Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

5 Favorite Restaurants in New York City a la My Purple World

Here comes the review of our favorite restaurants!

Well, as we continue #BPN30dayChallenge2018, day 7 requires your honest reviews about 5 of our favorite restaurants.

I guess I will start with 5 restaurants in New York city then in Indonesia.

Sounds delicious?

Berhubung saya belum banyak mampir ke restoran enak di tanah air, kai ini saya mau menuliskan 5 restaurant favorit saya dan The Frakarsas di New York City. Boleh kan yaaa.. karena memang restorannya asyik-asyik lho.
Let’s start!

The Halal Guys

The best gyro and chicken I have tried. 
And NYC loves it too! 

Whenever I go get it,  there will always be lining up, be it in the after noon, evening, or even midnight.

Let's line up :P

With only $8 for platters of chicken, beef, combo, or falafel and $6 for the sandwiches, surely people love this taste food.

And the's simply exquisite! I don't think I can do justice in trying to describe the delicious taste of beef and chicken gyro from the Halal Guys.

You can find them on West 53rd st and the 6th Ave.
They also open the restaurant in the 14th and 2nd ave.
Try it if you are happen to be in the Big Apple.

Ravagh Persian Grill

Halal and great taste indeed, that’s the first thing I have in mind when it comes to Ravagh Persian Grill. And the portion is big. No, it's huge! 

I always try the combination grill, with delicious grilled chicken, beef, and lamb in one huge plate. Of course I will not eat them all myself but share tem with othere or take them home.

We usually have 2 plates of rice which you can change or upgrade into sweet and sour one (with Cherry on it) or the one with saffron. The standard one is a plate of Basmati rice, which is alao good because it has low GI.

The desserts are also interesting. Try the traditional ice cream and faloodeeh, then tell me what you think about the taste :)

Blue Box at Tiffany’s

Favorite corner!

Remember Breakfast at Tiffany’s? One of the classic movies I love to watch.
And Tiffany’s itself is a world-famous jeweller, known for its intricate design anda high quality diamonds and gemstones.

And now they have the cafe!
The Blue Box cafe, to be exact.

It's a super cozy cafe indeed! And simply beautiful with blue robin ambience here and there and Tiffany's famous silver and dinnerware :). 

Besides all those top-notch Tiffany's trade mark blue tableware, the ambience, the food and the service is lovely! 

We had to wait a little while although my reservation was for 12.15, but as soon as we got our table we were served right away. We tried the lunch menu and I looooove the mushroom soup! Super tasty! The lobster salad is also fresh and my Emerald as well as NY Cheese Cake is great. 
Happy me :)

They only have breakfast menu, lunch or tea, for a fixed price of USD 29, 39, and 49 respectively. Will try the breakfast and tea menu next time :) 

It's crazy to get the reservation here as it's fully packed all the time but would be happy to come back here again with more friends. I learned the tricks from the Tiffany's staff btw, try it to RSVP slightly after midnight, didn't get the reservation right away but I put the notifications and they send me updates once the tables are available. And I got it after trying it once :)

Ali Baba

Looking for restaurants serving halal food in NYC, particularly Manhattan, can be a bit challenging, if not difficult.

Although we have a , but most of the halal restaurants are located in Queens, in certain areas such as Astoria, Elmhurst and Jamaica.

Turkish pizza, pide :)
But luckily, in Midtown Manhattan, we have one lovely restaurant serving halal food that we love.  Ali Baba Restaurant.

This Turkish restaurant serves a good variety of delicious mediterranean food.
My favourite is chicken adana and chicken kebab, as well as their lentil soup, salad, as well as pidé and cheese roll. Their falafels are also delicious.

Taverna Kyclades

grilled calamari
Last but not least, it's Taverna Kyclades.
Our love for fresh seafood, which reminds us of home, brings us to this famous and most authentic Greek Taverna in Astoria, Queens, NYC, our dearest neighbourhood.
We love all the seafood, starting from grilled and fried calamari, grilled whiting, salmon steak, oyster, crab cake and more!
With super friendly service and a long line, this family restaurant is coined as one of the most authentic Greek restaurants in NYC.
And my family fully supports that!

