Showing posts with label Istanbul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Istanbul. Show all posts

A little note on Istanbul: Trails of Civilization #2 Blue Mosque (cntd)...

"Assalamualaikum, Sister...
You can put your shoes here...and enjoy Blue Mosque.."

Sapaan ramah itu membuatku tersenyum...pagi itu, saat transit dari Jenewa menuju Kairo, kami bertiga meniatkan diri mampir dan menikmati Istanbul...

Yuuup...Ceritanya masih berbagi serunya perjalanan kami ke Istanbul..

Swear, ngg bosan-bosannya saya mampir ke kota cantik ini...

 As I have said before in my previous posting (click here), salah satu landmark bersejarah dan paling banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan dan turis (termasuk kami :D) adalah Masjid Biru ini...

cantiknya blue mosque yang sudah ramai sejak pagi hari

Setelah cerita tentang Blue Mosque di sini, kok rasanya belum afdol karena ternyata masih punya banyak foto-foto masjid cantik ini..

Sultan Ahmet Mosque, or originally known as Sultan Ahmet Camii, dibangun saat masa kepemimpinan Sultan Ahmet I. Butuh sekitar 7 tahun untuk membangun masjid agung nan cantik dan megah ini, tepatnya dari tahun 1609 - 1616...Waktu yang relatif singkat untuk menyelesaikan rumah ibadah yang begitu sarat dengan dekorasi khas Turki yang cantiiik...

Sejak masuk dari sisi mana pun ke Masjid ini, kami pun dibuat kagum dengan keindahannya...

One of the many beautiful doors...

the facade near the courtyard...

Cantik karena keramik khas Turki menghiasi masjid megah yang memiliki satu kubah utama, 8 kubah kecil dan 6 minaret. Kalau tidak salah, tidak kurang dari 20.000 keramik buatan tangan dengan motif tulip serta motif khas Turki menghiasi hampir semua bagian dalam masjid...Dengan warna biru yang begitu mendominasi, tidak heran kalau orang mengenalnya masjid ini sebagai si Masjid Biru. Ke mana mata memandang,hamparan keramik biru benar-benar menyita perhatian dan mengundang decak kagum...

Belum lagi ratusan lampu yang tergantung indah di dalam masjid ini
Juga jendela-jendala dengan tinted glass juga sama cantiknya
Keindahan kaligrafi dan berbagai ayat suci Al-Quran juga memenuhi berbagai bagian masjid
Dan mihrabnya....masya Allah cantik...

Luar biasa memang...
Mengingatkan kita akan keagungan Sang Maha Pencipta
Yang menganugrahkan cita rasa dan keahlian seni maha tinggi pada umat-Nya
Untuk kembali digunakan untuk memuja-Nya...
Rasanya kerongkongan ini tercekat because of this sublime beauty dan tidak henti-hentinya memuja Sang Pencipta

Pokoknya, ngg puas-puaaas deh liatnya...
Alhamdulillah kami pun mendapat kesempatan untuk bisa sholat dan berdoa di dalamnya
Meskipun saya dan Bo terpisah dengan Rudi, yang juga tak henti-hentinya menikmati setiap details keindahan masjid ini


Well, Mudah-mudahan keindahan Masjid Sultan Ahmet ini bisa terefleksikan dalam foto-foto kami di bawah ini...

Selamat menikmati :D

DI bawah kubah utama...yang begitu cantik dengan dominasi keramik khas Turki berwarna biru

Selain keramik, jendela-jendela yang dipenuhi dengan mozaik indah juga membuat Masjid Sultan Ahmet begitu cantik diterangi sinar matahari alami..

Look at the colored windows..amazingly beautiful

One side of the main dome...

Under the main dome left me speechless...

To make it complete, chandeliers are put in place here and there...beautiful

intricated cables et lamps :D...

complete with its chandeliers...

