Who loves reading books here?
I do!
And I try to make sure that my family loves them too.
I do have a big collection of books and I have to admit that I do bring them wherever we are moving. So you can imagine those boxes of books I have from places we’ve lived before. When we were in NYC, books were so easy to find and some of the are super cheap, as we can definitely but the second-hand or preloved ones. No wonder we brought back 10 big boxes of books to add to our collection.
And now, allow me to share 5 awesome books for your teens.
Being a mom of 2 teenagers (one is teenager-to-be actually), I’m trying to make sure that they have good quality reading materials at home. Let’s find out what’s on our list.
Harry Potter series
J.K Rowling’s fantastic works are definitely on top of the list!
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are three teenagers with out-of-this-world lifetime experience that makes you want to enroll to Hogward School of magic right away. We’re not the only ones being spellbound by their adventures as millions of people are joining the band.
I spent my university years reading the complete series of this book and I keep them all. From the Philosopher’s Stone to Deathly Hollow, I passionately read the stories page by page, trying to relive those scenes in my head, until the movies were out.
Now my kids develop the same habit or reading and bring Potter’s books here and there.
I have the complete collections in English, Bahasa Indonesia and the pictorial series now, although it is only up to the 3rd book, the Prisoner of Azkaban.
The kids enjoy the magical world filled with wizards, creatures and unthinkable imaginations! They also learn many good (and bad) attitudes as well as family values and determination from these books. Have fun exploring the other side and have a magical journey!
Percy Jackson series
Rick Riordan’s wild imagination about the life of demigods ,- that is the children of Gods and humans,- in Half-Blood (now you know why they name it like that) Camp is really fascinating. They do live like us humans and among us as well, but they get this bonus of attracting and engaging monsters (luckily we can not see them thanks to the ‘mist’) who are trying to destroy the world or simply being revengeful. So say hi to centaurs, satyr, nymphs, wind spirits, ghouls, cyclops and of course, the gods and goddesses! Not only that we learn about the names, the characters, the history and myths, as well as those interesting lives of Greek Gods and their complicated affairs (believe me, they ARE complicated), but we also learn about courage, friendship, leadership, perseverance, loyalty and good hearts.
We started reading this as the first book, the Lightning Thief, was listed in Bo’s reading list on the 6th Grade. They even had a special tour to the Met museum, especially the ancient Greek section, to find some artifacts and figures mentioned in the book. It was really fun! I guess starting from there we got hooked by Jackson and friends’ adventures. We now collect and all the complete series, with the final battle of the Last Olympian takes place in New York City!
Riordan has written so many interesting series including the continuation of Percy Jackson’s adventures with the Roman Gods, then another adventure with the Egyptian Gods. Really interesting!
Laura Ingalls series
How I grew up with Laura, Mary, Carry, Grace, Pa, Ma and Jack!
To those born around the same years as I do, Little House on the Prairie or Laura Ingalls Wilder series must ring a bell. Beautifully telling us the stories and adventures of the pioneering family in the early years of the US independence, Laura and her family shared some wonderful family values that they held dear despite the tough and harsh journey they have to go through as they moved around from the Big Woods to DeSmet, where they finally resided.
I wept with them when the whole family was sick and Mary ended up blind or when Charlotte, Laura’s doll was found wasted on the mud by some spoiled girl.
I shared the joy when Laura became a teacher at the very young age and when they diacovered a lovely swimming spot aby the Plum Creek.
And I was curious when they started making snow sugar or smoked beef from Pa’s game.
I also enjoyed reading the Farmer Boy, Laura’s dearest husband childhood story.
My kids showed similar fascination as I introduced that adventurous life of Laura and her family. I hope they managed to read the complete stories.
The Land of Stories series
Now this is another series you should not miss!
What a twisted plots of all those legendary and classic fairy tales we know since we were kids!
Chris Colfer is a darling genius!
Chris Colfer is a darling genius!
Remember him from Glee TV series?
Never thought he is a super talented writer as well.
Again we embarked on the journey of this series from Bo’s reading list in the 5th grade. Fascinated by the first book, the Wishing spell, we now have the complete series as well, up to the 6th book. And reading these series is super fun, as it completely changes our perspectives about all those traditional characters in the fairy tales. I don’t wanna spill the beans but apparently villains are not always that bad! So go get the book and prove it yourself ;).
Diary of the Wimpy Kids
I guess this book is famous enough, at least at the US, as I have seen many of the school students reading it at quite a young age. The adventures of Greg Heffley and his brothers, Rodrick and Manny, as well as his best friend, Rowley, are Hilarious. This book is more like an elementary student diary and I like the fact that Jeff Kinney, the author, put so many interesting sketches and hand writing notes in the book.