So, that's 5 favorite restaurant that the Frakarsas often visit and enjoy in NYC.
Do you like any of those restaurants as well?
Which one do you think is your favorite?

Ada apa dengan Bob, PNS, botak, lipstick, dan diving?

"So, people call you Bob ma?
Not Indah?"
Obi, my dear daughter, confronted me with that question when we were on outmr way back home from Gandaria City Mall.
She overheard my old friend, whom I bumped into after dinner at TGIF, called me with my ever-famous nick name from my high school time.
"Why Bob, ma? Are you like a tomboy during your school days, ma?"
More questions were bombarded by here and my hubby just smiled and said “I haven’t heard people call you that for a long time!”.

Mungkin teman-teman yang suka baca blog aku bingung dengan percakapan di atas.
Siapa Bob?
Bob Sadino? Bob Tutupoli? Bob Marley?
Apa hubungannya dengan Mama Bo et Obi?

Di tantangan #BPN30dayChallenge2018 hari ke-6, kita diminta menulis 5 fakta tentang diri kita. Mostly 5 fakta yang teman-teman belum tau.

Pilihan saya adalah Bob, PNS, botak, lipstick addict, dan diving.
Apalagi ini maksudnya?
Keep calm and read on :)

Ada Apa dengan Bob?

Jadi, nama ‘sayang’ yang dikasih teman-teman saya waktu sekolah, persisnya waktu SMA, adalah Bob.

Be Oo Be.
Tau kenapa? Karena rambut panjangku yang gimbal seperti Bob Marley, the famous reggae singer I love. And I happen to remember most of his songs and the lyrics.
Kalau aku pulang ke Lampung, mostly teman-teman sekolahku memanggilku Bob dan aku suka senyum-senyum sendiri.
Banyak cerita saat oku masih dipanggil Bob, termasuk  kisah kasih di SMA.
Bisa-bisa aku tulis satu posting sendiri deeeh LOL.

Ada apa dengan PNS?

Aku seorang Pegawai Negeri Sipil atau PNS lho.
Atau kalau sekarang namanya ASN, Aparatur Sipil Negara.
Walaupun banyak komentar miring tentang PNS atau ASN, saya bangga bisa menjadi punggawa negara tengan segala konsekuensinya.
Ada yang bilang ASN itu kerjanya enak karena datang ke kantor, sarapan, baca surat kabar, makan siang, ngopi, terus pulang.
Well, that's is not the case in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, kantorku tercinta.
Sejak  bergabung tahún 2002, banyak hal penting dan pelajaran bidup yang saya dapatkan. Hingga saat ini, alhamdulillah kami sempat menjalankan tugas Belajar  Magang, dan penempatan di beberapa negara. Satu hal yang pasti, Aku bangga bisa menjadi diplomat yang mewakili Indonesia di berbagai negara maupun Perwakilan organisasi internasional.
Ada yang mau temenin aku jadi PNS?

Ada apa dengan botak?

I used to be bald and I love it!
Ada yang pernah merasakan nikmatnya botak?
Kepala plontos tanpa sehelai rambutpun?
Aku pernah dan sukaaa banget.
Tidak dinyana, aku suka banget saat kepala aku plontos akibat kemoterapi yang harus jalani sebanyak 16 kali. Aku memang seorang penyintas kanker payudara and I'm proud to call myself a fighter, a survivor!
Sekitar 2 tahun aku botak dan betul-betul menikmatinya dan sekarang pun masuk suka tergoda untuk botak lagi.
Boleh kana ya :).

Ada apa dengan lipstik?

Aaah lipstick cintaku. 
Rasanya kalau bicara lipstik I can go on and  on and on and on. Ngga ada matinya pokoknya. Pokoknya petualangan aku dengan aneka macam lipstik dari berbagai warna dan merk benar-benar membuatku sådar kalau aku adalah lipstick addict, if not lipstick hoarder. Nanti deh, aku cerita khusus tentang lipstik. Dan pssst, sekarang aku punya kira-kira 90an lipstik aneka merk dan warna hasil 'menjarah' Sephora, Macy's dan beberapa toko online maupun offline di New York City!

