Showing posts with label Tanjung Putus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tanjung Putus. Show all posts

#MyItchyFeet: up close and personal dengan nemo di Pulau Tanjung Putus,Lampung

"Apaaaa....kapalnya habis buat besok?
"Kok bisa Ai...Ya udah, kita book yang besar aja deh"

Sepenggal percakapan saya dengan adik saya, Ai, di satu malam, mengawali perjalanan seru kami ke Tanjung Putus.

Ya, Tanjung Putus...Pulau Tanjung Putus to be exact..
Sepenggal surga kecil yang terhampar di bumi Lampung, Indonesia, kampungku tercinta..

Sudah pernah dengar kan.. Kalau belum, coba di google deh heheee... Or baca postinganku yang ini :)


Setelah sebelumnya saya berbagi foto-foto tentang snorkeling di Pulau Lampung, now lemme introduce you further to this lovely island...

Dari namanya saja, kebayang ngg Tanjung Putus di mana? Pulau cantik ini memang terletak di salah satu sisi terluar teluk Lampung. Disebut putus karena memang sesudahnya tidak ada lagi pulau lain kecuali samudera biru yang melambai-melambai (dauuuun kali ;p )..

Well,  yang pasti, Tanjung Putus semakin populer saat ini karena banyak pecinta snorkeling atau pecinta pantai yang bersih yang datang kemari. Saya sendiri sempat 4 kali diving di sini...Sukaa banget dengan Pulau cantik ini yang masih relatif alami dan banyak nemonya alias clown fish :). Khusus untuk ini, Bo, my son, is the biggest fan :) lucu yang aslinya ngg bisa ditoel karena galak hehehe...

isn't it cuteee :D...

Ikan bendera juga banyaaak lhooo :D...ikan yang lumayan teritorial ini selalu menarik untuk difoto...kalau kita dekati, keliatan galaknya :D..

Setelah menempuh perjalanan kurang lebih 1 jam dari Tanjung Karang menuju Pelabuhan Ketapang, kami tiba di salah satu pelabuhan favorit dan paling ramai di Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung ini. Berhubung saat kami ke sana sedang libur panjang, pelabuhan yang biasanya damai walaupun panas ini jadi hiruk pikuk dengan orang-orang yang ingin berlibur.

Untungnya, kami sudah mem-book kapal semalam sebelumnya..kalau tidak, walhasil bisa manyun rombongan keluarga besarku :). Dengan bandrol Rp 1.300.000,- kapal besar yang bisa memuat 25 orang itu pun mengangkut kami dan barang-barang logistik, mulai dari air minum, cemilan, makanan lengkap hingga bantal, buku, kain pantai, dan peralatan snorkeling, menuju Pulau Tanjung Putus.

getting ready...
Oya, jangan lupa yang mau snorkeling, kalau belum punya peralatan sendiri, bisa disewa di pelabuhan Ketapang ini..harga sewanya Rp 50.000,- untuk pelampung, masker dan snorkel. Pastikan alatnya diperiksa yaaa..namanya juga sewaan, ada yang bagu tapi ada juga yang sudah ngg begitu baik..

Tidak kurang dari 1 jam 20 menit perjalanan yang kami lalui dengan kapal traditional bermodal 2 motor tempel. Perjalanan yang lumayan lama, tapi menyenangkan karena sekalian reuni keluarga dan mata pun dimanja dengan cantiknya langit, laut, dan pulau di sepanjang Teluk lampung.

Anak-anak pun menikmati....lengkap dengan perlengkapan perang mereka di laut nanti, mulai dari pelampung, google, baju renang dan sunscreen.

Karena perjalanan lumayan lama, banyak juga yang bobo dulu :)...

Amiraaa pun sudah siaaap...

For me, it's heavenly..

islands along the way...

Setelah akhirnya tiba di Pulau Tanjung Putus, hampir semua langsuuuung nyebuuur :D...

Pantai berpasir halus dan air yang bening sukses mengundang kami semua untuk berasyik masyuk di dalamnya. Matahari yang tinggi menyengat tidak mengurangi semangat kami foto-foto (di dalam dan di atas air), sekedar berendam, dan berenang di pulau cantik ini. 

Lihat saja gayanya adikku Ajay dan sepupuku Elmo yang asyik bersnorkeling riaaa :D...

Bahkan adik iparku yang belum pernah snorkeling sama sekali terlihat menikmati pengalaman pertama snorkelingnya yang seruuuu...


my hubby...

or my hubby, Udi, lil bro Ai, et cousin Indri who strolled around the beach to get another snorkeling spot...


And of course Bo...who lazily floated and got tanned here :))...

Snorkeling was indeed fuun fuuun fuuun as so many things to see and the water is perfectly clear!

D'you see that...clear turquoise water, powdery sand...

And here are more of my snorkeling photos for you to enjoy...all photos are taken by me :D...

si biru yaaag lucuuu..

pipe cuteeee...

seperti seragam penjara :D...

Ikan jarum yang berbaris rapi...

jajaran soft coral yang sehat...

kima yang the color!

All in all.....Our precious moments started from the minute we got into the boat until we returned to the jetty later that afternoon..

Tanjung Putus, hope to see you soon...

#MyItchyFeet : Back to Tanjung Putus island, Lampung...

And we're baaaaack....

Another trip to my hometown Lampung a couple weeks a go was truly awesomeee...

