Showing posts with label Jogjakarta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jogjakarta. Show all posts

Turnamen Foto Perjalanan Ronde 54 : kabut

Perjalanan seru penuh cerita bersama Udi dan anak-anak beberapa waktu yang lalu menyusuri setapak demi setapak jalan tanah di Punthuk Setumbu, Magelang di pagi buta terbayar dengan pemandangan luar biasa...
Worth every breath we took over those steep and slippery hills :)

Overlooking Merapi and Merbabu Mountains and the majestic Borobudur temple from afar...Precious!

Foto ini diikutsertakan dalam Turnamen foto Perjalanan Ronde 54

Turnamen Foto Perjalanan Ronde 45 : Siluet...

I know, I know..

It is waaay over the deadline on July 27th, tapi saya kok keukeuuuh ingin meramaikan :)
Apalagi punya banyak stok foto dengan tema siluet yang diangkat untuk Turnamen Foto Perjalanan Ronde ke-45 oleh Yofangga - TheLostTraveler yang blog dan foto-fotonya asyiik banget :)..

So here are my entries (izin yaah sharing 2 foto :) )... taken from our memorable et enjoyable Jogja trip in 2013 ...

morning sunshine...:)..ready for an adventure today?...

purple sky @Prambanan Temple...

WW: Food for the Kings...

Bale Raos Restaurant, inside of the Royal Palace, Jogjakarta..

This set menu has been specifically prepared following the favorite dishes of 
the Javanese Kings, Queens and members of Royal Family:)

Enjoy :)

timlo soup...

roasted steamed rice with roasted duck in suwir-suwir inside, roasted prawns and vegetable sautee...

Join me on Wordless Wednesday...check the link down hereee yooo...

WW: Abdi Dalem, the Royal Palace, Jogjakarta

The Royal Palace, Jogjakarta, 2013

Abdi Dalem...

Serenanding the ancient verses rich in wisdom and lessons of life...

Join me on Wordless Wednesday...check the link down hereee