A Visit to Suhita Bee Farm and Kahut Sigerbori Lampung |
One of our itinerary during Lampung Krakatau Festival 2021 and Lampung Familiarization Trip 2021 is visiting Suhita Bee Farm and learning more about Kahut Sigerbori Lampung and its famous eco print.
welcome to Suhita Bee Farm |
It was really an unforgettable journey and I went there with my daughter Obi as well as the participants of the Trip. We took the bus to head to Suhita Bee farm located in Batu Putu, Teluk Betung Utara, Bandar Lampung. It took us around 40 minutes from the hotel, but then another 10 - 15 minutes walk from the road to the actual bee farm. The walk was nice, as we enjoyed the surrounding areas with fresh air, clean river and beautiful wild flowers along the way.
We were warmly welcomed by the local communities there who run the bee farm. They welcomed us with beautiful Lampungnese dance. It was so lovely.
We had a quick lunch before having the briefing about the farm as well as trying sibori or the ecoprint. We were so excited to hear more about the place, the honey being produced as well as the environmentally friendly way of art works.
The lunch was super! We enjoyed pecel served in banana leaves with vegetable fritters, or bakwan, and fried tofu, or tahu goreng, fried tempe as well as peyek. More over, we also had steamed corn, cassava, banana, sweet potatoes and peanuts. Without further ado, we all rummaged the lunch packages. Everything was indeed delicious! Yummy!
It's great to get a chance to have lunch in such a lovely and peaceful ambience under the sun!
It is interesting to hear the story about this place on how the local communities were taking real actions to save the environment and keep the earth green and greener, while at the same time making economy - generating activities that will benefit the communities. All the surrounding greeneries prove to be the best homes and provide food for the bees as well. I got a chance to try the propolis directly from the bee hives as well the premium bees which costs IDR 1.7 million per kilogram. Super good, packed with all the benefits from honey, and for sure healthy!
Then we tried making sibori tote bag. Under the guidance It was super fun and very educative as well. Eco print is certainly another way to save the environment and love our earth by reducing the use of chemicals. Everybody enjoyed it, including my daughter Obi.
Obi and her sibori bag |
getting ready for our sibori session |
So first, we had the plain tote bag ready and the gavel that you use to smash the flowers and leaves to leave the print. We chose different leaves and flowers to adorn the bag. We put the leaves and flowers inside the bag and started smashing them until you see different colors and patterns. It turned out beautiful indeed.
Well, all in in, it has been an incredible experience for me and my daughter. I bet all the participants of Lampung Familiarization Trip 2021 enjoyed it so much. Once again, thank you Lampung, particularly the Tourism Board, for this opportunity.
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