Showing posts with label kids activities in NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids activities in NYC. Show all posts

Pinky Flamingos at the Bronx Zoo


Anybody here loves this pink and cute long neck wading bird?
I do..

Saya sukaaa banget dengan burung anggun berleher jenjang yang berwarna merah muda ini. Sepertinya kakinya yang panjang dan leher jenjangnya layak membuat flamingo menjadi bintangnya burung air yang selalu menarik perhatian semua orang. To me flamingo is like the bird princess. Paling tidak buat saya :)

Sudah pernah melihat flamingo dari dekat?

When we went down to Miami, we were planning to see the flamingos. They are pretty famous around the area and there is one specific place where you can go to see them. But we didn't have enough time and we had to choose whether we were going to see the flamingos or go snorkeling at the Key Largo. We chose the later one.

So, we missed the real flamingos there but I managed to grab some pinky flamingo souvenirs from Miami's South Beach :). Then, I also get some hot pot holders and brick-a-brack with pink flamingos adoring it. Super cute indeed.

But still, rasanya belum afdol kalau belum melihat burung yang super cute ini langsung. Saya masih penasaran bangeeet, walaupun tau kalau mau melihat flamingo pasti di kebun binatang dan dari jauh. Well, that should do :). Dan di awal musim gugur yang lalu, kami menyempatkan diri main ke Bronx Zoo. 

Bronx Zoo is certainly one famous spot people   love to check out while in NYC. Zoo is always for the kids as well as adults, so we won't miss it. As you know, NYC has several zoos, including one in Central Park and Queens. But Bronx Zoo is rather special because we have more animals here. So a lot to see and learn at the same time here.

cheeers ;0)

Karena Bapak Udi asyik mencoba downhill bike di New Jersey, kami bertiga berangkat ke Bronx Zoo dengan menggunakan subway yang disambung dengan Uber taxi supaya jalannya tidak terlalu jauh hehehe. Walaupun sudah menggunakan sepatu jalan yang oke, tapi kala itu cuaca lumayan panas. Daripada Bo et Obi sebelum sampai di kebun binatangnya, akhirnya kami duduk manis di taksi yang membawa kami langsung ke gerbang kebun binatang ini.Antri sebentar (dan mama dapat tiket gratis thanks to NYC ID ;)), kami pun langsung menikmati Bronx Zoo dan para penghuninya. Saya juga janjian dengan tante Mpok, teman kerja yang sudah seperti kakak sendiri dan juga tante favoritnya anak-anak.

And Bronx Zoo is huge indeed. It's like entering a big woods and some part of it, especially for the gorillas, looks like a jungle. They have many attractions as well and you need extra tickets to see some of those certain animals. But even the regular ticket allows you to see so many great animals. 

We saw the camels, bears (different kind of them :)), lions, tigers and many kinds of birds. We also saw many types of snakes, lizards and the likes in the special cages. And besides these animal exhibits, you can also enjoy the carousel, 4D-theater and many more with extra ticket.

beberapa hewan yang kami lihat :)

Banyak sekali hewan-hewan yang kami lihat di kandang mereka yang luas. Mulai dari beruang kutub yang senang bermalas-malasan di kandangnya yang adem dan dikeliling kolam air ataupun beruang madu yang besaaaar banget tapi lucuu dan cudly. Juga harimau, singa dan macan yang ternyata memang besar.

Bahkan kami sempat melihat dari dekat program enrichmant untuk salah satu harimau yang ada di sana. Jadi 2 orang pawang memanggil satu harimau muda (yang besarnya minta ampuuun :)) sampai ke batas terdekat pagar pengaman. Kemudian kami melihat latihan singkat ketangkasan harimau tersebut. Anak-anak happy banget melihatnya, sementara saya ngeri-ngeti sedap karena membayangkan kalau harimau itu iseng loncat keluar pagar >_<. But of course it was just my imagination :).

don't get to close..and psssst, be quite :)

But as I said earlier, one of the main reasons we visited this zoo is because Obi and I would like to see the flamingos. We are indeed smithen with its cute pinky feathers as well as its long neck and legs.