Dan ada apa dengan diving?

And finally, I have to admit I love diving so much!
Sejak 'menyesal' karena baru dapat sertifikat diving di tahun 2011, saya selalu mencoba  untuk mampir ke berbagai tempat yang terkenal karena diving spot mereka. 
Dan bahagianya, Indonesia adalah surga untuk para penyelam.
Karena itu, saat tau akan kembali ke Tanah air, oku pun langsung komunikasi dengan my diving buddies di lampung, my beloved hometown. Cita-cita tuh bisa diving di berbagai spot keren di Indonesia dan dunia, biar ngga kalah dengan #myitchyfeet yang Sudan melanglang buana ke lebih dari 50 negara. So far, Aku baru diving di Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, St. Vincent & the Grenadines plus Grenada di Karibia. Doakan aku bisa lebih sering diving lagi yaaaa.

So, that's the (not so new) 5 facts about me.
Tell me yours so we can get to know one another closer.

Are you a Social Media Freak?

Have you asked yourself this question?
Are you a Social Media freak?

I have!

And surprisingly, the answer to that question is YES.

A big yes!

I don't know whether I have to be sad, afraid, happy or excited about it, but judging from my daily routines and habits, I have to admit that I have spent so much time on this social media accounts of mine! 

At this time, I have been juggling between my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat and my blog, My Purple World. I used to have Path as well, but now the account is closed. in some of the those platforms, I have more than one accounts. Let alone the office accounts that I have to take care of, for some period of time.

With my family and full time job waiting, you can imagine how crazy it is for me.
And I am exhausted!

Banyak di antara kita yang seringkali tidak sadar telah menjadi 'budak' media sosial dengan segala bentuknya.
Tidak terkecuali saya.
Apalagi saat ini, hampir semua kantor (baca: Kementerian ) menggunakan digital platform dan aktif di berbagai akun media sosial sebagai bagian dari portfolia atau pekerjaan kita. 

Saya pribadi sangat menyukai media sosial. 
Atau mungkin sudah 'kecanduan', kalau kata suamiku. Bagaimana tidak kecanduan kalau pagi bangun tidur langsung pegang hape (tentunya setelah menyelesaikan kewajiban-kewajibanku :)), di sela-sela pekerjaan cek aneka akun media sosial dan malam menjelang tidur pun masih aktif 'merajalela' di platform-platform tersebut.
Dan semua itu bukan tidak ada konsekuensinya.

Perhatian saya untuk keluarga terpecah, anak-anak dan suami pun kerap protes berat. 
Saya mulai kekurangan waktu untuk istirahat dan beberapa pekerjaan juga tidak selesai pada waktunya. Belum lagi resiko dan bahaya-bahaya akibat perhatian terpecah karena sibuk dengan hape dan tidak memperhatikan jalan atau sekitar saya.

Seringkali saya bertanya dan mencoba jujur pada diri sendiri.
Apa yang sebenarnya saya cari di media sosial?
Pengakuan? senang-senang? pencitraan? hanya mau pamer? menyelesaikan kewajiban? atau menyebarkan pesan baik? bawa manfaat untuk orang-orang? mencari berkah?
Atau semuanya?

I do recognise some benefits I got from social media. 
It's the place where you can learn so many good things as well as explore the world
Social media brings about changes in the world, in your world and the people around you. 
It provides spaces for self-development.
Being part of the world netizen is another rewarding experience as well.
Through social media, we can contribute to the betterment of the world, no matter how small it is.
But of course, social media has many perils we all need to be aware of. 
Bullying, harassment, pornography, illicit and improper materials, gambling,  and more are waiting and lingering at the corner.

Then, the best thing to work on it is FIND THE BALANCE.
How we can properly measure the benefits of social media without being drawn to its negative consequences.
Saya yang sudah mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda kecanduan media sosial harus segera mengambil langkah agar tidak menjadi 'budak' digital.
So, I gotta to do something about it!
And I have to do it NOW!

Ada beberapa hal sederhana yang saya lakukan untuk mengatasi hal ini.
Mau tau apa saja? Simak tips sederhana dari Mama Bo et Obi berikut ini.


