WW: Dining at Noah's Barn Cafe, Bandung

Dining at Noah's Barn Cafe, Bandung

Lately I have many farewell parties (although I'd prefer to call it see-you-again-soon party) to attend. 

One of them is in Bandung, when my office had a big meeting there. We were dining at Noah's Barn Cafe, Bandung, and I really love the place. 

the meeting room.. but we choose the outdoor area

The place is super comfy and it does remind us of Noah's Ark, complete with various animals (well, their statues only of course, not the real one) as well as wooden accent that resembles the boat. 

I also love the fact that this place is spacious with a lot of open spaces and greeneries. They have meeting rooms as well as upstairs sofas and corners. The health protocol was observed as well.

The food is yum, although I though the service was a bit slow that day because it was quite full. Well, my group consists of around 20 people so we packed the place with our own. 

Wanna know what we ordered that day?

We booked for around 20 people and although it was raining, all of us came down here and enjoyed the evening together.

we ordered fried rice, mushroom soup, fried mushroom, cheese and spinach roll, ayam geprek or the spicy chicken and grilled ribs, pizzas, spaghetti, steak, ice cream, carrot cake and more. It was a lovely dinner for sure. 

fried rice, complete with satay and fried chicken

So, will you come by and try the food here at Noah's Barn Cafe, Bandung?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party


  1. I have never come to the bee farm before but I can imagine it must be wonderful to visit. That sibori bag looks nice!

  2. Oh my God, the path scenery is soo breath taking. It's gorgeous.
    Lampung identical with some of beautiful beaches. And now I know Lampung has another gorgeous place to visit like this bee farm, etc.

  3. Love the Place, so peaceful. Btw madunya dijual online-kah Mba? lengkap banget ya kemasannya dari yang kecil hingga besar.

  4. Waaaa seru banget perjalanannya Mba, mau donk kapan-kapan ke sana juga. Bawa keluarga biar makin asyik.

  5. Ulalaaa, seruu banget kalo ke sini ya Mba Indaahh
    Kebayang aku juga sukaaa madu, dan aneka turunannya
    kapan2 mauuukk ke Lampung ahh

  6. seru banget shiborinya mba Indah! pasti anak cewek happy yaa.. btw itu madunya gemes banget jadi super cantik dikemas kayak gitu, seneng lihatnya

  7. Wonderful experience mbak Insav!
    Ku kagum dengan cara mereka bikin shibori ini, keren keren apsti hasilnya dan bangga karena made in sendiri

  8. Glad to know you, Miss Purple. Love the ecoprints pattern, so natural and earthy. I've learned about shibori but it takes time to boil and make a good pattern combination.

  9. Molly sukaa banget ama postingan ini... kalo ke lampung lagi pengen jalan2 juga ke suhita bee farm sambil icip2 madu

  10. Kapan-kapan saya mau Mbak diajak ikut famtrip ini. Lampung itu unik banget buat saya. Terutama musiknya. Kadang suka bertanya-tanya kenapa ya nggak ada yang mengangkat musik Lampung ini ke kancah nasional atau internasional padahal enak banet didengarkan.

  11. Tau nih kapan ya Mb liburan juga, saya kalo jadi ada perjalanan dinas bukan depan. Aku sendiri sih, moga pandemi segera kelar deh

  12. Eating honey directly from the bee hive is such a fun ecperience ya mbak tapi kebayang deg2an ga si takut kena sengat hehehe... aku membayangkan madu yg fresh suuhh yumyy

  13. Cool, kak Indah..
    sibori artcraft bikin ketagihan berkarya seni yaa..
    Anak-anak juga bisa mengekspresikan seni dengan bebas dan bangga menggunakannya.

  14. pecel itu salah satu makanan favorit aku, dan aku jadi pengen makan pecel, suka banget aku sama sambal kacangnya.

  15. Wah senangnya bisa berkunjung ke Suhita Bee Farm. Saya kira di Lampung hanya main di laut aja mbak hehe ternyata sampai juga di farm peternakan lebah. Btw tasnya cantik banget mbak. Bisa jadi oleh-oleh juga ya, cantik.

  16. keren bikin kreasi di totebag. jd bagian kenagan tak terlupakan nih. mau deh main2 ke sana jg. sekalian liat proses pengambilan madu ah

  17. Bagus tuh pengembangan farmnya ya, dengan ditanami terus gitu bakalan memberikan supply bagi lebahnya dalam mencari makanan.

  18. Huaaah senangnya bisa langsung ke Bee Farm Suhita
    Madunya terkenal berkhasiat banget itu mama Bo
    Ah, jadi lupa mau nitip

  19. wah makan pecel beralas daun pisang, makin nikmat banget rasanya. Apalagi ditengah suasana yang masih hijau asri seperti ini

  20. Wah, saya jadi punya ide bikin tas sibori seperti ini. Bisa buat ganti-ganti. kebetulan dedaunan yang bagus untuk sibori sedang sangat melimpah dan punya 3 meter kain seperti ini....

  21. Wah suatu keberkahan luar biasa mbak Indah bisa menikmati madu asli langsung dari tempat peternakan lebahnya. Pasti nikmat dan menyehatkan.

  22. Makanannya bikin ngiler semua. Restonya adem banget ya konsep banyak tanaman

  23. suddenly I feel hungry after reading this blogpost. The food makes my mouth watering


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