Nga Mihi, Aotearoa

 736 days.

Two years and 6 days.

That's the time when us, the Frakarsas, stayed in Aoteroa, New Zealand. 

The land of long, white clouds is really leaving some long-lasting, wonderful memories for the four of us. 

Saying hello from Aotearoa..

Back then in November 2021, arriving in the middle of COVID-19 and lock-down, we certainly had to go through certain procedures that required a lot of preparation and coordination. By the time we landed in this land of Kiwi, we knew it was going to be another unforgettable chapter for us.

Then came along the orange setting and all the adjustment as well as protocol we all have to go through during the pandemic. I remember we all are required to have a pass to actually go out and scan the QR code to 'log in' wherever we go, including to the office and public places. I have to say New Zealand came slightly later when it comes to the obligation to wear mask whenever you are at the public places, while many countries like Indonesia has implemented that policy for quite some times. Even with all the prudent measures taken, we still got infected by COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand. Well, I set the record of being positive with COVID-19 4 times,- twice in Indonesia and twice in New Zealand, together with Rudi and the kids. Not that I'm proud of it but looks like this is destined to be part of our journey here. Alhamdulillah everything went well and we all were in good condition with no further long term health concerns.

Well, back to our short journey in Aotearoa..

I say short because I am usually posted in countries longer than my designated assignments. Geneva and New York were the examples of that. Instead of 4 years,- my full terms, this time my family and I only stay for two years. Opportunity knocks and I was appointed as one of the new directors in my ministry. Originally, I was assigned until 2025 or even January 2026. But since the beginning of the procedures that I have to go through for this particular position, it has been a family decision. Well, we sat down with the kids and talk a lot about the decision and the implications if I got the job. And now, here we are.. back to Jakarta, Indonesia.

Cheers from the Frakarsas



  1. Sebuah pengalaman yang tidak semua orang bisa memiliki nya bisa tinggal dan menikmati keindahan pulau kiwi, hehe...
    Sehat selalu di sana Mbak Indah bersama keluarga
    Selalu ditunggu cerita menariknya

    1. terima kasih banyak. Sungguh pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan di tempat - tempat kami pernah tinggal

  2. Foto-fotonya cakep2 mba Indah..dan memang keindahan awan berarak sangat menonjol di semua foto ya.. Terima kasih sharing foto n cerita nya mba..ditunggu lanjutannya

    1. iyaa mba alhamdulillah... luar biasa memang kuasa-Nya yaaa

  3. Foto-foto di New Zealand cakep cakep banget, Mbak. Sehat-sehat ya untuk kita semua. Selalu suka postingan Mbak Indah tentang New York dan New Zealand.

    1. bangeet mba.. tak henti bersyukur pada-Nya karena diberi kesempatan untuk menikmatinya

  4. Entah 2025 ataupun 2026 bisa ke Jakarta lagi, semoga yang terbaik pastinya ya kak. Tentunya akan banyak kenangan di sana yang tak terlupakan pas balik lagi ke sini

  5. Jadi ingat tausiah AA gym yang menghadirkan Tantowi Yahya selaku Dubes selandia baru. Keren euy penanganan disana. Mba kena sampai 4 kali sungguh cobaan luar biasa.

  6. Selamat datang kembali di Indonesia, Mbak. Menjalani tugas baru di negeri sendiri.
    Senangnya bisa menjalani pekerjaan hasil keputusan bersama keluarga, ya, semoga menjadi berkah bagi keluarga Mbak Indah. Aamiin

  7. The happiness of kak Indah with her family.
    Everything is discussed together for all decisions and becomes an agreement which is certainly a shared happiness as well.

    Congratulation, kak Indah.
    Hopefully it will be happy for the new position.

  8. Setiap buka blog mba Indah,. Mata ini selalu kenyang melihat view yang begitu cantik di setiap tempat yang belum pernah saya kunjungi, serasa ikut dalam perjalanan mba jg kalau baca pengalamannya

  9. Mbak Indah, selamat kembali ke Indonesia dg amanah baru. Pingiiin ketemu Mbak Indah padahal rumah dekat yah, sekecamatan kayaknya (eh atau sekarang pindah?)
    NZ enggak gitu ketat pakai masker apa karena udara di sana masih bagus? Engga sepakat Jakarta juga kan. Tuh view-nya masya Allah cakepnyaaa!

  10. I hope you are loving being back in Jakarta!
    I just finished my second round with Covid, just this past week. Two times were terrible, I do not want to meet your number of 4! But like you say, I think this is our lives now and we have to learn to cope with it the best we can when we get infected.


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