Pertama kita harus mengakui bahwa kita memang menghadapi masalah dengan segala media sosial itu. Terkadang kita tidak sadar kalau kita sudah sampai pada tahap kecanduan dan harus segera berhenti. Kalau tidak sadar kalau kita menghadapi masalah, bagaimana kita mau mengatasinya?  So, for me, this is the first step to overcome my problems. Saat saya kewalahan dengan semua ini, saya tau saya harus berhenti 


Ini salah satu hal penting yang kerap saya tekankan pada diri sendiri. 
Saya harus tau kapan harus berhenti.
No is a no...dan itu artinya saya harus jujur pada diri sendiri kalau memang sudah kewalahan dan stop. 
Ketika semua aktivitas saya di media sosial ternyata sangat overwhelming, saya harus camkan pada diri sendiri batasan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan diri.
In this case, self discipline is a must!


Jangan lupa, kalau memang tidak mampu mengatasi hal ini, minta tolong dengan orang lain. Saat saya sudah kewalahan dengan segala urusan media sosial dan mengeluh, suami saya biasanya akan membantu. Well, he needs to help me otherwise he will pay some consequences as well. So once you need to get some help from others, don't hesitate.


Ini yang paling penting.
Jauhkan gawaimu dan istirahat sejenak.
Saya sekarang sangat menikmati saat-saat santai ngobrol dengan suami dan anak-anak, tanpa gangguan berbagai media sosial.
Dan yakinlah, semua itu jadi lebih menyenangkan.

Itu sedikit tips dari aku untuk mengatasi 'kecanduan' pada media sosial.
Do you have some tips to share?

Blogger Perempuan Network and I

Pic: pixabay

Do you join certain blogging communities?
Any particular reasons why you join it?
Do you like it? or not? Do you think you get some benefits from it? or the other way around..that you feel like you have the burden?

Well, sorry for bombarding you with tons of questions.
This time, I will talk more about Blogger Perempuan Network and I.
Here comes the 4th probing question for #BPN30dayChallenge2018!
Why do I join Blogger Perempuan Network?

Kenapa ya saya bergabung dengan Blogger Perempuan Network?

Because I love it!
That's the simply answer.

Then why do you love it, Indah?

Because I feel like I find a place where I can comfortably mingle with my fellow bloggers friends, particularly the female ones, learn from and support one another, then soar high up to the sky together. 

What do you mean by that? 

I know that we all are naturally a social creature. We do need to mingle and live with others in order to enjoy life and live to our potentials. We can never live alone. 

The same formula goes to us, bloggers. Because we CAN NOT blog alone, right!

We need people to come to our blog and read our stuff. We need to go blogwalking to learn more about literally everything and bring traffic back to our home blog. We need some comments from others, just like they welcome us and our comments on their blogs. We support one another whenever needed. We learn from one another about many good things in life. We inspire one another with our stories, our journeys, our experiences, our fights, our pain. We share joy, happiness, misery, perseverance, tears and laughter with our fellow bloggers and the world. We cheer those who win competitions, we weep with those losing their loved ones, we laugh at bloopers and funny jokes, we virtually hug and pat those who have conquered their fear and share it in their blogs. We are one big family

And that's exactly why I join Blogger Perempuan Network.
Saya merasa menjadi bagian dari satu keluarga besar, yang berisi perempuan - perempuan hebat dan luar biasa, dan memiliki passion yang sama. 
Can see how powerful blogging is? 
For bringing us together in this beautiful bond?

Saya akui bahwa Blogger Perempuan Network bukan satu-satunya komunitas blogger yang saya ikuti. Tapi saya  merasa special karena di komunitas BPN saya selalu merasa dipacu untuk menjadi blogger yang lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Banyak program dan acara BPN yang memberikan space kepada anggotanya untuk maju dan memicu diri sebagai blogger professional. Belum lagi aneka tips dan resources yang dishare untuk membantu kita para anggotanya belajar lebih banyak tentang dunia blogging. Dan the founders of BPN are indeed our role models in the blogging spheres! How I love to learn more and more from them to make my blog better and my blogging experience more colorful.

