Showing posts with label making strides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label making strides. Show all posts

Making Strides against Breast Cancer...The D-Day :)

It was 11 degree C that morning...
The day before was raining cats and dogs, but that Sunday, Oktober 19th, the chilly windy morning just woke us up with excitement...

Pagi itu, cuaca sebelas derajat saja. Dan memang rasanya dingin sekali, apalagi di tambah dengan angin yang perasaan sudah ngalah-ngalahin freezer hehehe. Apalagi saya baru pulih kembali dari kemo yang kedua. Tapi penuh semangat bangun pagi dan langsung siap-siap.

Because Making Strides of Central Park CentralPark @NYC is finally hereeeee ...


Bulan Oktober memang bulan peningkatan kesadaran tentang kanker, khususnya kanker payudara. Setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu Jakarta sukses berpink ria, NYC pun kembali dimeriahkan dengan penyelenggaraan event tahunan yang bertujuan menggalang dana bagi berbagai upaya pemberantasan dan penanganan kanker payudara, berbagi inspirasi dan dukungan bagi para penderita kanker payudara, keluarga maupun siapa saja yang terkena dampaknya, serta meningkatkan kesadaran akan bahaya kanker payudara dan  penggalakan upaya deteksi dini. Such a noble cause that I'm more than happy to support...

A few days before the D-Day, I got this email...

 Hi Beautiful, 
Are you ready to take a short walk this weekend to support the fight to end breast cancer? 

We hope you are excited to experience the passion, power, and purpose of our Making Strides of Central Park, NY walk, and we have all of the information you need to be prepared for just that! 

Print this email and bring it with you to the Registration Tent; it will serve as your registration form and provides important day-of event information. 
Also … congratulations on reaching your fundraising goal! 
Your success proves your commitment to finishing the fight against breast cancer. Every dollar you raised directly helps the American Cancer Society do the most to help people facing breast cancer today and find cures to end the disease tomorrow. You’re on a roll, so don't stop now! 

Log in to your My Strides Dashboard and send one last email to friends and family who have not yet made a donation - sometimes it just takes one more ask! Just don't get so carried away that you forget to print out the registration form and information below: 

• The Making Strides of Central Park, NY walk is on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 7:30 am 
• Our event will be held at Central Park 72nd Street Bandshell 
• The walk will be held rain or shine, so be sure to check the weather and dress appropriately 
• Beautiful Savitri 
• Team: IndonesiaCeria & Beyond 
• Individual amount raised through online credit card donations as of printing this email: $120.00 
• Total of cash and checks you are turning in today: $____________________________ •

Are you a Pacesetter? Does your cash and check total, when added to the total amount of online credit card donations, add up to more than $2,500? (circle a response) YES | NO • View more important day-of event details 

We can't wait to see you this weekend! 

Janett Florindo & Sheryl Braun Making Strides of Central Park, 

Jadi, ceritanya saya ingiiiin sekali berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. 
Diselenggarakan di Bandshell, Central Park, acara tahunan ini dimulai pukul 7.30 pagi. Kebayang kaaan hebohnya...apalagi saya ngajak suami dan anak-anak :). Plus New York yang sudah mulai dingin juga perlu dipertimbangkan, karena cuaca sudah mulai drop banget. Sempat beberapa hari di bawah 10 derajat C. Brrrrr....

It was a bit problematic juga karena dalam waktu berdekatan, saya dijadwalkan untuk menjalani kemo yang kedua. Awalnya dijadwalkan tanggal 16 Oktober, hari Kamis sebelumnya. Setelah kemo yang pertama yang ajaib itu, ternyata saya butuh 4 - 5 hari untuk bisa benar-benar pulih. Yah tidak sepenuhnya sih, but at least, saya sudah bisa makan, tidak mual dan muntah plus  tidak terlalu letih. Akhirnya, saya konsultasi dengan onkologis dan suster saya, cerita kalau saya pengeeeen banget ikutan walk ini dan bahkan sudah mendaftar dan membentuk tim :). Alhamdulillah, dokterku setuju untuk memajukan jadwal kemo saya 2 hari lebih awal, dengan catatan sel darah putih saya mencukup dan secara umum badan saya cukup kuat untuk menjalani terapi kemo yang kedua. Alhamdulillahnya lagi, badan saya kooperatif bangeeet...dan hasil tes darah menunjukkan bahwa all is good dan saya bisa kemo kedua. Senangnyaaaaa :D...

Speaking about the team, saya nekad memberanikan diri membentuk tim pendukung. Ceritanya saya jadi team leader dan mengajak siapa saja yang berminat dan ingin bergabung untuk ikutan acara ini. Tentu saja donasi sangat diharapkan, karena memang salah satu tujuan utama acara ini adalah mengumpulkan dana untuk American Cancer Society ( Organisasi ini telah banyak mendukung berbagai penelitian untuk kanker payudara, menyediakan dukungan sosial gratis bagi penderita, termasuk dengan memberikan wig gratis, membiayai pekerja sosial, memberikan workshop, termasuk look good, feel better, pelatihan kecantikan khusus bagi para  penderita, terutama mereka yang kehilangan rambutnya selama terapi, dan pelayanan sosial bagi penderita kanker payudara lainnya. Dengan tagline, the official sponsor for more birthdays, kebayang kaaan begitu banyak kegiatan bermanfaat yang dilakukan oleh organisasi ini.

