Hello from Wellington |
Another week of lovely, balmy weather and I hope spring in Wellington stays beautiful like this.
Welcome back and how's everything? I know many of my friends in western hemisphere starts enjoying Fall or autumn with the changing color, foliage, pumpkin soup or spice latte, Halloween and more! one lovely painting at La Casa Bella Italia in Petone, Wellington
For us here in the southern hemisphere, spring is still in the air. I have been walking back and forth to the Royal Botanic Garden and the surrounding areas to enjoy the lovely sunny day. Not to forget strolling around the waterfront as well as Lambton Quay, where we have shops, cafes, and many interesting spots to visit. The sales are also tempting as well and I have to restrain myself from spending too much for unnecessary things that caught my attention. For sure, I have been enjoying the culinary experience in the City. This is certainly something that makes Wellington famous.
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a little brekky, everyone? |
Now it's time for another round of Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. I bet you will definitely enjoy the link parties with the amazing recipes, stories, tips and tricks and more.
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Some Italian favorite dishes here.. get more recipes in the link! |
We always have a great lineup and were happy to have you join us each week and hope you enjoy this weeks features to inspire you.. We have so many talented bloggers it is hard to to choose but we do our best each week, and if you need more Inspiration check out ⇒ Last Weeks Party #332 on 10/10 there were so many great blogs that visit us with great of Ideas.
Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers
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Diamond Jewellery: How To Choose The Right Pieces For You
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♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Wellington Royal Botanical Gardens
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♥ Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo
Halloween Cake Pops
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♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
It’s All About That Fall View
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♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting
25 Christmas Décor Ideas
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Emma // TheExtraOrdinariOnly
Personal Finances and Budgeting Project
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♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Declutter In Minutes // Room Reset – The Secret to Keeping a Clean House
♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo My Home Of All Seasons // DIY Lightup Witchy Centerpiece
Feature Chosen by Emma // TheExtraordinariOnly Filling The Jars // Perfect Gifts For The Minimalist In Your Life
♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World
Ann's Entitled Life // Candy Apple Pumpkins Recipe
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Claire Justine // Bake Halloween Cookies
♥Feature Chosen by Susan // Country Crafts
The Painted Apron // Slightly Spooky Halloween Table
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Chezmireille Fashion Travel Mom // September Thrifted Finds: Adding Interesting pieces to your closet
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Duhhhh, ngiler sama makanan Italiannya Mba Indah, pizzanya enak kayaknya tuh, jadi ngiler malam-malam dah :D
ReplyDeleteCuaca kayak gitu emang paling enak kulineran ya Mba, apalagi kalau pilihannya enak-enak :D
langitnya bersih banget mba, selalu suka sama foto2 mba Indah <3
ReplyDeleteAku paling suka kalau orang2 di luar negeri post foto autumn. Warnanya bagus kuning orange. Anyway, botol kecil dekat kopi itu tabasco atau sambal ya mbak? Buat cocolan apa? Maaf kalau keliru 😃
ReplyDeleteItu lukisannya bagus banget ya mbak. Aku juga tertarik banget pengen cobain resep nya. Apa lagi ada tips n trick nya 😍
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday dari Jakarta. Selamat menikmati spring di Wellington ya, Mbak Indah. Sehat selalu. Penasaran tampilan pumkin soup di sana sama gak yang sama yang di Jakarta?
ReplyDeleteWah iya Oktober dah mau habis waktunya perubahan2 musim ya mbak. Ada Halloween juga yang dinanti. Kmrn ke mall jg banyak dekor Halloween, kyknya di Indonesia Halloween mulai umum.
ReplyDeleteNyam nyam penasaran rasa Italian food di sana nih, kyknya menggoda selera foto2nya :D
Musim semi di Wellington terlihat hangat. Aku kayanya bakal lapar mata juga karena pasti banyak hal menarik. Harus tahan diri dan gak kalap ya, Mbak
ReplyDeleteKlo Spring tuh suasananya lebih kayak gimana sih, Mbak? Klo musim panas tuh Summer kan ya?
ReplyDeletewaahhhh, cantik pantainyaaa. Makasih ya mbak indah sudah diajak jalan-jalan plus kulineran. Berharap semoga aku bisa ke sini suatu saat nanti. aamiin
ReplyDeleteYa ampun lihat fotonya aku ngiler, memang makanan italy enak bangeeet. Aku suka pizzanya..nyummi, tipis dan toppingnya enak banget
ReplyDeleteEnjoy autumn mba. Di Jepang sudah mulai menguning dan memerah momijinya :)
ReplyDeleteWellington is surely packed with all great restaurants