One more thing, Self-development is the DNA of Blogger Perempuan Network and I sincerely hope it will stay that way. 

So, Blogger Perempuan Network, thank you for making me part of your big family!

My Purple World - the Story Behind It

Welcome to My Purple World

Selamat dataaaang di blog Mama Bo et Obi, or My Purple World.

For the next question on #BPN30dayChallenge2018, the question we have here is why I choose the name of the blog I use now.

Kenapa memilih nama blog yang sekarang digunakan?

Blog saya sebenernya menggunakan nama depan dan tengah aku, tapi juga punya nick name My Purple World.
Wanna know the story behind this?

Welcome to My Purple World

Buat mereka yang sering bolak-balik mampir ke blog aku atau bergabung di berbagai WhatsApp group denganku, pasti tau banget kalua aku pecinta ungu.
Pecinta ungu berat tepatnya.
Entah sejak kapan aku suka ungu dan sepertinya tidak bias ke lain hati.
Ada masa di mana hampir semua barang yang aku punya warnanya ungu.
Baju, sepatu, tas, dompet, pakaian dalam, buku, pouch, mug, sampai make up dan makanan yang berwarna ungu aku pasti suka.
Bahkan kadang rasa atau tampilannya ngga jelas tapi ungu, aku pun suka.
Sangking fanatiknya dengan ungu, saat pernikahan pun kami semuanya ungu LOL.

Don't I ask me why I love purple so much because I just don't know why!
Yang pasti, kalau hasil intipan aku di google, warna ungu memang kerap disandingkan dengan warna kerajaan serta segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan royal blood. Ada juga yang bilang kalau ungu itu warna magis, warna penuh misteri.
Well, one thing for sure I love it because it looks good on me.

That's why, as I am obviously a purple lover (if not freak), I decided to nickname my blog My Purple World. I envision to have a blog which showcases my colorful journey in life with my loved ones. As purple is my favorite, I want my blog to be my favorite place as well.
The place to be whenever I feel weary.
The place I look for when I want to rekindle my sweet memories.
The place to fill with fantastic journey of my beloved family.
The place where I can be what I want to be.

By publishing all those stories, fragments of my life, My Purple World will always be an integral part of me. My Purple World is me.

Jadi begitu ceritanya.
Intinya karena memang aku maniak ungu, blog aku pun ungu juga, komplit dengan warna dan segala widgetnya yang juga ungu.
Dan pssst, yang mendesain website aku itu Cikgu Shinta Ries lhooo.
And I keep it till now. 

Kalau kamu, what's the story behind your blog's name?

Traveling, Beauty, Health or Cooking? Tema Blogging yang Saya Sukai

Back to #BPN30dayChallenge and for the second post, I have another intriguing question.
What is/are your favorite subject(s) for your blog?

Tema apa yang paling disukai untuk blognya?

To start with, I
have to say that my blog is so gado-gado.
You know what gado-gado is?

It's a famous Indonesian food which consists of medley of vegetables, mixed with spicy peanut sauce. 

And that's what my blog is.
A parade of things I love so much in life!
Be it my traveling notes, my journey in fighting cancer, my review on various beauty products I love to use, tips and trick for moms with kids, Indonesian food recipes, or even my scrambling notes on life and whatever it takes.
I'm free to write anything I love in my blog

Free like a bird indeed

But if we take a closer look at My Purple World, I can say that posts on traveling, beauty, health (especially on fighting cancer) and cooking seem to be dominating.

Let's take a look at them one by one.


I have to admit that I travel so much that I have abundant materials as well as photos that I love to share in my blog.
My itchy feet has been to 51 countries (feel free to check out which countries I have been to on the right panel of my blog under #myitchyfeet widget :)) so far and countless cities around the world. 
Being a photo lover, I take pictures wherever I go so you can imagine how many photo stock my hubby and I have. This time, we have 4 x 1 TB external hard disks in order to save our photos here and there. Let alone the ones on our phones (that's why I always have to have 256 GB memory LOL) and our laptops.

