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Overlooking the amazing view of St. George's |
I'm in love with this country as it has so much in common with my beloved Indonesia.
One thing for sure, we both are the world's largest producers of nutmeg.
This golden spice really spurs up the economy and give this lovely country its fame.
And probably, on a bleaker side, also bring colonialism.
So, on the following day after my endless meetings in this island of spice, we decided to browse around the city. We rent the local taxi from the hotel and I traveled around with my dearest friend, Rie Kadota. We had 2 forts with amazing view from the top, local market and museums. St. George's itself has 4 forts on every corner of the city.
Here are some photos I took from Fort Frederick with its amazing vista and the surroundings. Hope you love it as much as I do!
Welcome to Fort Frederick |
It took us about 40 minutes to drive up here. Not because it's far but because of the traffic along those narrow yet cute alleys and road in the city. As we had stopped at the local market before heading here, we managed to eat fresh mangoes along the way. Super yuuum!
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clear blue sky! |
You can read a glimpse of its interesting history on the photo below.
Here are more photos from the surroundings of the fort.
I love the fresh yellow frangipani (that's the name of this type of flower, right?), the clear blue sky, fresh breeze, and relatively well-maintained architectures.
Don't |
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Perfect spot for a photo shoot :) |
the vast ocean in front of you.. |
Uniquely, this fort is not facing the sea but rather backwards.
The fort is facing the city, as the British had traumatic experience of being attacked by the French from inland, instead of the ocean. That's the reason why the canons are also facing the city.
And here's happy me posing on Fort Frederick, wearing my favorite t-shirt saying: I swear I'm a blogger :)
Meanwhile, have you managed to check out my video o YouTube about my trip to Grenada?
Here's a little sneak peak of what you can do in St. George's in a day.
Feel free to see the previous video on Grenada as well, particularly about the lovely Grand Anse Beach and the famous Catamaran sail we can also do in St. George's, Grenada.
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (click HERE) and enjoy the link party
very nice place, amazed with your pict sis....and the caption on t-shirt also, hehe. Hope one day I could reach there
ReplyDeleteWhuaaa kaosnya kereen dipake sama orang keren pulaaak.
ReplyDeleteSelalu memukau ceritanya, suka banget sama pemandangan langit dan awan2 yang ceraah, secerah senyumanmuuu Maak Eaaaa..
Tanpa pala masakan semur rasanya kurang afdol. Sampai-samapai minta sama tetangga sedikit. Pala mahal karena pohon mulai punah
ReplyDeleteThe view is breathtaking! I like the door. It looks like it leads to something magical!
ReplyDeletesalfok sama kaosnya, hehehe beli dimana mbak? btw nice view, nice shoot and keep smiling sis
ReplyDeletePasti banyak yg salfok ama kaosnya nih Mba Indah :)
ReplyDeleteAku mauuuu kapan2 main ke negara ini
What an interesting bit of history there.
ReplyDeleteI do love those little yellow flowers. It does look like it is lush with beautiful vegetation. I'm sure it's even more spectacular to see in person.
Ada cerita lanjutannya lagi gak kenapa French memilih menyerang melalui kota? Apakah karena Inggris memang sejak dulu katanya terkenal dengan kekuatan Angkatan Lautnya?
ReplyDeleteGrenada dan Granada ternyata kota yang berbeda ya, Mbak. Btw, bentengnya keren nih dan asyik kalau buat foto-foto
ReplyDeleteMbaaaa, kugagal fokus ama kaosnya, keceh beraaatt, pengen punya kaos lucu gitu dong hihihi.
ReplyDeleteBtw ini tempatnya keren banget viewnya, saya sering ke benteng di pulanu Buton, tapi masih lebih keren ini deh hihihi
Aku selalu suka ama benteng dan cerita-cerita sejarahnya. Menarik aja gitu.. Kalo lagi traveling ke suatu kota, dan di kota itu ada benteng bersejarah kayak gini, bisa dipastikan ga akan kulewatkan..
ReplyDeleteSuka lihat foto yang Fort Frederick. Bagus banget itu kayaknya foto di sana. Overall ya memang pemandangan seluruhnya bagus sih. Entah kapan bisa menginjakkan kaki Grenada. Makasi sudah berbagi keindahan berbagai tempat ya, Mbak Indah
ReplyDeleteBener-bener galfok sama kaosnya mbak, hihihi. Next semoga bisa ke Fort Frederick, pemandangan disana bagus banget. Makasih mbak Indah sudah menampilkan pemandangan di sana walau Dewi belum ke Grenada jadi tahu deh��
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah keren banget pemandangannya. Betah pastinya menghabiskan waktu di sini. Sekadar duduk memandangi awan berarak.
ReplyDeleteMbak aku punya loh kaos spt itu, hadiah lomba blog ala tempo dulu buat keakraban. Ah, life as a blogger was so simple. Tapi sekarang udah jelek karena karena cuci pake cuci pake. Btw, sepertinya iklim Grenada tropia atau lagi musim panas mbak? Cakep pemandangannyan.
ReplyDeleteWah, pemandangannya beneran indah mbaaaak, aku bakalan betah bengong dan merenung di sana deh hehehe. Aniwey, aku punya juga kaos itu hahaha
ReplyDeleteIndahnyaa pemandangnnya mba Indaah. Senang juga dapat kesempatan untuk bisa berkunjung ke negara seindah ini ya mbaa
ReplyDeleteBunga sepatu kan ya yang warna kuning itu mbak, mirip dengan di Indonesia ya. Alamnya cantik banget ya di Granada. Bakal krasan kalo bisa liburan di sana, aamiin
ReplyDeleteAku punya kaos blogger yg mirip mba Indah pakai tapi tangannya panjang hehe...jd salfok.sama kaos..xixixi
ReplyDeleteCakep banget, bisa lihat pemandangan aut lepas dari sana juga ya mbak Insav :D
ReplyDeleteBaru tahu mbak jd dulu Grenada dijajah oleh Perancis ya? Semoga kapan2 bisa mengunjungi Grenada jg :D
Fotonya sangat hidup. Seolah saya berada menyaksikan sendiri secara langsung. Pemandangan laut lepas bikin laparrr ingat ikan bakar kalau di pantai Cianjur Selatan mah
ReplyDeleteJadi iri deh liat foto-foto Mba Indah di St. George's, Grenada. Pengen ke sana juga jadinya. heheheh
ReplyDeletePemandangannya bagus-bagus ya, terutama di foto terakhir, ada pelanginya. Baguss bangeet! Jadi pengen beneran ada di sana, Mbak. Menikmati keindahan alamnya
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah indahnya ya dan cukup bersih juga. Btw mba Indah itu bajunya lucuuuuu beli dimana itu? Hehe.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like such a beautiful country!