Welcome to St. Goerge’s, Grenada
Visiting Grenada for your next holiday?
Sounds like a great plan!
This has been a long overdue post since I visited beautiful Greanda in May 2018. So before long, I know I should share more stories about this lovely country situated in the Caribbean.
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Happy me joining catamaran sail in St. George’s ♥️♥️ |
Blessed with amazing weather and long lines of white sandy beaches, lush jungle and waterfalls, mountains and more incredible natural landscape, Grenada has long been known as the Spice Island.
Grenada is indeed one of the world’s major sources for spices, like nutmeg, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon, as well as cocoa. Interestingly, Grenada originally has its nutmeg from my country, Indonesia is the world’s top producer of nutmeg and Grenada is number two. I guess it all happened during the colonial period, where Grenada was colonized by English. Indonesia was colonized by Dutch for more than 300 years but we had the presence of English for a brief period of time.
My morning stroll at Grand Anse Beach, Grenada |
I stayed in Radisson hotel at Grand Anse Beach and it was great!
Four days and five nights, we attended the meetings and enjoyed what St. George’s Grenada can offer.
Here are 5 cool things to do in St. George’s Grenada
Enjoying Grand Anse Beach
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Coming to Grenada and you don’t get a chance to enjoy the world-famous Grand Anse Beach? You gotta go back then :). Grand Anse beach has long been famous for its powdery white sand and turquoise water. Perfect beach weather all year long is a bonus!
Again I was so lucky as my room in Radisson was facing the beach and every morning, I swam and jogged along the beach! So enjoyable!
Diving and Snorkeling
My favorite activities here in Grenada!
On my first morning in Grenada, I signed up directly for a diving trip with Nature Spirit Grenada, the dive center located in my hotel, Radisson Grenada Resort Hotel.
I went to two spots, one is a ship wreck and the other one is packed with coral reef.
I recorded our 25-meeter deep ship wreck diving but I haven’t put it in my YouTube channel. i will.. hopefully soon
Thank you to our host country, the participants of the Seminar also got a chance to enjoy the Catamaran sailing. It is indeed a great experience!
Trying the Local Cuisine
Caribbean food is numero uno!
I just love them all, particularly the fresh seafood and their famous super duper hot chilli!
And for sure the nutmeg and all products using it are must try!
I dis try the nutmeg jelly, spread, bread, chocolate and nutmeg ice cream as well!
There is one soup I tried and loved but unfortunately I forget the name! dang.. I should have noted it down!
Don’t forget to try the chocolate as well! It’s delicious.
If you drink alcohol, Grenada’s rum is hard to beat!
I literally try everything :) |
Exploring the historical sites
There are many historical fortresses and building here in this beautiful city.
I went to Fort George and Fort Frederick and the view from above is absolutely stunning!
It is a very interesting mix of French and British occupation and for sure the stories about colonialism is always sad and bitter for the local people.
But the remnants of those dark eras are a great reminder for us all
Shopping in the Local Market
Let's shop! |
Such a vibrant ambience and I bought a lot of mangoes!
They are super duper sweet and yummy!
I also got my nutmeg supplies here and met many friendly locals.
The mangoes are super!
For sure there are so many other interesting things you can do in Grenada. These are some suggestions to start with.
I really wish I can stay longer to explore the other side of Grenada or indeed coming back to this beautiful country. Now that I have new best friends there, I feel like coming back here again.
Such a perfect view to enjoy the white sand and turqoise water in the same time. I do love it as well. 😍😍😍
ReplyDeleteIndeed! You will definitely love it ��
DeleteWah..tampaknya asyik ya ke Grenada..jadi pengen juga ..
ReplyDeleteGrenada... aku malah jadi inget sama Granada, lokasi shooting drama korea =))
ReplyDeletewah, bagus banget ya pemandangannya
Itu yang di Anse Beach fotonya tanaman apa ya mba? Bisa dimakan apa engga?
ReplyDeletethe view is awesome with that beautiful beach, i do love playing castle by sand, hope it someday can visit Grenada too
ReplyDeleteMba foto2 gedung bersejarah nggak disharw juga? Membayangkan lokasinya kayak asik nih. Apalagi ada pantai dengan laut yang biru
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah indahnya, itu kaya ada pelangi juga ya mba Indah? Duh pengen banget kesana. Btw itu buah apa mba namanya yang di foto?.
