Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

WW: Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada

A sneak peak to our tour at the Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada

Welcome to the Parliament Hill, Ottawa
We had a wonderful tour inside and it is truly one magnificent architecture.

the Peace tower..

the ceiling..

All of these are taken using my phone. For sure, I will post more so wait for more photos and complete story :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and visit its Headquarters for more fun, interesting links

Spring Break Road Trip 2017

I stepped out of my Ambassador's office with a big smile.
My 5-day annual leave has been approved!
Feels like dancing and jumping around as I have tons of plans playing in my head as the spring break is approaching.
Kiddos, better get ready and pack your bags!


the trip started with the Spring shower!
We are back on the road again!

On the first week of April, I have secured 5 days of my annual leave for our traditional Spring Break Road Trip. 
Yes, the Frakarsas is back on the road again.
For our second edition of Spring Break trip :).

Akhirnya bisa cuti juga!
Senang banget memang ya kalau cuti tahunan disetujui pimpinan, apalagi kalau selama setahun terakhir pekerjaan numpuk tiada habisnya :).
Sudah waktunya My Itchy Feet beraksi dan kali ini bareng dengan my munchkins.
The Frakarsas is ready to explore the world again!

If you still remember from my previous posts, we started this tradition since spring last year.
Our marvelous and unforgettable journey to the West Coast in spring last year really convinced us that Spring Break is the perfect time for traveling.
Lovely weather, not too hot, less crowded and much affordable (if not make-sense) price in terms of hotels, airlines, car rental and all travel-associated expenses.

Well, I have to admit that we start it a bit early, as the Spring Break at my kids' school starts on Monday, April 10th. But as there are three families in my division wishing to enjoy spring break with their family and kids, we manage to split the 7 working days for the three of us. So that my office won't be vacant.

And I chose to take Thursday to the next Wednesday for our upcoming break.
A well-deserve one, I suppose, particularly as I have worked my head over heels for the last 12 months. 
I just remember that the last holiday we took was spring break 2016! 
So it's high time to go unwind, enjoy some extra quality time with my loved ones, while exploring the countries and cities.

Unlike 2016, this trip won't be that ambitious.
Two countries and approximately 8 cities to visit.
I know, it's still crazy, considering that we only have 7 days to finish it.
But as my hubby rightly said, we are not joining an amazing race!
So, plans can be plans but the most important thing is we enjoy the journey.

Dan persiapan pun dimulai!
Selain rute perjalanan, saya dan Rudi juga menyempatkan diri untuk browsing berbagai informasi yang diperlukan untuk perjalanan kali ini.
Setelah sempat mempertimbangkan Islandia, Seattle dan Alaska, dan daerah Midwest, akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk road trip ke sisi timur Kanada dan perbatasan AS - Kanada yang masuk wilayah the Great Lake.

Rute kali ini dimulai dari NYC - Québec City - Montréal - Ottawa - Toronto - Niagara on the Lake, Kanada - Niagara Falls, AS - Albany - NYC.
Dengan waktu hanya 7 hari, rute kali ini memang lumayan berjibaku, karena bakal penuh dengan perjalanan darat, jalan kaki menyusuri berbagai kota, plus extra pijit kaki yang super pegel :). Apalagi di Toronto nanti kami akan nonton konser Bon Jovi - This House is not For Sale! 

Super excites indeed!

Setelah hotel, parkir, dan tiket selesai di-book, waktunya untuk menyiapkan logistik perjalanan. Untuk bagian makanan, no need to worry! Segala cemilan dan minuman kesukaan anak-anak sudah siap. Plus keperluan ekstra seperti bantal kesayangan Bo et Obi dan buku cerita et komik

So, first stop: Québec City!

Here are a few sneak peak of the first leg of our trip, all taken by my iPhone 6S Plus dan Ztylus lenses, before coming back with my full story (and drama :)) of the journey.

Le Jardin Jeanne d'Arc

the most photographed hotel, Chatéau Frontenac :)

Will surely get back with more :).
And I hope y'all enjoy your Spring break.

Cheers from Ottawa!

Spring Break 2016: the Death Valley

The Death Valley.

Aren't we all intrigued by the death?


What is death?

A scary concept that may haunt our consciousness?
Or freedom from all fears and failures?

When I heard the name of one of these National Parks here in the US for the first time, I was thinking that it might derive from it being a dreadful "killing field" of creatures passing over this very spot.
When we google it, for sure the image you'll find is the famous skeleton of the mountain goat's head.
Miserably stared back at you with its hollow eyes.

That is something!

The more we browsed, the more captivated we were.
That is why we decided to come and visit Death Valley, our second National Park in this spring break trip. 

Our journey this time started from Page Arizona. It took us around 6hours from Arizona to Death Valley, California. Long and hot 6 hours :)
The view along the way is lovely indeed.
Typical mysterious deserts with its beauty.

We left Page early in the morning and manage to arrive in Death Valley at noon.
And it was so hot indeed.
Death Valley is, in fact, one of the hottest points in this country.

