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Going back home to Lampung |
There is no single word can be directly translated to this particular term of heading back home for Lebaran Day.
In Indonesia, country with the biggest moslem population in the world, Lebaran Day or Idul Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan, is truly celebrated. People are taking their days off to go home to their family, mudik.
Wherever you live, you will try your best to go home to meet your parents and families, pay homage to your loved ones' graves, sharing joyous moments over delicious special food, cookies and cakes, as well as THR, a term we use for special allowance given to celebrate these momentous days. Kids lining up and get some money in colourful envelopes from their parents, aunts and uncles, and whoever would like to share some fortune. Zakat are paid and distributed to those who need it, holy Quran are read on daily basis along with taraweh and all the sholat jamaah. Kitchen will suddenly become the center of the universe, with pots and cooking pans are packed with rich-and-long-cooking staple such as rendang, opor, semur, sambel goreng ati, sayur ketupat and more, sending aromatic herbs and spices aroma all over the house. A lovely tradition that my family still hold dearly.
Such an addictive ambience I won't trade with anything else, whenever I can.
But before we can enjoy this embracing moments with family, first we have to mudik.
Go home.
Either by land, by air, by the sea, or the combination of those.
As everyone is doing the same time, you really have to get the time right.
Otherwise, you will be trapped in the middle of mudik inferno, where lines of lines of cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles are waiting for the ferry to take them to the other islands, or tons of passenger roaming around the air terminal, waiting for their mostly-delayed flights. This can be ugly.
It will be our first Lebaran day in Indonesia after almost 5 years.
Excited? For sure!
But of course, we don't want to be trapped in the chaotic mudik tradition which, no matter how good the Government is trying to manage, will always take place.
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The road was clear.. |
This time, I took my days off earlier and went back to Lampung with my family at the earliest time. We were privileged to have one holiday before the peak season of mudik started.
And we were lucky indeed.
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Lampung, here we come.. |
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Bridge the nations.. |
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The line is manageable |
The roads were relatively clear, we got lovely ferry (it means it's clean, not too crowded and smells good :)), and no traffic jam.
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Port Link, the ferry taking us to Lampung |
If we decided to go home on day later, we will spend at least 15 - 24 hours on the road, for the same destination!
And we got ferry with the view :)
So, that's a little story about our mudik.
Will certainly share more stories on our Lebaran day and the in-betweens.
What's your story?
Are you heading back home?
How do you go back home?
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the Link party.
So happy to see your ferry were clean and it looks beuatiful inside. Honestly, I never get a chance to try a ferry yet. :(
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm going to mudik to Klaten on Lebaran H+1. On Lebaran Day, we'll be in Cipinang, in my parent's home. And after thath, we're heading to Klaten by car. Hope it's not too crowded at the road. :)
Wah senang banget bisa Mudik dan menikmati perjalanan darat dari Jakarta ke Lampung ya mbak. Selamat Lebaran dan damai dihati serta salam dengan keluarga besar ya mbak. God bless
ReplyDeleteAku lebaran tahun ini dirumah aja mba, karena mertua yang dituakan, jadi open house dirumah di Depok, pengen deh ikutan mudik juga seperti mba indah, tapi kemana yak hehe.. kampung aku Jakarta.. sehat selalu ya mba, envy deh liat yang pada mudik
ReplyDeleteSaya mudiknya pulang pergi Mbak. Maklum hanya beda kecamatan saja. Jadi mudiknya berasa mau ke pasar saja hehehe. Anak saya malah mentang mentang lagi banyak saudara dia ajak sepupunya pakai sepeda motor mudik balik dan mudik lagi. Hehehe sehati bisa 4 kali kami mudik kalau ada kelupaan di rumah
ReplyDeleteHave a great time back home. I hope it's the best Lebaran day!
ReplyDeleteSedih deh kami gak mudik ke Lampung karena bapak ibu sudah di Jakarta sudah di Jakarta sekarang. Btw Port Link itu nama kapalnya ya, Indah? Bagus ya interior kabinnya, jadi pengen nyobain.
ReplyDeleteAku ndak ikutan mudik mbak, jaga gawang aja disini...selamat berLebaran ya mbak
ReplyDeleteWaah...kak Insav mudiknya seminggu sebelum hari-H.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah masih aman terkendali yaa, kak..
Aku sekali-kalinya naik kapal ferry, nyebrang dari Surabaya ke Madura.
Meskipun sudah ada jembatan Suramadu...tapi kangen juga merasakan nyeberang naik kapal.
Akhirnya lebaran di Indonesia lagi, gimana rasanya Mbak? Hepi pasti. Seru bisa mudik kaya orang2, naik kapal, pakai kendaraan pribadi
ReplyDeleteDear Mam, so excited to mudik again, escape to land of where you have more memories. I knowe about you in 2014, but I don't know anything of you. Now you and family can mudik, I was happy too.
ReplyDeleteOne way to you know back. Lampung is so beautyful.I greeting lebaran day, hope you and family will always be happily. Great day for you
Maaf tata bahasa saya kacau, hi hi. Coba bikin conversation.
Yang pasti saya senang bisa kenal Mbak Indah di sini.
Aku pernah ke Lampung sekali, punya saudara disana dan pernah ngerasain naik Ferry juga, tapi ferry nya gak sebagus ya mom posting ya. Apa karena waktu itu udh lama banget yaa.. apa ini beda ferry? Kaya kelas bisnis gitu? Hehehehe
ReplyDeleteDapat kapal ferry yg bagus, nih. Pasti nyaman banget perjalanan mudiknya. Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum...
ReplyDeleteSaya tuh diajak suami mudik ke Makassar naik kapal
ReplyDeleteTapi saya masih ragu karena 1 x 24 jam di atas kapal
Longue tempat menunggu keberangkatan ferrynya bagus banget ya mbak, bersih, tapi dan teratur, selamat berhari raya, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ❤️
ReplyDeleteSenang banget liat interior kabinnya... Aku blm pernah naik ferry jd pengen hahaha...
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah bisa mudik ke Lampung ya mba, menikmati perjalanan darat dan naik kapal feri jadi pengalaman yang mengasyikkan btw itu penampakan isi port linknya keren yah :)
ReplyDeleteBlm pernah ke Lampung naik kapal. Bagus ya kapalnya. Kendaraan jg tertata rapi. Selamat berlebaran mbak Indah. Sampai kapan di Lampungnya?
ReplyDeleteaku ngga pernah mudik mba.. kalau baca cerita mudik kayak gini jadi ikut senang membayangkan serunya di jalan dan ketemu dengan saudara-saudara di kota kesayangan :)
ReplyDeleteHuhu aku ga mudik tahun ini mba Indah soale kondisi papa ga memungkin kan juga. Btw aku pernah ke Lampung lho sekali jadi kangen snorkeling di Pahawang islandnya hehe.
ReplyDeleteAku tiga kali nyebrang ke Lampung, belum pernah pakai kapal ferry sebagus yang ditumpangi mba Indah. Hepi mudik ya, selamat ngumpul keluarga
ReplyDeleteGoing back home is the best feeling. Have a great time with your lovely family, mba Indah. Eid Mubarak! Happy mudik mbaaaa. Wish I could visit Lampung, it's a beautiful place, indeed.
ReplyDeleteMbak, kalau di negara lain ada tradisi mudik untuk Hari besar tertentu? Misalnya natal atau apa gitu? Selamat mudik, ya! Syukurlah gak macet banget karena mudik lebih awal
ReplyDeleteSome great photos of travel. I'm so happy that you got to be with your family back home!
ReplyDeleteThose ferry seats look super comfy! I hope you are enjoying your time back home!