ReplyDeleteWah... grenada pantainya ternyata pasir putih yah mba, pasti sudah dipastikan jernih bnget itu klo sekedar snorkeling apalagi diving ������
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah, ga tau kapan bisa sampai ke sana. Tapi bermimpi suatu saat menjejakkan kaki ke sana.
ReplyDeleteDududuh, asyik-asyik ya yang bisa di lakuin di Grenada. Apalagi yang bagian belanjanya. Seruuuu! :D
ReplyDeleteaaaah ... mana foto ship wreck dan coral reef di Grenada? Kangen laut!
ReplyDeleteeh Indonesia penghasil nutmeg nomer 1 di dunia? Wow!
Tetep ya di mana pun mbak Indah traveling hobinya pasti tersalurkan untuk diving . Mana foto2 divingnya mbak bagus ya bawah lautnya Grenada?
ReplyDeleteCantiknya Granada. Trus cokelatnya unik ya, pake karung kecil itu bungkusnya.
ReplyDeleteThanks mba indah tambah list lagi negara yg dikunkungi,, indah bangt ya semoga bisa kesana dn melihat langsung
ReplyDeleteSebagai penyuka mangga aku langsung ngiler ngebayangin mangga nya mba indah hahaha. Enjoy banget disana ya mba
ReplyDeleteDari smua option aku tuh senengnya shopping di local market. Ayo kapan kita blusukan ke pasae mba hehe
ReplyDeleteCarribean Island mengingatkanku pada Pirrate of the carribean heheeh.. pantainya cakep banget mbaa, biru, tenang, dan syahdu (halaaah)
ReplyDeleteKaya apa mangoesnya Grenada, mba Inda?
ReplyDeletePemandangannya mashaAllah~
Indah sekali...
Mmmm.. so beautifull.. I thing grenada is my new wish lish destination hehe.. I hope "uang dan kesempatan" come so fast and grenada... I'am comingggg.... aamiin
ReplyDeletePenasaran di historical sites itu, pelabuhan2nya itu udah ada sejak lama gtukah mbak?
ReplyDeleteYg pasti pantainya emang bagus ya. Seru banget bisa jalan2 ke Grenada :D
Aku dulu ngiranya namanya Granada hehe
Seru ya mba In, seneng bisa tahu Grenada lewat mba Indah :) btw itu mangga Grenada gimana manisnya mba?hahaha di sini udah ga musim mangga lagi
ReplyDeleteWah, pantai pasur putihnya bagus pisan mba. Dah gitu nggak ramai. Kalau bisa liburan ke Grenada sama keluarga pasti seru nih. Anak2 bakalan suka main pasir pantai. Emak bpknya bisa nyobain snorkeling. Jadi pengin makan cokelatnya juga. Dr tasnya aja udah kelihatan unik.
ReplyDeleteLautnya warna birunya MasyaaAllah.
ReplyDeleteGrenada destinasi yang wajib jadi kunjungan ini hehehe makasih sudah mengajak plesiran ke Grenada lewat foto dan tulisan Mba Indah.
Sehat dan bahagia selalu mba Indah.
Sebagai penyuka pemandangan pantai, keindahan Grenada memang sangar mempesona ya, Mbak.
ReplyDeletePenasaran dengan buah kecil berwarna hijau, itu apa ya, Mbak?
Granada, namanya ada udah manggil-manggil begitu, hehehe.
ReplyDeleteKapan bisa ke sana ya, mimpi dulu deh
Masya Allah...cantik sekali nih daerah Caribean ya mam. Tempat yang bahkan dalam mimpi pun belum sanggup kubayangkan. Thanks lho sudah membawaku ke tempat2 itu melalui postinganmu Mam.
ReplyDeleteAku selalu hepi kalau berkunjung ke blog Mbak Indah. Karena blog ini itu ibarat peta digital. Peta plus-plus malah. Berasa ikut plesiran ke tempat yang Mbak Indah kunjungi. Semoga selalu diberi kesehatan dan rezeki yang melimpah ya, Mbak. Biar tetap selalu berbagi cerita jalan-jalannya ke negara-negara lainnya.