And traveling is always fun!
No matter how long those trips take me or how bad the food is, or how cranky my kids can be while traveling, so far my hubby and I always manage to find the FUN in traveling.
As a civil servant, I have been assigned to several missions and meeting across the globe as well, so I am so accustomed to traveling alone.

Look, I'm not bragging about traveling around Indonesia or even the world in y blog, but the reasons why I love writing about it is because every journey teaches us A LOT.
Setiap perjalanan yang aku lakukan, baik sendiri maupun Bersama The Frakarsas dan keluargaku tercinta, selalu memberi pelajaran dan menanbah warna dalam hidupku.

Dan yang pasti, semua perjalanan itu membuatku makin dekat pada-Nya, karena betapa kuasa dan keagungan Sang Gusti terlihat jelas saat kita menyusuri berbagai belahan dunia dengan segala keindahannya!
Beneran lho..terkadang aku sampai diam tergugu dan mengucap syukur pada-Nya untuk semua kesempatan yang diberikan.
Alhamdulillah masih diberi rezeki, kesehatan dan umur panjang untuk melihat semua keindahan tersebut.

Beberapa perjalanan paling berkesan antara lain waktu kami ke Kiluan, Lampung, karena jam 4 pagi naik kapal jukung yang asli sempit dan terombang - ambing ombak laut pagi dengan membawa bayi (Obi baru mau 2 tahun saat itu) dan perlengkapan foto komplit karena mau mengabadikan lumba-lumba liar. Juga saat road trip dari Las Vegas sampai San Fransisco di mana kita mampir ke 4 national Park di pantai Barat Amerika Serikat yang cantiknya bikin menganga dan perubahan alamnya benar-benar luar biasa (saat di Grand Canyon, kami tiba disambut salju yang diikuti dengan angin kencang dan lalu matahari terik :)) . Saya ingat jelas saat kami lari-lari di atas tanah berpasir di Horseshoe Bend di Arizona demi mengejar sunset cantik di sana!

cheers dari Horseshoe Bend, Page, Arizona, yang sempat tayang di blognya Bo :)

Dan aku juga menikmati perjalanan kami menyusuri pedesaan Swiss dan Perancis yang persis seperti kartu pos cantiknya sambil menikmati fondue alias keju cair yang dimakan dengan roti. Atau juga saat mampir ke Cinque Terre dan Milan, di mana kita dapat hotel yang persis menghadap Duomo Milano. Atau saat ke Granada dan mampir di La Alhambra yang cantiknya tak terlukiskan kata-kata. Plus saat mampir di Mezquita di Cordoba yang keindahan mihrabnya membuat saya ingin sujud dan sholat di tempat yang sempat berubah menjadi gereja, masjid, dan gereja lagi. 

See, don't you start it with all those traveling notes and I just can't help myself.


Those who don't know me might be wondering or even perhaps doubtful whether I write posts on beauty.
Well, as a matter of fact, I DO!
You can check out my post of various lipstick, body lotion, shampoo and some other beauty products as well.
Maybe not too often compared to traveling notes, but I'm actually addicted to beauty products, if not a hoarder LOL. 
Or in another word, I'm a make up junkie :)

some of my beauty stash

Jadi begini..saya memang bukan beauty blogger tapi saya punya buanyaaaaak banget produk kecantikan yang saya beli dan pakai. Kebiasaan saya membeli dan memakai aneka produk kecantikan ini makin menjadi-jadi setelah saya pindah ke New York City dan menjadi member (VIB Rogue lho) di Sephor*, salah satu toko produk kecantikan ternama. Bukan iklan ya, tapi saya bahkan menjadi top member karena dalam setahun belanja lebih dari USD 1000,-. Iya, seribu dollar US! 

Dan saya sering tidak habis pikir apa sajaa yang dibeli LOL..bahkan kadang suami aja geleng-geleng kepala kalau melihat my beauty stash atau koleksi produk kecantikan saya yang bertebaran di mana-mana hehehe.