We headed to Furnace Creek, the visitor center, to know more about this huge Park. Looking at the map given to us, Death Valley is indeed so vast, so empty, yet so simple, and so quiet.
It was very quiet we could hear our own voice echoing back.
Well, Death Valley is the hottest, the driest and the lowest National Park indeed.

One thing for sure, there is NO SIGNAL here.
NO signals, NO GPS, NO service.
We very much relied on the map and road signs as well as park newspaper which has abundant information and warnings.

There are several interesting spots in Death Valley.
Some of them are Badwater Basin, Dante's View, Devil's Golf Course, Zabriskie Point, Artist Palette, Scotty's Castle, the Racetrack and more. There are so many ghost towns as well.

Then with the time and energy we have, we were faced by our classic problem.
So much to see, so little time

For the first stop, we had Badwater Basin

Badwater Basin is the lowest elevation in North America. It was located 282 feet, or 86 meter, below the sea.
When we first stepped our foot here, all we could see was white and brown field.
Of salt and mud.

at the Badwater Basin.

The salt flat was very interesting.
We have never seen it before and pretty much interested to see closer.
It feels like in another world.

It somehow reminds me of Star Wars :).

Bo and Obi realy enjoyed the Badwater Basin.
Although it was very hot, but they were happily running around the sands flat, looking at the salt and mud formations which are very unique.

Then after that, we headed to Devil's Golf Course. Nice name, right :).

It is basically a vast field with dry mud and salt. Looks like a thorn golf course.. And maybe only the devil who can play golf here.

This place is certainly huge so it feels like it belongs to us. We have more cars and visitors in Badwater Basin, but not on the other parts of the park.

Next, we drove around the Artist Drive. This one way drive is beautiful indeed, with some dips and curves which accentuate the mountainous structure of this area. 

Then we arrived at the Artist Palette.

We took a break here and took photos until sunset.

By the time we finished at the Artist Palette, it was already dark.
And we were drop dead tired as well.
We stayed at Stovepipe Well that night.

Before heading to Yosemite National Park, we stopped at Mezquita Flat Sand Dune. 

So, what do you think about Death Valley? Fascinating isn't?

Spring Break 2016: Grandeur Grand Canyon

"Mommy, where are we now? Why is it snowing?"
"Are we going to hike again today?"

Obi asked me, looked worried.

I was busily packing bottles of water and salty snack in our backpack when I heard Obi from the back seats. 

"Don't worry, baby. We will have another great adventure today," I smiled reassuringly.

We just arrived at Grand Canyon.

The next place we visited after Lower Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell, still in our Spring Break. 

And we made it!
We finally made it to Grand Canyon.

Perhaps, for many of you, visiting this national park is a regular annual trip.  But for us, coming from a different part of the world, Grand Canyon is certainly on top if our bucket list along with Alaska,Yellowstone National Park, and so many more. 

And it was snowing (yes, snowing) when we arrived here one early morning at the last week of April.

Driving for about 2 hours from Page, Arizona, we started the trip from Dessert View, heading to the South Rim, up to the Hermit Road. North Rim was still closed for the season. We managed to stop at Little Colorado River Gorge for a while.

Little Colorado River Gorge

Grand Canyon, on whatever season, never fails to amaze us.

Standing there, warmly wrapped in our light winter gear, the grandeur Grand Canyon is all for us to explore.

Dot by dot, every view point, we enjoyed the breathtaking beauty of mother nature with admiring eyes and endless wonder.
And how small we are amidst the vast and incredible nature.

cheers from the Watch Tower.

Asli ngeri-ngeri sedap foto sama anak-anak di Grand Canyon.
Tebing di mana-mana.
Dan kalau takut ketinggian, kebayang deh sengsaranya :).
Apalagi seringkali karena melihat keindahan alamnya yang luar biasa, kita langsung lupa diri dan sibuk mengabadikan pemandangan alam dengan kamera (tunjuk diri sendiri >_<).

You have to be fully alert all the time. 
That's for sure/
Bo et Obi were very cooperative. We have drilled them before to stay on the path, to be behind the rail, and to be cautious. Not to mention how dangerous it is to play around, jump and run while trekking .
Good thing tebing tempat kita foto ini di bawahnya ada tebing lagi yang pendek dan landai. So, it's much safer buat foto seru :).
Just don't look down.

at the Powell Point...bener-bener foto di ujung tebing :)

We started our journey from the Desert View drive, driving along this beautiful palisades.
The vista is amazing.

We stopped at the Watch Tower, enjoying the canyon and its grandeur.
For the first 20 minutes, we were so busily taking pictures and recording videos until our hands were numb due to the cold >_<.
As you can see, pictures shown here are both taken by me and my hubby, Rudi, as the watermark indicated :).

Good thing the kids were waiting inside the watch tower.
We also got a chance to climb up the tower and see beautiful Indian drawings and symbols on the wall.

the Indian drawing

From the watch tower, we drove along and stopped at so many points, - Yaki Point, Mather Point, Grandeur Point and more. 

We took the buss from Grand Canyon Village headed to the western part of the Canyon, hiked from trailview overlook to Maricopa Point, Powell Point, Hopi Point, Mojave Point, the Abyss, monument creek point, Pima Point and finally to Hermits Rest.

