While enjoying your #stayathome #workfromhome #studyfromhome period, I took the liberty to dig up my external hard disk and boy.. I have tons of unpublished photos from my previous journey.
Well, I do miss traveling.
But for now, I fully enjoy staying at home because I know I'm saving my self, as well as the lives of my loved ones, my family and the community.
I cannot deny that I was quite frustrated to see, to read and to hear so many sad news here and there. I am trying to follow all the latest updates on the issue of COVID - 19, be it at home or abroad, and to do my best to contribute, by donating some fund to certain movements and platforms as well as to those around me who need assistance. Simple things like ordering food online, buying your fresh veggies from the traditional vendors who still need to go out and sell things to survive, giving free food and basic staples to those who need them, and staying at home as well as obeying the prevailing regulations will certainly help. So let's be kind and considerate. We all in this together and we all can fight it together.
Anyway, I randomly chose this Paris visit folder back in spring 2018.
Spring is here so I thought it's appropriate to celebrate it by publishing series of spring photos. In some place, spring is not only identical with blooming flowers, but also with rain.
I stayed for two days for meetings and I got a chance to see Paris in between.
Coming here for about 5 times, I never get bored (at all) with this City of Lights.
Even when rain came pouring down the whole day, I insisted to see its ageless beauty under the grey sky.
Here are some photos I took on that cloudy-then-rainy day.
I took the metro and sopped at Trocadero and walked at the surrounding areas. In the evening, we made a round-a-bout drive along the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed its blinding lights.
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Isn't she the prettiest? |
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Trocadero.. |
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In gold.. |
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cloud and rain did not stop people from flocking around |
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at dusk.. |
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I just didn't want to move.. |
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The metro is very handy |
And when the night came..
Tell me ... do you think Paris still looks glamorous even under the pouring rain
and gloomy sky?
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday by clicking HERE and enjoy the link party
I would still think Paris quite beautiful under a gloomy sky. We went when it was really hot out, but thankfully no rain. Thank you for sharing these pics. I truly miss traveling too, but as long as people keep sharing their travel snaps, we can still dream of our next adventure when these terrible days finally pass.
ReplyDeleteThanks Theresa...let's just hope all is well soon! Hugs and kisses for your lovely family
Deletewaaa paris, salah satu kota yag pengen banget aku kunjungi niiih, semoga suatu hari nati bisa punya kesempatan ke sana hehehe
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that spring is identical to rainy days.
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures of Eiffel. Hope to see it myself one day.
we all miss traveling, sooo bad..
ReplyDeleteYes! Paris always looks glamorous..
-Traveler Paruh Waktu
Keindahan paris akan membantu kita dalam menikmati betapa besar karunianya sampai bisa ke Paris.
ReplyDeleteWalaupun kondisi cuaca yang tidak bagus tapi bisa menghadirkan foto yang cabtik
Paris dengan segala keindahan dan keglamoran bikin saya berdecak kagum. Sebatas bisa melihat dari gambar atau layar. Jauh untuk mimpi bisa ke sana
ReplyDeleteEiffel tu emang romantis banget ya keliatannya :) btw aku suka lihat foto2nya mbak Indah, fotonya pake apa ya mbak bis bagus gitu hasilnya?
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah, foto-fotonya keren seperti biasa. Semoga makin banyak yang patuh pada seruan pemerintah untuk di rumah saja ya Mbak Indah supaya pandemi ini cepat berlalu.
ReplyDeletesaling menguatkan ya mbak di masa kaya gini jangan sampai frustasi. Sehat selalu buat mbak Indah yang lagi sibuk walaupun di rumah. Nanti virusnya hilang bisa keluar lagi ya
ReplyDeleteMbak Indah, kata teman-teman yang udah pernah ke Paris, di sana itu jorok apalagi subway-nya. Benarkah? Aku sendiri ingin ke Paris buat foto kece depan Eiffel. Udah trus ga tau lagi mau ngapain. Haha ...
ReplyDeleteHeheh so true mbaaa....rame, sumpek, dan subwaynya bau pesing plus banyak copet. Yah, resiko kota metropolitan yang dipenuhi banyak pendatang dan turis. Tapi tetap cantik dan unik mba. Nanti aku buatkan itinerary ngapain aja di Paris yaaa...aku pecinta museum, jadi hobby banget ke museum di sana yang asliii kereen banget!
DeletePARIS! Kota yg cantiiikk banget dan jadi bucket list aku.
ReplyDeleteSemoga setelah wabah corona ini berakhir, kita bisa traveling lagi ya
Sama mba. Rasanya sesak setiap baca berita tentang jumlah orang-orang terkena covid ini juga kesel ama orang-orang yang bandek keluyuran dengan alasan yang tidak begitu penting. Ah semoga covid ini segera berlalu ya mba dan segera ditemukan vaksinnya. Amin
ReplyDeleteSemoga suatu saat da kesempatan kesana, ada rejeki juga ya Allah. Indah banget yah kak disana, emang ini salah satu negara tujuan para pecinta mode juga yah
ReplyDeleteWow menara Eiffel saat malam hari terlihat cantik sekali. Berharap suatu saat bisa mengunjungi Paris bersama keluarga.