ReplyDeleteSaya selalu suka kalau melihat view pantai, laut dan pulau disekitarnya. Thanks to mbak Indah yang selalu menyajikan destinasi travel yang bikin kepingin bernagkat sekarang juga :-)
ReplyDeleteFrom the above, seems Grenada got a lot of things to offer...
ReplyDelete.. and just like the BEACH word it self stands...
Mama Bo, bedanya Cuisine sama Food apanya ya? Kadang saya lupa mau pakai kata Cuisine kalau nulis soal kulineran.
ReplyDeleteHand over that chocolate bag please. Ha! Looks so pretty there!
ReplyDeleteI would love to explore all that Grenada has to offer. Not only is it beautiful there, but as one who loves to cook, I would love to learn more about the spices and cuisine there.
ReplyDeleteGrenada saingan sama Indonesia ya
ReplyDeletekaya akan rempah-rempahnya juga
coklatnya pasti enak banget
duhhh dan selalu memesona foto-foto mbak insav ini
Grenada is now on my bucket list of places I want to go. Year round warm weather and chocolate?! That's enough for me to go. Happy to be co-hosing #OMHGWW with you again!
ReplyDeleteLove your post. Happy to be co-hosting #OMHGWW with you again!
ReplyDeleteHuahhhh, asik banget sudah sampai Grenada ya mba! Aku tunggu cerita lainnya hihihi
ReplyDeleteaku baru tahu kalau Grenada seindah itu :) mbak keren amat udah sampai kesana btw tasnya lucu, kalau jadi oleh-oleh pasti penerimanya senang sekali
ReplyDeleteMasha Allah mba, itu Grenada indah banget ya, dan banyak tempat yang bisa didatangi buat wisatawan juga
ReplyDeleteCantik banget semua view nya, paling bikin salfok adalah makanannya, bikin penasaran nih pengen cobain, pakisng suka icip2 nakananan yang rasanya beda banget sama di indonesia hehe
ReplyDeleteI love your blog sist, actually when you do a gorgeous travelling ❤ wish me next time can go there too 😍
ReplyDeleteseru banget loh mbak bisa travelling terus hihi jadi ikut seneng nih liat foto2 travellingnya . viewnya bagus-bagus banget jadi pengen kesana juga hihi
ReplyDeleteSenangnya bisa mencoba beragam rasa makanan ya mba dari berbagai negara. Aku udah lama nggak traveling nih
ReplyDeleteOh My! grenada such a beautiful place to visit! you're so lucky mba, the beach, the food looks delicious and tempting as well
ReplyDeleteIni gila sih. Fix pengen kesana. Liat poto poto nya bagus banget siih.. pengen ajak keluarga kesana sekalian liburan.
ReplyDeletecantik bangettttt:(((( aku inget sama granada di eropa wkwk tempatnya lucu banget. tapi aku jd penasaran sama historical sitesnya deh:(( aku suka banget tempat2 sejarah gitu
ReplyDeleteKe Pantai ama kulinerannya sepertinya wajib di coba hehe cantik banget pemandangannya ya kak, semoga bisa kesana segera~♡
ReplyDeletepengen banget ke sana. Pemandangannya cantik :D
ReplyDeleteAku liat Grenada ini ingat drama korea deh soalnya mereka ada syuting disana dan bagus.
ReplyDeleteShopping local marketnya menggiurkan nih mba, sama main2 di pantainya yang kelihatannya indah plus bersihhhh :)
ReplyDeleteMba Indah kalo traveling ini pasti selalu mengincar pantai yaa... Kalo deket pantai, memang kudu deh menikmati suasananya
ReplyDeleteIni asik banget sih mbak, ajak akuuuuu hahahaa auto ngiler tiap liat blog atau instagrammu mbak hehe.. btw coklatnya kayaknya enak tuh mbak
ReplyDeleteya ampun jadi pengen ke pantai di grenada sana, kayanya biru banget gitu seger liatnya.
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah tabarakallah jadi pengen ada disini juga nih mbak, semoga suatu saat nanti bisa berkunjung juga ke Granada Spanyol ini