Showing posts with label arisan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arisan. Show all posts

Dunia Penuh Imajinasi a la Mama Raffi


Imagine the world without it.
How dull would it be..

I have been wanting to visit Kate Spade open house pop up shop in NYC. 
You know Kate Spade, right. Very well known for her whimsical and edgy designs, Kate  is world wide famous for lines of colorful bags, dresses, shoes, and more. Including home accents and kitchenware. How I love 'em all.

pic was taken from
Don't  you just love them?
I love every single one of them :). Feels like grabbing them all.
And can't wait to check it out.

pic taken from

Being a colorful person myself, I can't help but enjoying all her joyful and creative designs while visiting the shop. But I haven't managed to do so as I'm traveling to Amman, Jordan for a meeting.

But such creative energy should not be missed. And I am super happy to find out that they extend the date for the open house pop sale.

And somehow, it all reminds me of one person, Echa

ini echaaaa :)

Kalau sudah bicara soal kreativitas, Echa memang jagonyaaa. Cara gampang untuk membuktikannya adalah mengintip blognya, Then you'll be blown away with her creative ideas, photos and more.

pic was taken from Echa's blog

Kita seringkali terbentur dengan ide yang begitu-begitu saja atau kesulitan mewujudkan satu karya yang membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga. Tapi di tangan seorang Suria Riza, atau Echa a.k.a mama Raffi, everything is possible. And even better.. Because she got a knack for new, out-of-the box ideas and innitiatives. Tidak heran kalau Echa langganan menang aneka kuis dan lomba blog yang hadiahnya pun aduhai. I really salute her for that.

But above all, Echa adalah seorang Ibu yang penuh dedikasi bagi keluarga kecilnya. Senang lihat Echa dengan semangatnya berbagi tips and tricks di dapur, bermain seru dengan Raffi maupun papi, plus tips dandan cantik. Inget Echa yang seru dan suaranya baguuus banget pas Srikandi Blogger KEB tahun 2014. Aaah jadikangen  kamu, Chaaa..

And last but not least, sama seperti saya, Echa adalah survivor kanker yang tidak pernah surut berusaha untuk sembuh dan hidup sehat. Meski sempat dilanda sakit, tapi Echa selalu bosa bangkit dan kembali berjuang. She is truly a fighter. And I admire her for that.

Again, coba lihat blognya yang pastinya banyak memberi inspirasi. Saya yakin, teman-teman pasti bisa menikmatinya seperti saya.

Saat saya menyelesaikan postingan ini, saya sedang meluruskan kaki yang telah menyusuri salah satu keajaiban dunia di belahan jazirah Arab, Petra, the Lost City.

Sejuta doa untukmu dan keluarga kecilmu Cha. Semoga Allah SWT selalu memberikan yang terbaik untukmu, papi dan Raffi. For always..

Fun at the Rink

Anybody here loves ice skating?
I bet some of you really enjoy it.
As for me, well... I think I really have to think twice :).

Ada yang gemar ber-iceskating di sini? Olahraga yang satu ini memang seru ya, dan pastinya tidak mudah, apalagi buat saya :). Di Jakarta iceskating pun cukup populer, karena arena iceskating memng tersedia di beberapa mall besar di ibukota.

Ice skating is certainly not my cup of tea.
Two wooden legs, weak knees and slippery ice are obviously not match made in heaven. Oh boy, I am just not built for this. Bring me the deepest part of the ocean and probably even shark-sighting, but not this rink of 'horror' hahahaha :).

However, we managed to go out and have fun with the kids and some friends with UN Hospitality program at the rink in Brookfield Place, NYC. 

Oh ya...we had fun. 
Lot's of laughters and some selfie, with a bit of falling here and there :). Which is indeed a pack-and-parcel when you learn iceskating.

Some enjoy it, some continue to struggle finding one's long lost balance or trying to get intimate with the skate. Like me, for example. :). I was fully struggling with almost everything for two full hours. So much for hours of watching ice-skating for beginners in YouTube hihi. 

Bo was enjoying it :)
But with Hudson River in the background and sunny sunshine under the Freedom Tower, it was indeed a lovely Saturday :). While I have no soft spot for ice skating, selfie and photo sessions are inevitable. And that's exactly what happened. One round trying to find my balance, a half round smiley face for photos.

Thanks for Udi for capturing all these happy faces :)


Dan entah kenapa, saya jadi ingat salah satu teman baik, Silviana Noerita. Mungkin semangat mencoba olahraga baru dan menjelajahi pojok kota yang lain yang membuat saya ingat pada Silvi  yang juga gemar menjelajahi banyak tempat baru dengan motornya. Gadis manis asal Kediri ini punya hobi yang sama denganku, traveling dan fotografi. Dan belum lama ini, dalam salah satu keseruan kuis berhadiah beauty products di grup ceria kami, Silvi bantuin aku banget dengan keahlian dan ketelitiannya menghitung. Oke banget pokoknya. Cocok jadi asisten pribadi niiiih Sil :). Sayang aku ngga punya foto berdua dengan Silvi deh. Nanti kita foto sambil main iceskating yaaa Sil. Cheers..

Do you like ice skating as well?
How long does it take for you to learn it?