So, tim saya pun dibentuk, dengan nama IndonesiaCeria & Beyond.

IndonesiaCeria & Beyond :)...

Saya beranikan diri untuk mencoba menggalang USD 200. Jumlah yang tidak seberapa, tapi cukup menjadi tantangan buat saya untuk mengumpulkannya di tengah kondisi saat itu. 

Tapi semangat tetap tinggiiiii dong..... Banyak teman-teman yang berada di New York dan sekitarnya yang saya kabari dan saya ajak, sekaligus mempromosikan acara dan organisasi ini. Alhamdulillah, saya mendapat 11 orang anggota tim dan in the end, berhasil mengumpulkan USD 340. Yaaaay.... 

Dan di Hari-H, saya pun penuh semangat mengikuti acara ini. 
Dari malam, saya sudah menyiapkan pompom untuk tim kami hari itu :), dengan tema Indonesia (pakai saring kain blongsong dari Palembang) dan ceria (dengan warna pink ungu). Bo et Obi ikutan sibuk membantu dengan tulisan dan gambar mereka :). 
Truly a great dose of love for mama :). I just love to see how creative they are...

pompomnya dipegang tante Nona :)
Then off we went to the Central Park, through Queensboro Bridge with cloudy sky...
It was indeed freezing that morning...
Bo et Obi were still sleepy as well when we left the house...
still too early....and freezing , too...

Walaupun badan rasanya masih ngga karuan pasca kemo kedua, tapi saya tetap semangat hadir meskipun tidak memaksakan jalan 5 miles dengan rute Central Park 72nd st to  110th st dan kembali lagi. Bersama dengan tim IndonesiaCeria & Beyond, kami berkumpul, mendaftar, dan mengikuti acara di tenda utama. Walaupun acara dimulai pagi-pagi, tapi ramai juga yang hadir. Bahkan di 5th avenue, salah satu pintu masuk ke Central Park, sudah penuh dengan para partisipan yang menggunakan pakaian bernuansa pink :). That included me, Bo et Obi ...

we're heading to the registration...

on the way to the main stage...

walaupun setengah ngantuk dan ngambeeek, tapi pas selfie...cheeers...

Di panggung, acara diisi dengan berbagai hiburan, mulai dari gutaris ternama Jay Valero, sampai DJ yang berhasil menghangatkan pagi yang dingin itu, Kabarnya, ada C&C Music Factory lho...masih ingeeet ngg dengan band yang sempat ngehits tahun 90an ini? Sayang saya ngg sempet melihat penampilan mereka karena sibuk ke sana kemari dan menjauh dari panggung utama.

crowd near the main stageee....

let's dance....our morning exercise with the DJ :)

Tidak lupa kami mampir ke Pink Boutique!
Belanja belanji judulnyaaaa :)....opening at 7:30 a.m., they have some  fabulous Making Strides apparel and PINK items from FILA! They also have a limited edition Event T-Shirts for $25. I managed to get bags, necklace, travel mug, and head bands. I got the t-shirts a day earlier at the headquarter of American Cancer Society.  Well, a little shopping for a good cause won't hurt :).

the travel mug...

Then, I also come and join some other survivors in the Survivor tent. 
There I got the access to information about the American Cancer Society's programs and services, exactly what I need. Each survivor , including me, received a special gift as well..
Ada t-shirt khusus dengan tulisan survivor, stash survivor, dan sebotol air minum dengan pH tinggi. Bahkan ada pojok dengan tukang pijat di tenda survivor lhoooo....sayang antrinya panjaaang, jadi skip deh...

Bahkan, karena acaranya diliput oleh ABC TV channel, kami dan tim yang awalnya hanya ingin foto dengan anchor mannya malah jadi ikut masuk TV deeeeh...soalnya pas dengan waktu penyampaian weather forecast, live from Central Park!

liveeee....from Central Park...


All in all, it was a fun day for everyone...
We have a never ending photo session and video making on that day :)

Tak terhingga terima kasih saya untuk temen-temen yang berkenan gabung dengan IndonesiaCeria&Beyond...

I know, I still have a long windy road to recovery, but with the endless support, solid understanding and love from my family, friends and people surrounding me, I know I can conquer this cancer!

semangaaaat....with my survivor t-shirt and head wrap from a friend... 

Ganbatteeee...dan semangaaat :)

Making Strides against Breast Cancer @NYC: Photo Galery

Here we go...

Minggu lalu, saya dan teman-teman mengikuti Making Strides against Breast Cancer di Central Park, NYC..

