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Once upon October near Mount Fiji, Japan |
October has touched its second week and here we go..
Jakarta has been very hot recently so that's why we really love the fact that it rained last night! It's about time. And frankly speaking, dry season, with hot temperature touching 39 degrees C or around 90 degree F is choking. I have been suffering from cough and cold for the last 3 weeks and I hated it. I developed sinusitis and had issued with blocked ears and nose. With my flying schedule, I really suffered. Good thing after intensive consultations with various specialists, I am feeling much better now.
Well, I spent some times in Geneve couple of weeks ago and if everything is on scheduled (including my US visa arrangement), I will be attending meetings at UN Headquarters in New York City. I hope it will work as planned.
As October is here, we will once again celebrate the Breast Cancer Awareness.
I will post more about what we need to know about breast cancer and how to fight it!
Shout out to all the fighters and survivors out there.
Let's continue our fight against breast cancer and all cancers in the world.
Meanwhile, stay healthy, everyone!
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Let's figh |
As October is here, we will once again celebrate the Breast Cancer Awareness.
I will post more about what we need to know about breast cancer and how to fight it!
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Pink warrior :) |
Shout out to all the fighters and survivors out there.
Let's continue our fight against breast cancer and all cancers in the world.
Meanwhile, stay healthy, everyone!
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To all the fighters and survivors |
Join us on our Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh MY Heartsie Girls and Friends. Great links are waiting indeed.
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the
previous week’s links and we are featuring 7 blogs on week #176!!
Looking for fall decorating ideas, crafts or gathering recipes for the Holidays we have features to share. And we'd love you to share your ideas and find new friends. We appreciate your visit today! Happy Fall!
We would love if you would post our Party Banner or this » Link « on your site for others to enjoy the party each week!
And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can Still See See Them Here» Last Week Features ❢:❢
We look forward to your recipes, reviews, DIY crafts, gardening hints, travel, beauty ideas, jewelry you make, paper crafts, your home, home ideas, and decor plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome!
And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source
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Hostess Features

♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
How to Easily Furnish Your New Home
Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Lovely Saturday at Gruyères, Switzerland Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center My Seasonal Home | Fall Home Tour 2019 Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Alice V // DIYerfy Spooktacular Giveaway! Twitter| Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Kaycee Mason How to Throw a Costume Party & a $60 Giveaway Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Fabbys Living // A Thanksgiving Table Spread Those little lanterns have a squirrel inside, to appreciate visit the link!
♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Lovely Saturday at Gruyères, Switzerland Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center My Seasonal Home | Fall Home Tour 2019 Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Alice V // DIYerfy Spooktacular Giveaway! Twitter| Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Kaycee Mason How to Throw a Costume Party & a $60 Giveaway Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Fabbys Living // A Thanksgiving Table Spread Those little lanterns have a squirrel inside, to appreciate visit the link!
Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Dabbling and Decorating // Vintage Tin Centerpiece The last of the fall flowers before I bring out the pumpkins
Feature Chosen by Kaycee D Mason // My Crafty Zoo Handmade Weekly // DIY Painted Fall Leaves Doormat If you love IKEA hacks as much as I do, check out Hannah's IKEA hacks page for more tutorials!
Feature Chosen by Alice V // DIYerfy Pots and Planes // 3 Days on the Island of Naxos, Greece authentic Greek island experience, a place where you wont be fighting your way through streets crowded with tourists, then this island is for you.
Feature Chosen by Suzan W // Country Crafting Decor Craft Design // DIY Fall Rustic Letters Upcycling By Using Cardboard
Feature Chosen by Clearisa C // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Kippia At Home // Fall Hoop Wreath Learn how to make an easy bow and a hoop wreath
Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Vanity and Me Style // Kicking off Autumn Syle with Woolovers Laurie always is stepping out in style and I love her sweater.
But Now......Lets Party...
Woot! Woot! To all the fighters and survivors out there, you are all heroes!
ReplyDeleteNih blogger kece traveling terus
ReplyDeleteSenang banget bisa terus nambah pengalaman. Terimakasih sudah dishare jadi saya berasa ikutan jalan di sana. Hehehe
Tetap sehat dan tetap semangat. Bulannya awareness kanker payudara. Semoga makin banyak yang tahu, makin banyak yang terhindar dari kanker.
ReplyDeleteSehat-sehat ya mbak...
ReplyDeleteSemoga nanti acara mengenai breast cancer nanti lancar dan bisa menginspirasi banyak orang.
Seruuuu banget Mba
ReplyDeleteSenaaangg dgn semua postingan mba Indah yg full energi positif!
