Showing posts with label home cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home cooking. Show all posts

Sayur Labu - Spicy Chayote Soup with Coconut Milk

Hello, everyone.

Back to the kitchen and let me introduce you to another delicious Indonesian food.
It's still a few mere days from Lebaran so it's only appropriate if I share some of our traditional lebaran day culinaries.

I know perhaps you're familiar with rendang, opor or sambal goreng ati. I shared some of those recipes here before. But one that we cannot miss is the soup. 

Sayur Labu for you :)
This time, I have sayur labu - or as I freely translated as spicy Chayote soup with coconut milk.

Chayote cut in half..

Have you tried chayote before?
By trying I mean trying to cook and eat it.

Chayote is one-of-a-kind veggie that belong to the gourd family. Its exquisite  cruncy taste makes it perfect for Indonesian typical spicy, heartie soup. Although I read that it's known as Mexican origin, but I have known it back home in Indobesia since I was a little. Be it sautéd with cruncy carrots, simply steamed, mixed with sweet and sour soup a la Indonesia or sayur asem, and sayur labu, the one that I am about to share with you, chayote has become a familiar sight  on our table.

some ingredients we will need :)

Here in the US, I can easily find chayote in oriental market. Perhaps not many of us know what to do with it as whenever I buy it, there will always be a question from a lady queuing up behind me asking what I can do with that vegetable! 

it's good to steam it as well.

For Lebaran day, we usually have sayur labu accompanying ketupat or rice cake. With or without ketupat, sayur labu is tasty. Wanna try?

Here are the ingredients for it:

Chayote - 1-2 pieces, clean and take out the core and cut into rectangular shape
Carrots - peel and cut into rectangular shape as well
Tomatoes - cut in halves
Shallots - thinly sliced
Fresh shrimps - clean and cut the tails
Chilies - hoarsely ground
Garlic - 2 cloves, minced
Coconut milk - 1 can
Lemongrass  - 1 piece, cut, slightly pressed
Galangal - clean and slightly pressed
Salt and sugar - as needed
Vegetable oil - 1 spoonful, for sautéing 

How to cook

Clean and take out the core of chayote,?then wash it with salty water. You will find that it might be a bit slimy but it washes off easily. Then prepare the cooking pot, put 1 spoonful vegetable oil and sauté chilies, shallots and garlic for a while until fragrant. Put the shrimps, cook it for a while, then add the clean and cut chayote and carrots as well as lemongrass and galangal, sauté it for  approximately 5 minutes. Add water, salt and sugar as well as tomatoes then bring it to boil. Add the coconut milk and bring it to boil while stirring the soup to ensure that coconut milk is well mixed. Once it's boiled and chayote as well as carrots are soft and well cooked, your sayur labu is ready.

hearty soup we got here :)

Eat it together with rice cake or a bowl of steamed rice, sprinkle with fried onion.

Bon appetit!

Ayam Kecap Masak Mentega - Butter Chicken with Sweet Soy Sauce

Hello everyone.
I sincerely hope you have a fabulous weekend.
It's a bit cold in this neck of the wood. NYC, as always, never cease to amaze me with its moody weather. And this week, it's cold again.

So, as curling up in our sofa is the priority, I have prepared simple food for this weekend :).
Let's get ready for Ayam Kecap Masak Mentega - Butter Chicken with Sweet Soy Sauce

Kalau lagi males masak yang persiapannya lebih lama dari gambar alis dan ngerol rambut, biasanya saya memasak apa saja yang ada di kulkas. Standar kulkas kami biasanya selalu ada sayuran dan buah segar serta ayam di freezer. Mumpung udara masih belum mau beranjak dari settingan winter, kita buat ayam kecap masak mentega yuk. 

eat it with steam rice and fresh cucumber..yuuum


Chicken breast or any parts of chicken - cut as desired
Onion - thinly sliced
Garlic - crushed
Sweet soy sauce
Vegetable oil
Salt and pepper - as desired
Palm sugar - as desired. I love plam sugar because it gives extra flavor on it.
Nutmeg powder
Coriander - hoarsely ground
Worcestershire sauce - as desired
Sesame oil - as desired
Butter - a spoonful or as desired. If you don't really fancy oily food, you can skip it. of my favorite spices...

these sauces will help boost the flavour :)

How to cook:

Prepare the chicken, clean and cut it. I like to marinade it for a while using Worcestershire sauce, sweet soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper and coriander. Mix it well and  set it aside. Have I told you that I'm a big fan of coriander? This incredible spice just makes everything smells good. In my opinion :).

