Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Lime Crime Velvetines Wicked Review

Holaaaa, y'all.

Jadi juga saya (mencoba) membuat postingan review untuk lipstik andalan saya ini. 
Ceritanya  tahun ini saya juga mau jajaaal aah jadi blogger beauty (ala-alaaa). 
Naaaah, I'm not a beauty blogger, but I guess I am a beautiful blogger :) #mintadicubit.

However, it will certainly be super fun to review some of my favorite beauty products.
Apalagi kalau melihat koleksi produk kecantikan yang bisa buat suami melotot karena banyaknya ngalah-ngalahin pensil warna koleksi Bo et Obi hehehe.

But, bicara soal lipstik, or lippen, or gincu bibir, or whatever the name is, memang seru ya. Apalagi buat kita para perempuan yang mencintai keindahan, rajin dandan or simply ingin terlihat fresh. Saya saja, yang sempat menyangka (dan mengklaim) diri tomboy berat (seriously, mereka yang kenal saya SMP, SMA dan kuliah pasti setuju dengan klaim ini :p), ternyata jadi punya hobi baru. Koleksi dan mencoba aneka macam lipstik! 

Dan sebelum saya berpanjang lebar bicara sejarah lipstik dan teman-temannya #untukpostinganyangsatuitu, why don't we start the review, shall we :).

Sudah tau dong Lime Crime?
Of course.
With all its controversies and the phenomenon of lip stain - catat ya, lipstain, bukan lipstik, Lime Crime has certainly stolen people's attentions. Velvety-matte finish, 
Officially launched in 2012, the Velvetines collection has arrived with a big bang (it allegedly caused a website crush due to the overwhelming online orders :). 
And I instantly fall in love with Wicked, one of the original shades from this collection.

slightly dark but it's a lot lighter than this :)

Kenapa saya suka?
Here are a few reasons why I love this lipstain.

First, wicked is so me! Percaya ngga, saat ini saya punya lebih dari 2 lusin lipstik yang semuanya saya pakai bergantian, tapi wicked remains my favorite! Saat ini saya sudah memakai tube yang ketiga, alias sudah 3 kali beli hihi. So far, saya selalu membelinya di Urban Outfitters (dan hanya di outlet yang terletak di 34th st., Broadway, mind you :), outlet OU lainnya tidak ada di NYC), supaya bisa sambil lihat-lihat warna (dan produk) yang lain.

the shade on my skin

Second, lipstain is here to stay. Aweeeet, booo, even after some food and drink :). 
Biasanya dalam sehari saya hanya perlu 2 kali mengoleskan Lime Crime, pagi-pagi saat berangkat ke kantor dan sesudah makan siang sekitar pukul 2-3 siang. Itu pun hanya topping up, merapihkan bagian tengah bibir yang terhapus karena makanan (berminyak biasanya) atau minuman. Then it will stay until the rest of the day, even the next day if you don't clean it properly :p.

Third, it's relatively affordable compared to other lipstain of the same kind. Pasti tau dong kalau lipstain sejenis sekarang booming sekali, mulai dari Anastasia Beverly Hills sampai Kate Von D dan Bite.  Belum lagi homebrand seperti Sephora dan Ulta, misalnya, yang juga mengeluarkan line yang sama. Dibandrol dengan harga $20, sebelum pajak, shipping, handling dan lain-lain ya, tentu saja harganya kompetitif sekali. Hmmm.. Tapi saya dengar harganya lumayan juga kalau sudah sampai tanah air, karena nilai tukar yang lumayan tinggi plus biaya import dan harga kekinian hehehe.

tampilan Wicked di bibir saya :)..mantaaap kan merahnyaaa :)

Fourth, it suits my lips fine alias tidak membuat kering. Once you apply it, it will stay and you won't feel it. Really lightweight and for sure it gives you a matte finishFor this, sepertinya memang setiap orang akan memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda karena kelembaban bibir juga mempengaruhi. Saya sempat baca banyak juga yang menggunakan lip premier atau lip balm sebelum menggunakan lip stain yang satu ini. Alhamdulillaaah saya asyik-asyik aja dan hasilnya, kalau di upclose, seperti foto di atas :). Ada baiknya juga untuk mengoleskan lipbalm atau vaseline jelly setelah menggunakan lip stain ini atau setelah bibir dibersihkan jika memang bibir relatif kering. Jadi bibir kita pun bisa terjaga keseksiannya #eeeh.

