hereee.....

See, bloggers are so COOL, right :D..

That’s why ASEAN Bloggers Festival Indonesia 2013 has been highly anticipated.

And the theme, Reinventing the Spirit of Cultural Heritage of Southeast Asia, is indeed timely and complementary to the overall efforts we are taking in paving the way towards ASEAN Community 2015.

And, more importantly,  I have to luxury, - and honour, to join this incredible gathering…
I can feel the vibes as we started this event…

with Agus MC partner :D...

Starting from the opening session, where H.E. Ambassador Hazairin Pohan, the Head of Center of Education and Training of the Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, who is also an avid blogger, officially opened the Festival. Highlighting the changing world, ASEAN Community 2015 will definitely benefit from bloggers’ prominent roles in knitting ASEAN peoples closer together, in materializing the ASEAN Community in 2015 and beyond
Then, we have a series of seminar and workshop.

We also have a great Tumpeng Moment for the 2nd anniversary of ASEAN Bloggers Community.

and the tumpeng goes tooooo.....

No less than Prof Hermawan Kertajaya, the father of Marketing, beside Philip Kotler  :D and the President of World Marketing Association, himself, briefed us, bloggers, on how to maximize social media in achieving our goals.

remember 13 gamechangers from him?  :D....

I certainly hope all participants do note and acknowledge 13 gamechangers for bloggers as avid marketeers “D/... I did have those slides and learnt a lot from it...
Then we have the  representative of the US Mission to ASEAN, Thomas Bills, talking about what the US has done in supporting ASEAN, including in realizing ASEAN Community 2015.

the gamechangers a la Prof Hermawan.....

For sure, we had an interesting talk with Pak Muhammad Dian Navi on the origin of Southeast Asia Cultures..and how we all related.

After lunch, the party we have more discussion on the role of social media in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Building, featuring mas Budi Putra, the CEO of the Jakarta Post Digital, as well as one and only Mbok Venus @venustweets ...talking and sharing the ideas on how social media can boost and support the overall integrated steps towards ASEAN Community 2015. 

Here we curiously noted the idea of having bloggers exchange programmes and apparently everybody was so excited about it...we also noted the facts that bloggers have raised and campaigned many important issues, including those with less (or not enough) attention from the governments...Lucky me, I got the chance to moderate the discussion and again, we had many interesting and valuable inputs from the floor.

As the last part of the subtantive segments (not the part tho’ :p), we had presentations and dicussions with the representatives for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as well as from the regional office of tourism from the city of Surakarta...

Well, the fun continues as games and free stuff were distributed...through games of course :D...lucky me I got stocks of questions and games that can be used ...while we are waiting fooor...taraaaa, the fashion show...

Yuuup, fashion show...featuring bloggers from 10 ASEAN countries, featuring a lovely Batik Solo collection....

Then, we wrapped the day with 2 jammin’ sessions with Solo singing blues tunes and the other one offering some now-classic collections like what’s goin’on- 4 non blondes or imagine-John Lennon...

the band ... was not all actually... I still have my piece on our adventure in the Mangkunegaran Art Festival :D...wanna check that out? Just wait and see yaaaa....


di Radioooo....

Masih inget ngga lagu Gombloh tahun 80an, hehehe...

di radio..aku dengar, lagu kesayanganku....

Huahahahaha....berasa jadul banget yah, tapi lagi yang kayak begini nih yang nyantol di kepala..

ngga kerasa, ada kali sekitar 7 tahun gue kerja di radio..

lebih malah kalo dihitung dari mulai sering jadi guest star, hehehe...

awalnya dari radio Andalas, terus ke radio Kharisma..end end up in Yudhistira FM..all in Lampung. Have a real short time in jakarta, but I don't really count it as my 'real' time in radio..

Well, You're listening to Yudhistira, 103.7, the greatest FM...

gosh, how I miss saying that again and again as my ID station ;p.

Dulu, ada beberapa acara yang  gue pegang..

Music and Me, setiap malam jam 6 -9, 
acara chat and request berbahasa inggris yang seru, karena selain boleh request lagu top 40, kita sering ngobrol macem2, all the hot topics in town, curcooool,  plus kirim2an salam. 

Itu dia yang seru,....soalnya kita jadi punya komunitas yang seru en kompak, jadi ajang pacaran juga, huhahahaha...kadang telpon harus aku hang-up, biar bisa istirahat, soalnya ngga berhenti2 .. 

terus ada Expose, segmen serius yang kasih all interesting info, tips and tricks seputar kerjaan, hobi, lifestyle, fashion, semua-semua deh...Setiap pagi dari jam 9 - 12, dengan lagu2 current hits as well as top 40. 

Then I also hosted Sweet Line Music, kalo pagi ngga tugas ya..soalnya langsung dari jam 12 - 15, aaaaaall about request..telpon, minta lagu apa kirim salam buat siapaaaaa aja..

Another favorite segment is Back to 60s...untung gue jarang host, soalnya dari jam 9 - 12 malem, hehehe..ini juga ajang request, tapi cuma lagu2 lama aja..60s ke bawah...oh ya, ada juga Jazz Night seminggu of my fave juga nih, soalnya lagunya gue bangeeeet ..

Oh ya, lucunya...gue ngga siaran dengan nama asli..gue punya 2 nicknames..

Teta Anindya en Ockty Margaretha...

don't ask me where I got those names from...

yang pasti itu dikasih ama pihak radio..kalo dipikir2 lucu deh...gue sering banget di jalan ketemu orang yang manggil gue Ockty, tapi gue suka ngga ngeh, hehehe...dasar dodol. Oh ya, unlike radio2 lain, di Yudhistira tuh kita one-man show, jadi ngga ada operator en penyiar yang's just you, you and you really have to have a state of art to arrange all those great playlists, manage your mixer, and talk on the beat...phweeew, I really missed doing it 

Ngga kerasa, 7 tahun gue ngubek-ngubek...senengnya punya temen bejibun, ngeliput acara di sana sini, ngerancang those outdoor parties and festivals, ikutan workshop yang 'gila-gila', wawancara selebriti, first-class backstage pass on almost all concerts and festivals (termasuk yang di Jakarta, hihi), never ending parties...emang rezeki gue juga kali ya...I got so many jobs and projects dari radio juga...simply have fun go mad..

With Dani Dewa....:D....

bareng temen-temen et Iwan Fals huhuuuuu :D....

para artis di jamannya...aku aja lupaaaa.....hihihi...

with Robbie Tumewu :D.....

But, all good things come to an end, so is this world of mine...

after all those time, terutama sejak masuk Deplu, rasanya I have to move forward..

I'm not saying that I don't want to pursue my career here in this blink-blink world (you can say that now...), it's just that mother destiny speaks differently..

Tapi..again, semua kenangan indah dan 'gila' itu akan selalu membekas di hati :p

miss u all sooo much....

Siaran lagi yuuuk :D...

Di Radioooo.....