Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

COVID - 19 Vaccination in Jakarta
Let's get vaccinated - photo from www.corona.jakarta.go.id

July is coming...

Half of 2021 is gone and I don't say we have lots of fun but we have a lot to be grateful for! Pandemic is still rampant but I sincerely hope all of us will stay safe and healthy. Even when many of our family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors are fighting COVID-19, I hope they have the strength to fight back and come back fit and healthy.

My Hubby has finally got the vaccine and he got the first shot of Coronavac, the one packed in Indonesia from Sinovac. He was doing fine after the shot, with no heavy symptoms or problems. Slightly light headed, he got rest and drank plenty of water. We are quite happy that he finally get the vaccine without waiting for too long. We used the link from the provincial government of Jakarta, the capital city where we live, and got the appointment at the nearby vaccine center. 

COVID - 19 Vaccination in Jakarta
We need to register ourselves for the vaccine

There is a public space being set up as vaccination center and you can either make an appointment online, which is highly recommended, or walk in from early morning before the quota of the day was all used up. The place is spacious and provides plenty of room for those who were waiting for their turn. we went to the Asthma center and consult with the specialist before my hubby can get a green light for the vaccine. With the recommendation letter, we came to the center and finally Udi, my hubby, got his first shot. We will have to get back to get the second one 1 month after. 

COVID - 19 Vaccination in Jakarta
Getting ready for the vaccine

Well, wishing you all healthy days ahead and now, let's join us on Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends!

welcome back and join us here!

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Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

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Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Upgrades To Your Bedroom for Better Sleep Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Wonderful Stay at Pullman Bandung Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Lemon Tablescape/Brunch With Besties/Cozy Lifestyle Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Gona's Reading Ranch: Free World of Fun and Imagination Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

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Feature Chosen by Suzan C White // Country crafting Junk Is My Life // Roll Top Desk Maleover Bow-Tie-Pasta-from-Lou-Lou-Girls.

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Lou Lou Girls // Bow Tie Sausage Pasta


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Life as a Leo Wife // Scarf and Yarn Patriotic Wreath or Table-Top Decoration 


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Master Pieces Of My Life // Patriotic Decor Inspiration Needle-Felting-for-beginners-needle-felted-eggs-in-nests

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Artful Homemaking // How to Needle Felt: Needle Felting for Beginners


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Thrifty 6 in BoHo Mama // The Thrifty 6 in Boho Mania Thrifted Styles


Flash Back Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Nancy C // Patriotic M & M's Cookie Bars


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  1. senangnya sudah vaksin ya mbak, aku belum niih sampe sekarang, soalnya kemungkinan lusa hubbyku oprasi jadi tadinya barengan aja setelah hubbyku selesai oprasi, baru mau daftar vaksin hehe

  2. Welcoming July, half of 2021 is gone, but the pandemic is still here. Alhamdulillah you've got vaccinated. wishing we all healthy days ahead and happy.

  3. Alhamdulillah ya mba udah dapet vaksin, tenang rasanya. aku nih belum.. waktu itu dah dapet jadwal sih dari kantor, tapi karena aku baru sembuh covid dan belum tiga bulan sembuh, jadi gak boleh ikutan vaksin.. huhu

  4. Alhamdulillah. Semoga semakin banyak yang divaksin ya. Kemarin Kakakku udah dapat dari tempat kerja. Minggu depan aku dan semoga lancar tanpa kendala

  5. Hang on, we have another half year. Semoga lebih baik. Alhamdulillah your hubby sdh vaksin. Kami tinggal si bungsu yg belum vaksin. Di Jogja kami harus jadi vaksin hunter krn akses terbatas akibat banyak syarat & antri on site. Semoga pemprov jogja bisa membuat solusi utk mempermudah akses spt DKI.

  6. Alhamdulillah saya pun sudah divaksinasi mbak, tinggal anak anak yag di bawah usia 18 tahun saja yang belum divaksinasi. semoga setelah ini vaksinasi akan merata juga kepada anak anak

  7. Saya sudah melewatkan beberapa kali jadwal vaksin karena kondisi badan pas lagi kurang baik. Sehat2 untuk mba Indah dan keluarga dalam beraktivas tetap 5 M.

  8. Wah senangnya udah vaksin. Selamt ya mba buat suaminya. Jadi pengen juga nih ngeagendain sy sm suami. Mdh2n ada yg nerima vaksin di daerah sy udh penuh smpe bulan september hhe

  9. Alhamdulillah suami saya juga sudah vaksin mba, saya juga pengen vaksin tapi nanti nunggu lahiran dulu. Semoga ya semakin banyak yang vaksin, bisa menekan lonjakan yang positif

  10. Alhamdulillah..
    Sudah mulai langkah pertama dengan vaksin pertama yaa...kak Indah.
    Semoga sehat-sehat selalu dan senantiasa diberikan kemudahan untuk vaksin berikutnya.

  11. Iya Mba semua sedang berjuang menghadapi pandemi ini .... Semoga kita sehat semuanya ya...:D

  12. Iya banyak yang sudah di vaksin. Mpo beluman nih. Kemarin gagal. Diabetes lagi tinggi . Tetap semangat jaga kesehatan

  13. Semoga kita semua dijauhkan dari penyakit Covid19. Bisa mengikuti anjuran pemeerintah dengan baik. Selalu memakai prokes yg lengkap dan vaksinasi. Bismillah, ikhtiyar yg tepar insyaAllah akan ada perlindungan dari-Nya. Amin. 😇

  14. Stay safe and healthy, Mbak Indah and Fam ��

    Suami saya alhamdulillāh sudah vaksinasi juga. Sama, dapatnya sinivac dan waktu itu nggak ada gejala2 macam-macam, cuma kerasa capek aja. Vaksin yang kedua pas lagi puasa pula.

    Kalau saya belum vaksin karena kondisi hamil. Mohon doanya semoga sehat dan aman, ya Mbak..

  15. alhamdulillah saya pun sudah vaksin mbaa.. tapi saya vaksinnya di Malang sementara saya asli surabaya. sampe bela2in ke kota lain biar dapat dengan cepat dan gak terkendala administrasi :D

  16. Semoga sehat selalu ya The Frakarsa dan semua warga Indonesia bisa kebagian vaksin agar lekas punya imun yang kuat. Alhamdulillah aku udah 2 kali nih vaksin, harus terus menjaga prokes agar pandemi ini segera berakhir.

  17. We're now having another round of lockdown again. The numbers keep rising.

    Stay safe, my friend.

  18. Sehat selalu ya, Mbak Indah sekeluarga. Ikut bersyukur sangat untuk penjagaan Tuhan yang luar biasa. Kami pun di sini sehat dan masih dalam tahap antri giliran vaksin. Ah, semoga program vaksin ini lancar dan bisa menjangkau semua penduduk ya

  19. Yeaay samaaan, saya juga habis vaksin dosis pertama pake Sinovac. Saya di Puskesmas rumah dan gak terlalu banyak antrian mbak. Semoga sehat-sehat terus untuk Mbak Indah sekeluarga

  20. I wish the young would get theirs. Some in their early 20s think they won't get it, if they do they have good immune systems. It's important to have everyone get it that's above the age of 12. My kids are now fully vaccinated.

    I don't get the politically driven aspects of not getting it. That's just crazy. Some republicans are really against getting it.


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