Dan kami pun berhasil melihat kumpulan burung warna pink ini meskipun dari jauh.

aren't they cute :)

Kolam tempat flamingo di kebun binatang ini terletak di dekat cafe dan toko souvenir. Dari kejauhan pun kami sudah mendengar suara khas kumpulan flamingo sehingga mudah mencarinya. 

staying around the pinky flocks :)

Such a cute scene..pinky birds flocking together :). Some of them were intertwining their necks. Too bad I only use my smartphone for photos so it wasn't that detailed and close.

Dan karena Bronx Zoo memang luaaas sekali, masih banyak exhibits yang belum sempat kami datangi, seperti jerapah, salah satu hewan kesayangan Obi, dan taman kupu-kupu. So, for sure we will come back for more :).

By the way, as I definitely fall in love with this cute birds, I have found a lovely flamingo skirt as well :). Setelah melihat flamingo di sana sini, entah karena sudah jodoh mungkin ya, saya pun menemukan rok lucu banget dengan motif 2 burung flamingo. Satu putih, satu pink. Asliiii lucuuu :). Lucky me.

aren't it cute...

And it pretty much perfectly matches my pink top :)

the flamingos and I :)

Speaking of flamingo, do you know that this bird only lay one egg each and every year? Only one. Nothing more. Jadi, kalau telur yang ditetaskan flamingo dalam 1 tahun itu rusak atau tidak menetas, maka harus tunggu 1 tahun ke depan untuk telur yang baru. Berbeda dengan burung biasa yang kayaknya bertelur jauh lebih banyak yaaaa setiap tahunnya. Mungkin kalau burung cantik memang agak susah lahirnya :). you like flamingo too?
What do you like most to see while you visit a zoo?

Bronx Zoo
2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460
Opening hours vary, feel free to check the official website.

WW: Boo.. Getting scary with Bo et Obi


Halloween has just left us ;).
And we had fun..
Yes, we really enjoyed preparing the costumes and the make-up for that yearly event ;).

This is our second Halloween here in NYC. And the kids have been waiting for it excitedly.
Halloween Last year I was in the middle of my chemotherapy when Halloween hitthe street with kids screaming trick or treat in front of our door.

Well, last year I just put on my feather Boa and sat on the porch with the kids and a bucket full of chocolate and sweets.

This year, we went out trick or treating around the blocks, met some friends and gave out chocolate and candies as well.

Obi et Isabella :)

Bo was dressed as silver cobra ninja and Obi chose Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony this time.

the three of us :)


And I? I became a witch..

Or a vampire?
Or Hulk? Lol...

My hubby just teased me as I painted my face all green and put some blood red lipstick plus fangs, but look awfully full in my costume like Hulk :)
happily posing before going out for trick or treat :)

it's getting dark in here...

Halloween in Astoria is fun for sure..


How's the Halloween night in your place?

Movie Night at Bo et Obi's School

We had movie nights in Bo et Obi's school last week, organized by the PTA.

The movie we watched was Disney's Descendants. It surely fits the Halloween theme we had this time.

As usual, we aways come and join as it's the PTA charity event and they always have great pizza ;).

For the last two years, PTA always has the movie night around Halloween time. And this year, they are inviting us to wear costumes as well for the night. No wonder my kids get sooo excited. They keep calling me at the office to make sure that I gi back home slightly earlier so that we won't be too late.

Good thing that we have our costumes ready. This year, Obi wants to be Rainbow Dash, while Bo is the ninja and mommy is the pinky-purple witch.

As I had a crazy day at the office, we arrived a bit late and the movie has started. And the first batch of pizza is gone already! They sure loveeees those pizzas ;)

But we managed to reserved some slices from the next batch and everyone was happily watching the movie at the school's auditorium munching their pizzas. And they ran around playing with friends as well ;). was fun indeed.
Do you have movie night at you kids' school as well? What is the movie played this year? Do you and your kids enjoy it?