One of the events that I have been waiting for...
I even managed to move up my second chemo schedule to have more days in between in order to get back on my feet :). Well, After the first chemo, I apparently need at least 4 days to be me again...

So, Making Strides against Breast Cancer @NYC is finally here :).
I know it was almost a week ago, but before I give you all the complete story, let me share some of these photos first...

I can never thank my team, IndonesiaCeria & Beyond, enough for all their love, support and endless fun on that freezing morning.

I indeed have a lot to share but let's check it out  first :)

A night before....we all got so excited :)

ready to walk....just three weeks after my first chemotherapy ... 

some of my supplies...thanks to Keisha, my recruiter...

And waking up in the morning proved to be easy...if you wanted to :)

just arrived in the crispy morning :)....

the banner...

at the survivor ten with Obi :) taken by chichi...

I always feel blessed and kicking after all those painful period :)

taking selfie otw to the venue...

my team....sooo full of spirit and energy..


it was a cold morning indeeeeed :)

and the DJ just played our song....


all the way ...smiling for more spirits and hopes...

and we were on TV as weeeell...not so clear though :)

it's not the end of the road...but I will be the survivor...

Making Strides against Breast Cancer
Central Park, October 19, 2014

WW: The D-day for Making Strides against Breast Cancer

Such a glorious day for all survivors (and those who are still fighting, including me) of breast cancer and those affected by it :)


at Central Park, New York


cheeeeers...with my friend Rima

My DreamTeam, IndonesiaCeria & Beyond

Join us on Wordless Wednesday...

WW: Making Strides against Breast Cancer, TL kit :)

My team leader kit, for Making Strides against Breast Cancer, has arrived...

IndonesiaCeria...let's walk together..

bismillahirrahmanirrahiiim...I wish God grants me enough strength to join in :)

Join us on Wordless Wednesday...
Easy breezy, just link up with me here...

Making Strides against Breast Cancer...

Hello, October...

Feels like ageees ;)

When I started this draft, it was October the 1st on the dot. And now it's the 7th already.
In case you are interested to know, many things have take turns in my revolting, yet still colorful life :)

Now that we have entered the 10th month in the calender, it's the month for breast cancer awareness as well...
Hurray for that, as I have soooo many plans and things to share about my own fight against breast cancer. Drafts were made and I just need more time, and extra energy, to finish them.

And in the same month I will start my chemotherapy, too :)
Yup...have started I my chemotherapy on October 2nd.

After recovering well (I can say ...) from mastectomy that I got last August, my oncologist came up with the plan for 4-time chemotherapy for my poorly-differentiated cancerous cells. It was quite a surprise for me and my family as my initial pre-surgery pathology test show that I can continue to be treated only with radiology and hormone therapy. But, the mother of the cells were taken out from my body, they showed their true color...They are poorly differentiated, meaning that they have grown far far different from the normal cells and in alarming speed. The fact that one cell in my lymph nodes is ready to transform confirms the need to proceed with chemo.

Well, I'll share more of that soon...
But now, I would like to happily share with you all that I'm Making strides against breast cancer!

Yuuup...I'll be joining the famous annual walk for a world free of breast cancer. 
In fact, I'm the team leader here :)...

And guess what's the name of team? 
thanks to dearest Nona for inspiring me with the name :)
Imagine all cheerful friends and family of mine, Indonesians and beyond, walking hand-in-hand in pink and show it to the world how we all share the same fight :)

photo taken from American Cancer Society

The walk will take place in Central Park, East 72nd St Bandshell, on Sunday, October 19, 2014. 

To those who would like to join me and my team, come and click this link, my dashboard
You can join the walk, make donation, or support us any way you like..

This is what has been  sent from my email , I just copy paste them:

I'm so excited about an event I just signed up for - the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. I know, I know, there are a lot of breast cancer events out there. But I'm walking and fundraising for the American Cancer Society because they are the leader in the fight to end breast cancer - doing the most in every community to help women with breast cancer today and working tirelessly to find cures to end the disease tomorrow.
Why am I telling you this? Because I would love for you to join me! There are two ways you can help:
  • Join me as a walker in this non-competitive, three-to five-mile event
  • Help me reach my goal by donating $5, $25, $50, or more
Thanks in part to the American Cancer Society, and people like you who signed up to fundraise or made a donation and supported the cause, breast cancer death rates have dropped over the last 20 years. In fact, women are 34 percent less likely to die from breast cancer today than they were in 1989.
There’s still so much work to do. Please consider joining me or supporting me with a donation.
Frankly, after the effect of my first chemo, I am a bit worried whether I can make the walk. My second chemo is scheduled on October 16, just 3 days before the walk. I guess I will talk to my doctor and get it a bit earlier than scheduled :). I also spoke with the event organizers that if I'm too weak to walk, I can still be there as the volunteers and my team will walk for me. How cool is that :)...

I have to say, I get so excited and I can't wait to join this noble cause.
For the world free from breast cancer...
For more birthdays and longer time to see my kids grow up :)...

Making strides against breast cancer !