ReplyDeleteSemoga pandemi covid-19 ini segera berlalu ya Mama Bo, tetap jaga kesehatan. Semoga kita selalu berada dalam lindunganNya. amin.
Paris sepertinya selalu melambangkan romantis dan kemewahan, ya. Meskipun katanya sebetulnya gak begitu juga. Tetapi, tetap menarik sih melihat Paris dengan menara Eiffelnya
ReplyDeletecantiknya menara eifell :D pengen banget deh bisa kesana melihat langsung menara eifell ini, semoga ada rezekinya bisa kesana Aamiin hehe
ReplyDeleteCantik banget ya mba, cuma aku pas liat yutubnya Rans pas ke Paris blg di sana banyak copet benarkah? Ngeri amat yah berarti
ReplyDeleteIya tahu dari sharingnya para traveler begitu, tapi mungkin tergantung kitanya jg pas jd turis jangan tanpil terlalu mencolok kali ya hehe
DeleteNyimak di berita tipi td pagi Perancis salah satu negara yang juga banyak korban covid 19 di dunia ya mbak :(
ReplyDeleteKebayang skrng betapa sepinya sekitar menara eiffel. Semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir dan bisa ke sana lagi ya :D
Paris meskipun langitnya agak gloomy gitu tapi tetep cakeup ya :) semoga tahun depan bisa ke sana lagi ya, Mbak, aamiin.
ReplyDeleteAku pun rindu traveling, bahkan sebenarnya dari Maret kemarin sudah beberapa perjalanan yang kita batalkan. Tapi aku masih bersyukur untuk sekarang ini, masih bisa sama-sama dengan keluarga terus.
ReplyDeleteCitu of light ini emang romantis banget Mbak Indah. Keindahan klasiknya membetot jutaan hati wisatawan berkunjung ke tempat ini. Aku baru sekali ke sini. Dan kenangan yang digoreskan tempat ini sangat indah di sanubari ku. Walau jalan agak keluar dari Paris dikit, kenyataan tidak lah selalu romantis :)
ReplyDeletePARIS..... salah satu kota di dunia yang ingin aku kunjungi trus merasakan kenikmatan kopi dan croisant di cafe-cafe sana
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah, melihat perbedaan di foto ini dengan yang diberitakan di media sekarang perbedaan Paris makin terlihat banget. Sekarang sepi dan lengang.
ReplyDeleteCantik banget mbak!
ReplyDeleteParis memang terkenal dengan gedung2 megah yang menjulang ya! Pengen banget melihat langsung keindahan dan kemegahn kotanya di sana
Meski mendung, tetap menarik buat dilihat. Mungkin karena menaranya atau suasananya yang romantis
ReplyDeleteBeautiful shots - love the night ones especially.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/04/more-from-archives-duke-chapel.html
Foto-fotonya keren banget mbak Indah. Makin mupeng... Semoga takdir bisa membawaku ke Paris.
ReplyDeleteParis ini bagus banget ya mbak pemandangan dan semuanya ini keren banget pengen traveling kesana jadinya..kapan tapi
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Paris Even when rain came pouring down the whole day, I insisted to see its ageless beauty under the grey sky. When I go-tothere???
ReplyDeleteThe photos are very beautiful, Mbak Indah. Love it so much!
ReplyDeleteParis, always beautiful, when it is cloudy, sunny, and even at night. Always miss this City of Light. I hope to visit again someday!
MasyaAllah bagussss banget. Pengeb banget foto di siniii soon. Pernah poto di eiffel eiffelan gitu mamabo yang di tempat wisata xD
ReplyDeleteAkkk, cakep sekali Mbak. Fotonya pas banget komposisi warnanya. Btw, Eiffel kalau lagi ramai gitu bisa sampai padet nggak Mbak? Kalau foto-foto masih bisa dapet angle yang kece gini gak?
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah indah ya menara Eiffel di malam hari, biasa nonton di TV atau ada di postingan teman-teman, seru banget kalau bisa ke sana.
ReplyDeleteWow so wonderful. Although it was cloudy but the view still stand out. Wish I could go to see Eiffel Tower.
ReplyDeleteParis ini adalah salah satu kota yang ingin sekali kakak kunjungi dia sekarang mulai mengkoleksi beberapa barang-barang yang berkaitan dengan Paris anakku suka sekali berbicara tentang Paris
ReplyDeleteI miss traveling, Indah! We were supposed to depart for Italy on March 9th but the tour was cancelled. I hope this nightmare will end soon.
ReplyDeleteI love the lit up picture. I want to travel. Not a good time for it. I'll have to just look at photos online.
ReplyDeleteso do I was quite frustrated to see, to read and to hear so many sad news here and there about covid-19
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures of Paris...even on a cloudy day. And I commend you for giving and doing the right thing during this trying time. I have been sticking close to home too and working remotely since 3/11. Although I miss them, I have not touched my grands since then either. We face time but I miss the hugs. But I am doing the right thing. Take care of you and know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for sharing and co-hosting at #omhgww.