Together with ma petite famille, plus more petite famille from my big big family, as always, we decided to spent our Easter break in Lampung, exploring its beautiful beaches, exquisite culinary and more. 

Lampung indeed has a lot to offer...

We have visited Lampung so many times and you can check the stories here in my blog :)
Kampungku LAMPUNG _ Tanjung Putus
MyItchyFeet: Diving Trip to Tanjung Putus

and many moreee...

Buuut.... before we get to the details on our last visit, may I show some of the snorkeling photos I got while we were spending a lovely day in Tanjung Putus island? One hour boat ride was really paid off with the beauty bestowed upon our eyes as we snorkeled here....

Just imagine....

Strolling around the white sandy beach...

Just you....and your loved ones....

Swimming with the fish...big school of fish... 

in the blue sea...

some are neatly marching ....

And some colorful giant clams....

with one turquoise clam as my fave...

Then, I met this...lovely sea pipe fish...playing hide and seek with us...

All in was, again, a lovely experience...

Check out some more photos first...Here they areee....

the cute territorial fish :)...

healthy corals and my fave tiny blue fish...

some underwater scenes 

All photos were taken by me using Canon G15 and underwater housing Fantasea

#MyItchyFeet " Diving Trip to Tanjung Putus and Pagaran. Lampung, Indonesia

Again...I have to confess how I miss diving...
I dunno how many time I have said it again and again in my blog.
But that's exactly what I feel whenever I saw my underwater photos :D.
I certainly hope I don't sound like a broken record....

By the waaay.....It's been a while since my last trip and finally, during xmas break last 2013, I finally had a chance to join my friends and DM, Pak Sinek, to have another diving trip in my homeland...

This time, we started our journey in a relaxing mood. Itas 11 of us in total, including my DM. Usually, the trip starts at 7 am, but as everyone was in jolly xmas mood (although I didn't celebrate it :D), we arrived at 9 am at Ketapang Port, in Hanura, Lampung.
After packing, getting all the logistics and taking a few shots, we were good to go..yaaay...

Destination: Tanjung Putus and Pagaran spots.

It took around 40 minutes to go to Tanjung Putus. I have written our snorkeling and islands hop-on-hop-off day trip before (feel free to check it here, Kampungku Lampung - Tanjung Putus ), but his time we'll try the diving spot.

Pagaran is even a bit further than Tanjung Putus, almost heading to Balak Island or in Lampungnese, means Big Island.

After around 40 minutes ride on our boat, we arrived on the spot and swiftly getting ready...Don't wanna miss more time as it was precious!

I decided to use my new 'toys', Canon G15 with Fantasea underwater casing. Well, as this is my maiden voyage with this new camera, I was still struggling to get my hands on it. Most photos were either blurred or pale, or just simply blue :D..I used to have Canon D20, a point-and-shoot compact, which I loved soo much. But it was gone in Bali and I had this new baby from my last trip to NY. It was quite a bargain, as I bought them bundled with underwater flashlight as a bonus. Not bad :D!

First dive was so refreshing...after being out-of-deep-blue-sea for quite some times, I found my world again down here. Took a while to find my balance again, but it all felt like riding your bike, you'll never forget it :D.

So, down in Pagaran. we faced a deep wall with some weird 'boiling water spring' in around 10 metres deep. But the visibility was not that good, so I only managed to dive around and saw healthy corals here and there. 

my buddy near the wall at Pagaran...

Of course, there were so many fish, but I was struggling with my new handset and decided to let it go this time. Maybe I got luck on the second dive :D.

Balak Island, where we had our lunch :D...

Karena judulnya memang santai dan ngg ngoyo, jadi kami hanya sempat melakukan 2 dives, instead of 3..

Dan untuk makan siang, kami mampir ke Pulau Balak...Bahagianyaa...tidur-tiduran di pasir putih, sambil melihat langit biru yang luar biasa indah, dan mendengar suara ombak yang sayup-sayup...Syahdu!
Dan ini yang buat diving jadi nyandu...

underwater floral set...

One hour interval, we were ready to rumble again....This time, I asked my buddy's assistance on the camera settings. Well, apparently I got better luck this time...We started from the beach and headed to Tanjung Putus dock....better visibility this time, although I still have so 

Check out some of the patterns I found down there..Most of them are alive, and clapping :D...I was soooo fascinated by the groups of frond oysters flocking around the poles under the dock in Tanjung Putus. It was dominated by pale sandy color and red! I just loveeee them...

frond oysters, flocking on the dock's pole...captivating!

looks like a perfect set for an underwater pre-wed to me :D..
when you get near them, they are closed :D...

He prefers to stick around here I guess...

Then, we managed to go around the area...swam a bit further and simply enjoyed the surroundings. 

It felt so peaceful.... and my eyes! They feasted on the beauty of underwater world. Rich in colors and shapes ...I felt sooo grateful that God allows me to witness all this beauty!

Finally, I checked my oxygen thank and it was almost empty..
time to get up and call it a day, sadly...
On my last round, I managed to catch this....

On our way back, Allah SWT masih terus memanjakan kami dengan keindahan ciptaan-Nya. Semburat jingga menutup perjalanan kami kali ini. Subhanallah, luar biasa indahnya!

See you sooon.....

Well, I can never get enough of it...Semoga Tuhan YME berkenan memberikan kesempatan, kesehatan dan rezeki untuk terus menikmati dan mensyukuri nikmat keindahan ini....Amiiin..

Cheers from Lampung Bay.....