WW: Shooting Exercise at Kaitoke Shooting Range, New Zealand

Welcome to Kaitoke Shooting Range

This time I will share something a bit different from my previous adventures.

Have you ever tried shooting exercise using pistol and shotgun?

Well, obviously I don’t support the irresponsible use of guns and its damaging impacts, but I had received casual trainings of shooting while joining the service for the first time back in 2002.

Fast forward 18 years later, I surprisingly get another change to try it again. One of the diplomatic missions in Wellington invited other diplomatic missions to join this shooting exercise under the guidance of Kaitoke Pistol Club registered members.

Following the health protocol as well as safety procedures, my son Bo and I joined others in this exercise. I have to admit we enjoyed it. Bo has tried air soft gun in Jakarta as well as paint ball before so he was excited to try the real one. I have checked with the instructor and they said he could join as the New Zealand youth club for it has been established.

We started the exercise with detailed briefing about the rules and procedures of using pistol as well as shotgun. Safety protocols were underlined as well so we all understood all the consequences. Fingers off the trigger before all is ready, making sure all is cleared before firing the target and many more instructions were explained to us. Then we all managed to try the pistols with 10 bullets twice, as well shotgun with 5 bullets once. We really learnt a lot that day.

I managed to hit many targets and so did my son. We learnt more about the techniques and how to ensure everything is safe as well. Bo was even offered to join the club and being trained by our instructor that day as he made good hit. Well, we'll see about that later.

the three of us, with the instructor

Here are some photos we took during that day. I actually have more videos taken and will share it in my YouTube channel.

The shotgun we used

the bullet shells we had after the exercise

all the participants took pictures together

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.


  1. Waah... keren mba. Seneng banget bisa nyoba menembak seperti itu. Saya juga pengen banget kalau ada kesempatan buat bisa latihan menembak ��

  2. Bo sudah bisa jadi partner mamanya ya dalam menembak ... selanjutnya, Bo jadi ikut klub menembak buat anak muda, Mbak?

    1. iya mbaaa... kita lagi pertimbangkan apakah Bo jadi join or ngga

  3. Wah..sepertinya seru ya mba latihan menembak, aku blm pernah nih. Apalagi di luar ring giti, tambah seru tentunya ya..

  4. wah latihan menembak ini tampaknya seru banget ya mama boo et obi. Meski ramai tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan ya... Great!!

  5. Wow, it's a great experience. It will be an exciting activity for Bo. It's nice to see you and your family having a great time in NZ.

  6. Latihan yang seru dan tidak semua orang punya kesempatan.
    Keren mba Indah dan Bo yang bisa mengenai sasaran tembak berkali-kali.
    Saya pernah mencoba dulu waktu diksarmil, nggak kena sasaran dan bahu rasanya mau copot saat peluru kosong lepas dr larasnya, hahaha.

  7. Wah seru banget ini bisa latihan menembak begini. Aku kepengen deh. Kayaknya asyik aja gitu nembek-nembak sasaran. Walopun pastinya, dalam kenyataannya susah kata yang udah nyoba. Btw, aku salfok dengan foto paling pertama. Kelihatan alam NZ ini. Jadi keingetan film-film yang ber-setting NZ. Alamnya masih bagus,

  8. ya ampun aku hanya bisa liaht orang menembak. Pengen juga dekat kantor ada tempat latihannya tapi belum pernah mencoba

  9. LIhat foto-fotonya, udah kebayang keseruannya. Btw, itu senjatanya berat yaa, Mba?

  10. Keren deh Mbak bisa nembak target tepat sasaran. Kalau di Bandar Lampung ntah di mana ya yang ada. Saya baru taunya tempat latihan memanah aja. Anak saya mau juga soalnya latihan memanah. Memanah dan menembak sama-sama perlu fokus dan ketenangan ya.

  11. Seru banget mbak latihan tembak2an hehe
    Aku jd keinget taman hiburan di Surabaya dulu yg skrng juga ada, ada mainan tembak2an, tp bedanya gak pakai peluru hehe
    Eh kalau anak2 minimal usia berapa boleh ikutan latihan ini mbak?

  12. Wah...banyak pengalaman menarik selama di sana ya, Mbak. Bagaimana hasilnya banyak yang sesuai target, Mbak? Bagaimana juga dengan Bo? Pasti dia senang ya

  13. Pengalaman yang seru banget, mam. Bo juga bisa ikutan, ya. happy banget pastiii.

  14. keren amat, klo di Jakarta shooting range di daerah senayan pemandangannya biasa aja, nah ini ya keren. Beda ya klo di NZ....hehehe, have fun mbak

  15. kalo aku lihat perempuan latihan menembak tuh kayak keren gitu, gagah dengan sisi kelembutannya. Salut buat mba Indah yang tepat sasaran, aku aja belum tentu bisa hehe

  16. Keren banget areanya, kak Indah.
    Wah...tantangan luar biasa kalau areanya agak berbatu gini yaa..
    Adrenalin pissaan..


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