Happy selalu ya mbaaa
aku selalu salut sama pejuang kanker, ujian yang berat tapi tetap dihadapi dengan positif dan optimis, semangat mba indah!
ReplyDeleteSehat-sehat ya bun :)
ReplyDeleteDisini juga banyak brand besar yang memperingati hari kanker payudara. semoga banyak nya event tersebut makin bikin wanita indonesia aware sama kesehatan dirinya :)
I'am amazed with all cheerful and optimism cancer survivor. Through a lot of pain ...still do positive n energic things to inspire the world
ReplyDeleteSemangat mba, dikau banyak sekali aktifitas, akupun survivor dan berusaha jaga pola makan sehat, mikir yang hepi-hepi aja.
ReplyDeleteWowee ini survivor yang sangat menginspirasi, salut banget sama perjuangan Mba Indah. sehat selalu Mba
ReplyDeleteSehat terus ya mbak Indah yang selalu semangat dan menginspirasi banyak orang. Saya berasa ikut jalan-jalan ke LN meski belum pernah kesana. Bukan hanya Jakarta, di Bali juga panas banget, bahkan disaat daerah lain hujan ditempat kami justru kering.
ReplyDeleteSurvivor yang selalu menginspirasi & gak segan untuk selalu berbagi dan menyemangati orang lain. Tetap semangat & ramah ya mbak aku sukaaaaa
ReplyDeleteWah iya ya, udah masuk ke bulan awareness kanker payudara. Semoga semua yang sedang kena pada sembuh. Sehat-sehat selalu. Semangaaaat! 😘
ReplyDeleteWaaaw dikau inspiratif sekali mbaa! Semoga sehat selalu ya dan terus berbagi keceriaan. Aku demen banget baca postingan halan-halanmu hehehe.
ReplyDeleteMba Indah keren banget sih, sehat dan semangat terus ya mba. Oh yaaa,, mba di FP Indonesia For Her2+ ada lomba blog mba mengenai kanker payudara, mungkin mba Indah bisa ikut sharing mengenai perjalanan mba Indah.
ReplyDeleteJakarta emang panasnya gak ada lawan katanya... benarkah?
ReplyDeleteSemoga rencananya tidak meleset dan diberi kesembuhan atas penyakitnya
Mampir ke blognya mama Bo itu nambah semangat, postingan nya cakep semua fotonya
ReplyDeleteMasa-masa sulit itu semoga bisa tetap membuat Mbak Indah tetap optimis dan bahagia. Allah sudah memberi ujian tetapi Mbak berhasil melauinya. Semoga kebaikan senantiasa menyertai hidup Mbak yang sangat menginspirasi.
ReplyDeletePeluk dari jauh dan tetap semangat menjalani hari sekaligus rasa syukur melimpah-ruah.
Semangat terus menginspirasi..semoga makin banyak yg sadar terhadap penyakit kanker payudara
ReplyDeleteSalut banget sama semangat yg dimiliki mba Indah dari dulu sampai sekarang ❤️
ReplyDeleteMenunggu banget nih tulisan2 lain tentang how to fight it
Sehat dan semangat terus ya Mam. Semoga para penyintas kanker payudara tetap semangat dalam berkarya dan bisa memotivasi para penderita yang lain.
ReplyDeleteSemangat, sehat dan terus berkarya ya mbak. Apalagi dalam kampanye kanker payudara dapat memberikan motivasi dan hal positif ke banyak orang.
ReplyDeleteSalut dengan aktivitas Mbak indah sebagai survivor ini. Benarbenar menginspirasi. Terutama semangatnya dalam mengkampanyekan kanker payudara yang peringatannya jatuh bulan Oktober ini.
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih sudah menginspirasi ya mba, jadi lebih aware dgn kampanye kanker ini. Sehat Sehat selalu ya mba
ReplyDeleteUndeniable fighter. Inspiring Dan touching banget mba. Melalui jalan yang ga mudah ya tapi you did it
ReplyDeleteSalutnya Mbak Indah tu super duper aktif, saya lihat poatingannya selalu berada di suatu tempat jauh dari Indonesia. Hahhaha.
ReplyDeleteSehat selalu ya Mbak.
To all the cancer fighters and survivors out there, we salute you! You are brave and you are doing great! Never, never give up! Stay strong and healthy! Happy new week ahead!
ReplyDeleteStay healthy mba...
ReplyDeletewahh..pemandangnnya indah bangett ituu gunungnya mbaaa
ReplyDeleteKeep raising breast cancer awareness, Indah. I will be 40 this year and need to schedule my fist mammogram. Early detection is key!
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