WW: St. George’s, the Capital City of Grenada

I know it’s a #throwback edition of my visit to Grenada, the Island of Spice as I made my journey there in 2017. 
But as I was just finishing the video of my little adventure down here (better late than never) brings me all those good memories back. And I have to say, St. George’s, the capital city of Grenada, has a lot to offer.

I stayed in Grenada for 4 days and most of them were filled with endless meetings.
Nevertheless, Grenada has been a wonderful host and we really got a chance to actually see the city.

had so much fun diving in Grenada..
So besides diving and Catamaran sail, I did visit Fort Frederick, the historical site of the country as well as the best spot to see the city from above.
Not to mention a little stroll we had in the local market.
As I have probably mentioned before, Indonesia and Grenada are closely related, as we both

The local choco from Grenada

Mini me and I way back then..
I was there for a UN meetings and in between, we managed to see the beauty of the lovely state in the West Indies of the Caribbean.
I was lucky to stay at the Radisson Hotel right by the Grand Anse Beach.
The hotel is lovely and I had the full view on sunset on the beach.  

Let's explore the beach..

Down town at the city, we strolled around the market and bought some souvenirs.
We went up hill to see the bird eyes' view of the St. George's.
I love it!

right in the middle of the city

The rainbow..

Here are some photos I took along the way.
Most of them were taken around Grand Anse beach, the famous white-sandy beach in the country, as well as downtown.

Getting ready for our diving trip

Let's sail..

Care for some souvenirs

Yummy salad..

Let's relax..

The Radisson Grenada Hotel

the rainbow over the St. George's

Feel free to check out my video at my YouTube channel as well.

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  1. It seems a lovely and peaceful city. I wonder relaxing on the sandy beach until sunset comes

  2. Pantainya kok asik banget sih mbak, bersih. Ini iklimnya tropis juga ya?

  3. Masyaallah, such a beautiful view! How lucky you are to have an opportunity to explore the world while doing your job :)

  4. MasyaAllah mba Indah, pantai, pasir, air, laut, dan langit Granada di foto-foto ini sungguh bening banget. Saya yg ngelihat merasa ikutan adem.

  5. Aduduuu..pantainya cakeeep euy. Sangat mengundang utk lelarian di pasir putihnya..hehe..

  6. Indah banget pantainya ya mba. Duh llat sendal jepitnya jadi mau ikutan main air deh 🙈😄

  7. I love the first shot! It would be wonderful to live by a beach!

  8. langsung terpukau sama pantai dan lautnya, sepertinya lingkunga disana bersih ya kak?

  9. Subhanallah. Indah banget. Kapan ya bisa kesana lihat langsung keindahan alamnya

  10. Pemandangan pantainya bikin aku pengen maen ke sana, mbak. Bagus banget dan bersih juga tempatnya :)

  11. Ahhh cantiknya Granada ya mbak, terkenal dengan pantainya yang biru. Sempat diving juga di sana, pasti pengalamannya seru. Jadi mupeng juga relaks sambil memandang laut lepas

  12. Grenada looks like heaven on earth. Beautiful and relaxing. I love those sandals!


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