Yang paling saya suka adalah skin care dan lipstick, lipstick, lipstick!
Jangan heran kalau beauty review saya ngga jauh-jauh dari lipstick kesayangan, mulai dari Kat Von D,  Chanel, YSL, Path McGarth, Kylie, Lime Crime, dan teman-temannya itu.
Dan menurut saya memang pas kalau saya banyak mereview lipstick karena saya pakai setiap hari dan koleksi yang ada juga menanti untuk dicoba dan direview. Kalau ngga percaya, intip saya Instagram saya yang @hiddentreasure081 :).

my bold lipstick collection!


Untuk segmen kesehatan, blog saya banyak diisi dengan berbagai sharingan saya tentang kanker, khususnya kanker payudara. Ada juga beberapa tips untuk hidup yang lebih sehat dan menjaga kesehatan anak-anak, walaupun memang tidak terlalu banyak.

Bicara soal kanker payudara, saya konsisten berbagi perjuangan saya melawan kanker terkutuk ini sejak tahun 2014. Excuse my language but cancer really sucks!
It changes my life drastically, but at the end of the day I feel blessed that My Rabb reminded me of what's important in life through cancer. 

Saat saya menjalani mastektomi, kemoterapi, radiasi, hingga observasi dan terapi hormone, saya justru semangat membaginya lewat blog. Saya yakin banyak yang sudah menulis tentang kanker payudara maupun kanker lainnya, bahkan banyak teman-teman blogger yang juga menulis tentang perjuangan mereka di blog masing-masing. Namun saya mencoba melengkapi berbagai tulisan tersebut dari berbagai sumber dan referensi bagus yang saya dapat dari dokter saya di New York University Langone Hospital and atau American Cancer Society. Saya juga aktif ikut di Making Strides against Breast Cancer, yaitu gathering tahunan di Central Park, New York City, untuk para survivor maupun keluarganya dan siapa saja yang hidupnya tersentuh oleh kanker.

Saya berharap semoga artikel-artikel itu bisa membantu mereka yang tengah berjuang melawan penyakit ini. Terus terang saya banyak dihubungi oleh teman-teman maupun orang yang tidak saya kenal untuk berdiskusi mengenai kanker payudara. Bahkan  cerita saya sempat diliput oleh Kartini yang mewawancarai saya dari jarak jauh karena saat itu saya sedang berada di NYC. Well, itu berkah semangat saya berjuang melawan kanker payudara kali ya. Dan pastinya saya sekarang semangat untuk hidup lebih sehat lagi!


How I love cooking and I can declare it's my cup of tea!
To start with, I am actually a foodie. I love to eat and try new food, and quite adventurous about it. So whenever I go somewhere, I try to taste the local food and try to cook it in my own kitchen. My love for Indonesian food has also spurred my enthusiasm in la cucina.
So there I was, enjoying my time cooking and sharing our favorite recipes on my blog as well. And more or less, I learn about food photography as well! Truly an enjoyable package!

Jadi karena hobi makan masakan Indonesia dan suami plus anak-anak pun prefer makanan Indonesia, saya pun jadi semangat masak selama tinggal di luar negeri. Soalnya mau jajan bakso or siomay or pempek ngga bisa tunggu abangnya lewat di depan rumah kan. 
Dari semangat masak dan menyajikannya dengan manis di aneka koleksi dinnerware saya (asli aku koleksi piring lucu-lucu dan teman-temannya :)), rasanya sayang banget kalau ngga sekalian saya share aja di blog. Apalagi kita pun terpacu untuk foro hasil karya di dapur dengan cantik! So that's why I have posted so many recipes, mostly my favorite ones.

So, those are some of my favorite subjects when it comes to blogging.
What's yours?
Is your blog focusing on certain issue or have a clear niche or just like me, it has everything under the sun? Share with me yaaa.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World and Oh My Heartsie Girls

Time for a weekly round up from My Purple World!

It has been super busy indeed but we just love it!
After our trip to Lampung and exploring Tegal Mas Island, we went back to Jakarta for one Monday before having a little break on Tuesday for Maulud Nabi, or the celebration for the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

 Don't forget to see more photos of Tegal Island on WW: Tegal Mas Island in a glimpse

welcome to Tegal Mas

I also decided to join a 30-day-straight blogging challenge with Blogger Perempuan Network.
I sincerely hope I can handle my programs and schedule so that I can dutifully fulfill my obligation for this challenge. Semangaaaaat, especially to my dearest blogger perempuan or female blogger in Indonesia. We can do it!