Then prepare the pan, put a bit of the vegetable oil and cook the onion and garlic till fragrant. Put the chicken and cook it for at least 10 minutes. mix all the salt, pepper, nutmeg, palm sugar, coriander as well. Don't forget to add the  sweet soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, sesame oil, and butter. As I said, if you don't want it to be too oily, you don't have to add the butter. Cook it all well for a while and once it's ready, eat it together with a bowl of steam rice or a big plate of fresh veggies like tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce.

Bon appetite ...

Risoles - Indonesian Style Rissole

Time for another Indonesian all-time favorite munchies. 
This week, I have risoles or Indonesian Style rissole, with veggie and chicken filling.
Different from the original version of rissole from French which basically use pastry with fillings, Indonesian style risoles use the pancake-like wrapper with whatever filling you like, with veggie and chicken as the most popular one.

Risoles mungkin merupakan salah satu cemilan paling hits di rumah kami. Nonton film favorit, menemani anak-anak mengerjakan PR ataupun blogwaking ke blog teman-teman tambah nikmat jika ditemani risoles :). Dimakan bersama dengan cabe rawit bisa membuat saya sejenak melupakan kerusuhan dunia #apasih.

So,  berhubung di sini tidak ada tukang kue keliling plus tidak mudah mencari toko kue, mari kita masak sendiri risolesnya. Menurut saya memasaknya tidak sulit, hanya memang memerlukan waktu cukup lama karena ada beberapa tahap yang harus kita lakukan.

It might take a while to cook it but it's worth it. We start by preparing the 'skin' or the wrapper, the filling, make the risoles and deep fry it. So, let's start.

Here are the ingredients we need:

For the 'skin' or the wrapper:
150 gr Flour
1 Egg - beaten
200 ml Milk - or as needed
Salt - as needed

For the filling
150 gr Ground chicken. You can also use ground beef. If you don't like the meat, just use the veggies then.
2 medium size Carrots -cut small in dice
1 big potato - cut small in dice
1 cup milk
2 spoonful of flour
Onion - thinly sliced
Garlic - crushed
Salt and pepper
Spring onion - thinly sliced

For frying
Eggs - beaten
Bread crumbs
Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook:
First we need to prepare the skin or the wrapper. 
Put all the ingredients for the 'skin' in a bowl and mix it well. Using a non-sticky pan or skillet, make it one by one like making a thin pancake. Cook it in low heat and once cooked, set it aside.

getting the skin or wrapper ready

For the filling, we will need to saute the onion and garlic until well-cooked and smell good, than add the chicken and carrot. Cook it for a while with salt and a bit of water before adding the potato. Cook it for about 10 minutes, then add the milk (if you don't like milk, you can definitely use water) and flour to make the filling ticker. Once everything is well-cooked, add the spring onion and  cook it for a while. Then the filling is ready.

And now let's make the risoles. Take one skin or wrapper, put one spoon of the filling in the slightly middle bottom part, then wrap it around like when you are making spring roll. Fold the left side, followed by the right side,  then roll it up.  Dip it in the beaten eggs then roll it in the breadcrumbs. Deep fry it in low heat and voilaaa..your risoles is ready. You can eat it with chilli sauce, fresh chilli or like what I have, greek yogurt with onion and habanero dipping.

enjoooy :)

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Happy cooking.

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girl

Heloooo.. Here comes another Wonderful Wednesday, on Tuesday, with is :). 
This week has been another adventurous and great week for us, as Anniesa Hasibuan's team was still at the Big Apple. As you see on my previous posts, we have been having series of fashion shows and photo session at Sleepy Hollow.

Working behind the scene, it was fun taking pictures with the models and the whole team. 

hold it :)..behind the scene photos :)

Here are some of the photos I took with my iPhone 6 plus and Ztylus 

in pink

my fave..the golden one...

Laura Muljadi in gold...

And now, let's have fun together and link up with us.

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