Words can not express the amazing vista we saw along the way.
So precious, so mindblowing.

And we finally called a day after a beautiful sunset, amidst a cold and cloudy day, at Pima Point.

Have you visited Grand Canyon? What is your impression about it?
Do you like National Parks?

Check out more of my stories at #Steller :)

WW: Enjoying Las Vegas

As the Frakarsas is on the road again, we started enjoying Spring Break with the kids.

The plan is to fly to and visit Las Vegas, heading to Page and enjoying Grand Canyon, Lower Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell, Death Valley National Park, then Yosemite National Park and San Fransisco, before flying back to NYC. We hope 12 days on the road will be enough.

And now, here are some fun photos during our (too) brief visit to Las Vegas :).

Mini me enjoying Vegas :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun bloghopping.

WW: Rockefeller in bloom

Spring is indeed colorful here at NYC


enjoying spring

bright orange...

close up

my favorite color...

radiant red :)

Staten Island, here we comee...

One lovely Sunday and off we went to the Staten Island :)...

Staten island Ferry....
Senangnyaaaa kalau akhir pekan tiba. Kaki gatal kami langsung beraksi dan rasanya semua tempat ingin dijelajahi :). Tidak heran saat cuaca cerah seperti hari minggu kali ini, saya, Bo et Obi pun sibuk merencanakan petualangan kecil kami. Kali ini kami niat menggenapi  kunjungan ke 5 borough atau kecamatan di NYC. Setelah tinggal di Queens, kerja di Manhattan, main ke Brooklyn dan Bronx, tiba saatnya menyambangi the Staten Island. Karena Bapak sudah niat berdownhill ria dengan sepedanya tercinta di Cunningham Park, kami pun merencanakan perjalanan kali ini dengan moda transportasi umum. Dan memang mudah sekali :)...

As spring really lingers around, enjoyable weather is here to stay as well. So we decided to stroll around and visit the 5th borough in NYC, the Staten Island.

Manhattan, seen from the ferry heading to Staten Island...
You can either drive your car through Verrazano Bridge or take the subway 1 to South Ferry Terminal and hop on the free Staten Island Ferry.

We chose the second one  :).

Rudi was cycling in the Cunningham Park so we took the N train to Times Square to catch train 1 heading to a Whitehall Terminal. It's the last stop at South Ferry Terminal and make sure ride on the first 5 cars of the train to get off at South Ferry. They have the moving platforms only for the first 5 cars.

From there, we simply got up directly at the Whitehall Terminal to catch the Staten Island Ferry.

Whitehall Terminal...
And the ride is free! lhoooo... ferry to take you to Staten Island.  And the ferry is really good. Clean, spacious, and comfy.

Saya langsung inget perjalanan kami dari Jakarta ke Lampung dan sebaliknya  yang sering kami tempuh lewat jalan darat plus naik ferry menyeberangi  Selat Sunda. Walaupun jarak  Manhattan - Staten Island lebih dekat dibandingkan Bakauheni - Merak, tapi kapal laut yang dipakai sama besarnya. Well, paling tidak menurut saya ya :). Tapi memang terasa beda kebersihan, kenyamanan  dan ketertibannya :). Don't get me wrong...saya justru rindu dengan perjalanan seru kami saat menyeberangi Selat Sunda menuju kampung halaman lhoooo...

Well, back to our trip to Staten Island...
It took around 20 minutes to go from Manhattan to this island.  
While we're on board, many have chosen to sit on the upper deck. Perfect spot to take pictures and wave Manhattan goodbye :)

We saw the US Coastal guard as well...

Liberty seen from the Ferry :)
Some even stay in the hurricane deck, the upper part of the ferry.

You know why?

Because they want to see the Iron Lady, the Liberty Statue :). 

Such a bonus to those who haven't got enough time or energy to get on board to go to the Liberty Statue and Ellis Island.

Ini salah satu alasan kenapa Staten Island Ferry selaluuuu sesak dengan penumpang. Karena on the way ke Staten Island, kita dapet bonus untuk liat Patung Liberty dan melewati Ellis Island :). Gratis pulaaaa..

Walaupun liatnya dari jauh, tapi kan lumayan bangeet bisa foto dengan later belakang Liberty dan gratis pula hehehe. Dan memang kapal ini penuh dengan turis-turis yang heboh banget foto the Iron Lady waktu lewat. Well, trip ini memang bisa jadi alternative yang oke banget buat mereka yang mau liat patung kebanggaan warga NYC tanpa perlu antri dari pagi untuk beli tiket dan naik kapal ke Liberty Island dari Battery Park, Manhattan maupun New Jersey.

Once we arrived at the Island, we strolled around the area. 
At that day, there was the 5-boro bike tour, so many were riding their bikes. And took the ferry back to Manhattan as well. 

We just managed to stroll around the Richmond Terrace, taking picture near Staten Island Borough Hall and the Supreme Court. They look pretty  awesome and with perfect weather, Bo et Obi were happily running around as well. 

Not long after that, we caught the ferry back to Manhattan and headed back home.

It was a lovely trip indeed :).

Anybody like to join us next time?