Happy wedding, Pipit and Agus
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Pipit and Agus, the bride and the groom |
Last weekend, we celebrated the wonderful wedding of Pipit, my hubby's youngest sister, and Agus. We went back to Lampung and had a wonderful reunion with our big family and celebrating the unity of two beautiful families. I love it! It's been quite sometimes we didn't have family wedding and everyone got so excited.
Somehow, the wedding was dominated by purple and white, my favorite colors. The seserahan or mahar or the dowry, was also decorated in purple.
I just love them all!
the food corner.. |
for the groom and the bride |
Happy wedding.. |
My hubby and I took the chance to take some pictures as well.
It was really a wonderful day!
My hubby and I ... |
Akad nikah, or the signing of the marriage contract, was conducted solemnly.
Akad Nikah itself is the process when the physical marriage contract is signed, and it obviously includes and involves the bride and the groom, their parents or wali (legitimate guardian), designated witnesses, and penghulu or an officiant. During this ceremony, the officiant, usually represented by an Imam and other community leader, delivered a valuable message and recites parts of the Quran to remind us the beauty of marriage and how best to live together. Once this holy ritual was concluded, we had sungkeman, a tradition where bride and groom asked for forgiveness and approval from parents, the elderlies, brothers and sisters. It was usually filled with joyful tears and happiness. Very touchy.
the akad nikah.. |
the prayer after the akad nikah |
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cheers...the bride and the sisters |
The reception or walimah was conducted right after akad nikah. For this, Pipit the bride and Agus the groom wore traditional Lampungnese costumes, complete with Siger, - the headdress, kebaya and golden bebe or chest cover, Tapis - the hand-woven traditional fabrics adorned with gold threads (here she wore the Songket) and accessories like necklaces (yes, she wore many of them :)), bracelets, rings and even keris or traditional dagger for the groom. They look royal indeed! I love Lampungnese wedding.
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You look so pretty sis. The traditional wedding gown seems unique with a big veil or traditional scarf on the head
ReplyDeleteBarakallah, semoga pengantinnya menjadi keluarga sakinah, mawadah dan warahmah Aamiin
ReplyDeleteSelamat menempuh hidup baru buat pengantinnya. Dekornya kece banget pas warnanya, sweet. Trus ntu pengantin lamanya juga so sweet banget, kecee. Samawa juga buat mak Indan sama Mas Rudi.
ReplyDeleteWah Happy wedding day Pipit and Agus. Semoga sakinah, mawadah, dan warochmah. Coba maju 3 hari kan dapat tanggal cantik #eh hihihi
ReplyDeleteAduhaiii cantiknyaaaaa
ReplyDeleteSelalu sukaaa dgn dekor yg ungu2 gini Mbaaa
ELegant dan cantiik
Happy wedding, beautiful sekali pengantennya. Semoga jadi keluarga sakinnah, mawwadah, warrahmah..
ReplyDeleteBarakallah untuk Pipit dan Agus, mba. Semoga menjadi keluarga Samawa.
ReplyDeleteDekorasi nuansa ungu dan putihnya cantik.
Saya agak jarang melihat pernikahan dengan nuansa ungu. Ternyata bagus juga. Selamat untuk pernikahannya. Semoga langgeng selalu. Aamiin
ReplyDeleteWarna favorit pengantin sama dengan mba Indah ya, paduan warna yang cantik untuk pelaminan. Selamat buat adik ipar, semoga samawa dan bahagia selamanya
ReplyDeleteAku sibuk mengamati detil baju pengantin khas Lampung begini, kak Indah.
ReplyDeleteAmazing yaa..
Cantiik sekalii...
Alhamdulillah ikut bahagia ya mba Indah atas menikahnya mba Pipit dan mas Agus. Sakinah mawadah warahmah. Aamiin
ReplyDeleteCantiknya ... Semoga mbak Pipit dan mas Agus menjadi keluarga Sakinah Mawadah Warohmah ya. Saat Dewi datang ke acara pernikahan begini selalu deh rasanya makin sayang sama pasangan hidup, hehehhe
ReplyDeletewah, selamat untuk pipt dan agus, semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah, warohmah..
ReplyDeletebtw dekornya juga bagus, mbaa.. dominas ungu-ungu.. cantik..
Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk Pipit dan Agus, semoga menjadi keluarga yang berbahagia selalu.
ReplyDeleteIkut berbahagia ya, Mbak Indah
Oh, pernikahan adik iparnya Mbak Indah toh yang kemaren itu. Kok nuansanya pas banget ya sama Mbak Indah. Ungu-ungu cantiiik. Sakinah mawadah warahmah selamanya. :)
ReplyDeleteSemoga bahagia dan samara selalu ya mba untuk Pipit dan Agus. Senang sekali tentunya ya keluarga setelah lama tidak punya hajat pernikahan. Baju pengantinnya nih kece banget, ada siger dan tapisnya juga.
ReplyDeleteSelamat atas pernikahan adiknya ya, Mbak. Gado-gado pastinya karena bisa kumpul bareng keluarga besar juga. Baju adatnya kusuka
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding. Semoga berbahagia dan langgeng ya untuk pernikahan adiknya Mbak Indah. Gaun pengantinnya cantik, pengantin wanita juga.
ReplyDeleteSesaat aku kaget lho Mba. Itu gorden hijau dan cat temboknya persis di rumahku hihi. Barakallah untuk Mbak Pipit dan Mas Agus
ReplyDeleteSalfok akutuh sama riasan mbak Indah, jarang jarang liat mbak indah dandan yee kan.. itu riasan dimata cetar membaha banget mbak haha.. anyway happy weeding untuk mas agus dan mba pipit
ReplyDeleteWah, selamat berbahagia utk mba Pipit dan mas Agus. Barakallah. Seru ya mba bisa menyaksikan pernikahan dg adat masing2 daerah :)
ReplyDeleteFrom Paper Seedling: Thank you so much, Indah, for selecting my Cupcake Gatefold card to be featured this week. I am so honored! Smiles, Linda at Paper Seedlings
ReplyDeleteI love your pictures of the wedding, it looks so festive, what a lucky couple!
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting on #omhgww
Enjoy your week, stay safe and build your immune system (Vit C)