Bagian luar masjid pun tak kalah bagus..


facade and minaret seen from inside...
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hmmmm...Bapak mana ya Boooo :D...

outside of the mosque...>

salah satu sisi luar Masjid...full of beautiful and spacious facade

Enam minaret Masjid kondang ini kabarnya tidak lazim dibangun sedemikian banyak, namun justru menambah keindahan dan keunikan Masjid Sultan Ahmet

Top of the minaret

one part of the secondary dome with details from the minaret

Kalau saja tidak perlu kembali ke bandara untuk pulang ke Jenewa, mungkin kami ngg keluar-keluar dari masjid ini :D

Till we meet again ....
Blue Mosque dilihat dari depan Hagia Sofia..never get enough of it :D

A little note on Istanbul: Trails of Civilization #Blue Mosque...

Istanbul, Istanbul, Istanbul...

Rasanya, kota yang satu ini memang tidak ada matinya...paling tidak, saya merasa ketagihan untuk datang dan datang lagi ke kota cantik ini...

Istanbul selalu digaungkan sebagai perpaduan harmonis antara Barat dan Timur, Asia dan Eropa...
Karena memang Istanbul memiliki sisi Eropa dan sisi Asia..

Kedua sisi ini memiliki keunikan dan daya tarik tersendiri....tidak heran kalau kota terbesar di Turki ini tidak pernah sepi dari pengunjung, termasuk kami :D...

Apalagi setelah browsing sana sini...tambah ngiler melihat kecantikan peninggalan arsitektur zaman Byzantium dan Ottoman yang memang luar biasa...yang buat panik adalah begituuuu banyak yang ingin dilihat, sementara waktu dan energi terbatas hiks... 

Blue Mosque, salah satu landmark kebanggaan Istanbul....

Kali pertama kami berkunjung ke Istanbul, it was meant to be a 9-hour transit :D ...Tujuan akhir kami saat itu adalah Mesir :D...

But again we enjoyed every part of this beautiful city... 

Together with Bo, who was extremely cooperative amidts long list of itinerary and cold weather, we stopped in Istanbul, city of it claims...

Indeed, magnificent remains of the past adorn the city which boosts to be the bridge between the East and the West..

Well, as 9-hour transit flew that fast, we planned our trip carefully, so as to ensure we've got a chance to see all the landmarks..

Seperti turis kebanyakan, kami pun langsung menuju pusat keramaian..

Apalagi kalau bukan Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia...

After a convenient trip from the airport, we chose to browse around the Blue Mosque and Aya Sofya Museum...

Stop at Sultan Ahmet, off we went out of the cozy tram and headed to Blue Mosque...Easy traveling from the airport really helped us out as well :D>. 20 minutes by train plus 20 minutes by tram et voilaaa...we're in the city...Just make sure you have Turkish Lira, get enough token for traveling with the train and tram. If I'm not mistaken, we need 1 token for train, 1 for tram one way from Airport to Sultanahmet.

As we arrived at 3 pm on a bright-20-degree-C day, it really was nice to stroll around the Sultanahmet area...but getting inside the Mosque and the Museum was a bit too late, the line was tooooo looong already... 

crowded already indeed...

Sultan Ahmet Mosque, atau dikenal sebagai Blue Mosque, memang sarat dengan sejarah...

Dibangun sejak tahun, desain Masjid ini memang luar biasa cantiknya. Saya suka sekali dengan kubah utama yang unik dan minaret yang begitu banyak. Apalagi minaret-minaret tersebut berbentuk unik, seperti pensil runcing. Terus terang, jarang-jarang saya melihat bentuk yang cantik seperti ini :D...sampai kami tiba di Kairo nantinya :p...

Blue Mosque....

Despite the long line, we managed to get in and see the beauty of it..


Saat masuk ke kompleks Masjid, kesan megah langsung tertangkap...langsung ingat akan kebesaran Allah SWT dan keagungan yang dipancarkan dari karya terbaik hamba-Nya. Entah hanya perasaan saya saja, tapi kok sepertinya sholat lebih khusuk di sini...mungkin karena perasaan overwhelming tadi...

The minaret...