Fifth, it's vegan and cruelty free. At least I'm sure that there's nothing suspicious being used in this favorite lip stain of mine. As I copied from their website:
"Lime Crime products are PETA verified vegan and Leaping Bunny certified cruelty free. Our products do 
not contain any animal-derived ingredients. As part of the Leaping Bunny pledge, our suppliers also certify that no animal testing is ever performed at any point in our supply chain."Jadi tidak perlu takut kalau lipstain ini menggunakan bahan aneh-aneh atau pun diujicobakan di binatang.

Sixth, kiss for free, no marks to worry about. Hahaha.. Setelah dipakai dan kering dengan  merata, lipstain yang satu ini memang tidak meninggalkan bekas :). Or istilah kerennya mah touch-proof :). But for this, jangan sembarangan cium yaaaa :).

And finally, I love the applicator. The brush comes in proper size and perfectly picks enough amount of color to be applied. 

the applicator

Aplikatornya menurut saya juara, karena pas dan tidak berlebihan berisi lipstain yang akan kita pakai dan jadinya tidak boros ataupun beleber #taukanartinya  berantakan. Saya pernah pakai lipstain lain yang aplikatornya agak lebih besar dan hasilnya jadi tidak rapi. A little tip on using this applicator, I always try from the inside part of the lips before carefully apply and shape it on the outer part of the lips, following the lip line. Saya selalu memakai lipstain dari sisi dalam bibir, baru ke arah luar dan merapikannya sesuai garis bibir kita. Dengan demikian lipstain pun bisa dipakai dengan rapi :).

So, that's my first review of Lime Crime here. 
Again, I have to underline that everything I wrote is based on my very own experience as well as opinion and it might surely differ from others. 
Mungkin kita bisa saling membandingkan pengalaman kita menggunakan produk kecantikan yang sama.

My wicked lips and I :)

Dan pastinya, masih banyak warna lain dari Lime Crime yang saya suka juga dan (semoga bisa) saya review juga.

So, wait for more and I'll be back :)

Beauty - Meet Kendall Jenner, the New Face of Estee Lauder

The freshest face of Estee Lauder for Modern Muse, Le Rogue 

smileeee :)

It was indeed my lucky day.
I met my lovely friends, went to Macy's, got to my favorite corner, Estee Lauder and found out that Kendall Jenner was in town. Well, in fact.. She was in Macy's, to promote the newest line in Estee Lauder's perfume, Modern Muse, Le Rogue.

And long story short, I bought the perfume, got one of the 120 special passes given to the Estee Lauder esteemed clients, and voilaaa...

wanna meet Kendall?

I personally have been an avid lover of Estee Lauder's products. And loving them ;). At least I have its compact powder, Kendall Jenner series' lipstick, Little Black Liner and the soft kohl pencil. 

some of my favorite lines :)

I have been a big fan particularly as Estee Lauder is one fo the companies fully supporting the Breast Cancer Awareness Raising campaign :). I can't wait to see what they have for the Pinktober and this year's breast cancer awareness raising campaign :). 
Way to go, Estee :)
photo is taken from

The event was taking place at the Macy's, on the 2nd floor. 
At the Herald Square Cafe to be exact.

Herald Square Cafe

And we were served rasberry-infused water. Supeeer yum and healthy as well. 

lining uuuup :)

So after the lining up, we took the picture, got the perfume bottle signed by her, smiled to the official cameraman from Macy's (we are not allowed to use our own camera and that's why I took picture of my official photo :)), and had a little chitchat with her ;). 
Kendall was very friendly and nice indeed..

Super excited, super happy..

I proudly wore my fuschia-and-teal Lombok tenun jacket that day, adorned with my favorite shade of True Liar from Kendall Jenner's shades lipstick from Estee Lauder.

Well, all in all.. Again, it was my lucky day..
Have you met somenone famous in a special event like that? ;)