So wish me luck and now, let's venture on our weekly link party with My Purple World and Oh My Heartsie Girls Weekly Linkup

OMHGWW Weekly Linkup

Welcome To Our Weekly Linkup!! Find Us On Instagram with Hashtag #omhgww Bloggers are some of the most Inspiring people we know and make our parties special!!! As you prepare for the coming holiday, We give Thanks for all we enjoy and wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank all for joining us! Linky Parties are an opportunity for us to feature other #Bloggers and #Blogwriters and for you to share what you have going on........your blogs! Oh My Heartsie Girl Weekly Linkup 

Please Keep Our Party Growing By Sharing! : Be Notified When This Party Starts Each Week⇒ Click Here You Can Unsubscribe Anytime: We Thank you!!
And Thank you for featuring our banner or a link somewhere on your blog!! :) But it is NOT mandatory. Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635

All Features Are Pinned Each Week-And Shared on Social Media!! Our party is on 3 blogs and reaches over 60,000 followers+ over all of our blogs and on social media!! 

Our Hostesses Share Our Party On Their Blogs~ Hope You Will Visit and Get To Know Them! Oh My Heartsie Girls WW HostessSusan B Mead Prayer-Moves-Mountains

 ♥Susan // Susan B. Mead Susan B Mead Prayer-Moves-Mountains Tw | Bl | Fb | In |Pin » Repin From OriginalLipstick YSL Rouge Pur Couture Pink Rhapsody

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Lipstick YSL Rouge Pur Couture Pink Rhapsody I had the opportunity to review a YSL Lipstick
Tw | Fb | Pin | In | IN » Repin From Original

Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Cherry Slice This is a recipe I have been making for over 30 years and just for Holidays-Delicious Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In » Repin From Original
Celebrating Everyday Life How to make an easy and pretty Thanksgiving centerpiece

Celebrating Everyday Life // How to make an easy and pretty Thanksgiving centerpiece Thanksgiving is this week, table settings are always the way to start DelightfulEMade Cheese-Grape-Pistachio-Truffles Made with just 3 ingredients

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World DelightfulEMade // Cheese-Grape-Pistachio-Truffles Made with just 3 ingredients The Kittchen Chicken Soup with Butternut Squash and Barley
Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World The Kittchen // Chicken Soup with Butternut Squash and Barley Learn the difference in the types of Barley to use in soups Comfort Spring Station Baked Lemon Chicken

Comfort Spring Station // Baked Lemon Chicken A delicious combination with green beans, potatoes seasoned with lemon Crystal and Comp 25 Desserts Perfect for Thanksgiving

Crystal and Comp // 25 Desserts Perfect for Thanksgiving Lots of new ideas for desserts just in time for the holidays!
  The Scrap Shoppe Grinch Hot Tea Mug with Free Cut File This is just one idea with SVG files to download for free

The Scrap Shoppe // Grinch Hot Tea Mug with Free Cut File This is just one idea with SVG files to download for Free Flamingo Toes Vintage Home Sewing Book Its a collection of 8 sewing projects lots of color and fun for a home sewing projects

Flamingo Toes // Vintage Home Sewing Book Its a collection of 8 sewing projects, lots of color and fun for a home sewing projects
Oh My Heartsie Girls Special Fashion Feature The StyleSafari Red And Blue Plaid Pencil Dress A simple pencil skirt dress with princess seams, raised neckline and elongated short sleeves

The StyleSafari // Red And Blue Plaid Pencil Dress A simple pencil skirt dress with princess seams, raised neckline and elongated short sleeves
Disclaimer for OMHGWW

 You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Garden Ideas, Tablescapes Outdoor Decor, Sewing Ideas, Scrapbooking, Paper Crafts, Reviews, Gardening, Favorite Recipes, Decorating Ideas and Crafts, Giveaways or Challenges and Blog Parties are Welcome!!
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And Thank you! But Now......Lets Party.....