Everybody loves fountain....
the door...

amazing details from the Blue Mosque...
from dusk till dawn....just luv the composition....

Selesai menikmati Blue Mosque (walaupun belum puas, hiks....), we continued our visit to another beautiful landmark...

Next, Hagia Sofia...

Hagia Sofia is indeed an amazing architecture, serving 916 years as church and 481 as mosque, now serves as the museum...

Again, it was a looong line already, so we couldn't get inside on our first visit..later, when I came back in 2012, I managed to devour every single details inside Hagia Sofia (I will share it later :D>...)

But then, we were soooo lucky that there was an exhibition on 1001 inventions (more like science and history) in front of Hagia Sofia. They offered 'an experience of a lifetime' by taking a turkish traditional tour on a crane (yes..a crane) and enjoy a bird eye's view of Hagia Sofia...

It was a-25-TL ticket to climb up a specially designed crane to see Istanbul from 25-m above while enjoying some traditional food and drink (plus souvenir too :D)...

And Udi, my hubby jumped into it, raised high above, enjoyed turkish coffee and cookies and took great pictures of Hagia Sofia...

Beautifully lit by nature..Hagia Sofia, seen from waaay above....

still on Hagia Sofia...

Not only Hagia Sofia...tapi juga kota Istanbul dan Laut Marmara..
Cantik...breathtaking view indeed...

One side of Istanbul...seen from above... 

One busy corner...with Marmara Sea as the background....

It took a while for us to study the map while stopping here and there making pictures...and Bo, who just woke up from a short nap on the plane, was not in his fully-cooperative attitude :D..ooow ooow...kita pun harus menyesuaikan acara keliling-keliling ini dengan abang Bo :D...

Well, we just managed to see that in our first trip..but I will explore and share more on the next chapter...

Stick around :D>..

Istanbul revisited - # Dolmabahce Palace...

On my 7th visit (I just realized that :D...) to Istanbul on my to Geneve last January, I managed to visit Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul...

One majestic palace, that is...

Claimed to be the biggest palace in Turkey, residing almost 15.000 m2, this relatively modern palace was constructed between 1843-56. Many Sultans had lived here..

Several choices of tour are available...
I took the Selamlik tour, or the administrative part of the Palace. It lasts around 45 minutes and you have to wait till the designated time with a guide, no individual tour, et no photos inside. If you're coming with your own tour guide et group, you'll get a priority.

In less than 1 hours, I saw a lot.The inside is really lovely, too bad we cant take pictures inside...

some are amazing while the rest need to be maintained. The heavily Turkish accent guide took us around.  We saw the secretariat's room, entrance hall, noble room, crystal staircase,  wood panels, noble floor, ambassadorial, waiting room, sultan's reception room, crown prince room, sultan's apartment, with ebony, mahagony, and walnut wooden floor panels , and of course french baccarat fireplace..

We also see the study room, library, and remarkable turkish hamam with carved marbles, and lovely, lovely view of the Marmara sea...I would loveee to spend sooo much time here :D

The best part is indeed the grand ceremony hall..with biggest chardeliers, weight around 4.5 tons, great carpet, huge pillars, and special balconies for jurnalists et musicians. Picture yourself dancing around the room...or maybe not dancing, just roaming around :D...

Btw, most of the information given by the  guide are printed in the, make sure you have one copy...

In one of the rooms we saw collections of big paintings,  dining sets in gold et silver! Crystals and many gem-tinted objects..
Vases, draperies and some other valuables are presented, but the  information on those  displayed objects are not always available.//

All in all....The interior  is amazing...the outside is also lovely...overlooking Marmara Sea..

The ticket price is quite costly, compared to others....

40TL for all parts (selamlik or official parts) and harem (Sultan et families' houses); 
30TL for selamlik, and 20TL for harem only..

Do come and enjoy the palace..especially of you have visited Topkapi; :D...

I really enjoy my historical visit to Istanbul...I really wish we can do the same in Indonesia, particularly Jakarta...