Bo et Obi enjoy all those mischievous adventures, but at the end of the day there will be good messages highlighted from all those events. I do enjoy reading it as well so we can diacuss further about the stories and what the kids learn from the stories afterwards. It was certainly a fun experience.
There are so many incredible books out there that you kids may or will definitely enjoy.
Those books will be great gifts as well!
Now...Tell us about your favorite book or books!
Those books will be great gifts as well!
Now...Tell us about your favorite book or books!
Hahaha aku jadi inget, baca Harry potter nya giliran pinjam dari teman. Mau ngumpulin pake uang sendiri uang jajannya ngepas :))
ReplyDeletekale dekeeet boleeeh lho pintem dari aku hehehe
DeleteI'm glad you didn't miss The Land of Stories series because surely it's a great reading! For teenagers, I think The Maze Runner series is also very recommended.
ReplyDeleteMy girls loved Harry Potter, Wimpy Kid, and Percy Jackson. I don't think they read the others, but they also liked Divergent and Hunger Games trilogies too.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned many of my boys' favorite series too!
ReplyDeleteSaya punya Laura Ingals..tapi ga lengkap sih...Harry Potter mah nonton filmnya aja kayanya ga kuat baca buku tebalnya :D
ReplyDeleteRekomendasi banget buku-bukunya, Mbak. Pernah baca sekali yang Harry Potter jaman belum nikah dan punya anak. Sekarang belum dicoba lagi membaca buku yang tebal tebal. Etapi, ini rekomendasi buku-bukunya oke Mbak. Sebentar lagi Faiz kan mulai tumbuh remaja.
ReplyDeleteharry potter nonton filmnya aja, kalo percy jakson ada satu ga kumplit :D
ReplyDeleteDari 5 ini saya hanya mengenal Laura Ingals dan Harry Potter, dan ya saya tumbuh besar bersama mereka. Selain itu buku2 Enid Blyton. Dulu hanya membaca di perpustakaan atau pinjam di penyewaan buku, sekarang sedang mencoba mengumpulkan buku-buku tersebut. Apalagi beberapa dicetak ulang.
ReplyDeleteAnak-anakku masih balita semuanya Mbak. Hihihi. Tapi semoga nanti saat mereka pra remaja bisa suka membaca juga kayak Bo and Obi ya
ReplyDeleteUdah lama gak baca buku #malu
ReplyDeleteAku juga belum pernah baca seri Harry Potter. Enggak tau kenapa kok kurang suka model sihir2 ran. Filmnya nonton 1-2 kali aja
Masa remajaku diisi dengan baca buku-buku harry potter dan percy jackson. Bener-bener masih lekat di ingatan dan jadi kenangan tersendiri.
ReplyDeleteDulu seneng baca series harry potter, sekarang udah laama ga baca seriesnya lagi. Jadi ingin lanjutin baca seriesnya
ReplyDeleteAsiiik banget memang baca buku novel fantasy begini...
ReplyDeleteAku jadi ingat jaman-jaman Harry Potter booming.
Sampai gak tidur, saking asiknya baca.
I do love the books.
But, i think in Indonesian language is better.
Wohh sampai 10box mbak. Banyak juga koleksinya 😍 padahal bukunya aku ada yg belum dibaca kwkwkk
ReplyDeleteAku pernah baca yg bukunya JK Rowling tapi versi bahasa Indonesia Mbak hehee
Aku juga suka harry potter... Tp belom pernah baca novelnya si.. Hanya nonton filmnya dari awal
ReplyDeleteAku langsung ingat film serinya mba Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House On The Prairie"
ReplyDeleteDulu nontonnya masih TV hitam putih, hihihi
... dan aku nonton bertahun-tahun.
Mulai Laura di SD sehingga menikah dengan suaminya Almanzo Wilder
Pasti buku-bukunya seru ya!
Harry Potter nih salah satu favoritku Mam. Tinggal kurang dua buku lagi yg belum masuk koleksi nih, buku nomer 2 dan 4. Little House in Prairie juga punya walau enggak lengkap.
ReplyDeleteAnaku masih balita hihi tapi rekomendasi buat anaku lg udah beranjak ABGeh ����
ReplyDeleteDari semua itu yang pernah kubaca cuma Harri Potter. Itu pun gak semua. Udah nonton filmnya sih.
ReplyDeleteYa ampuuun kayaknya kalau main ke rumah Mbak Indah itu surga banget buatku. Bisa baca buku apa aja sepuasnya. Haha.
ReplyDeleteDiary Wimpy Kids aku suka baca waktu SMA.
ReplyDeleteKalau ingat dulu, buku ini menceriakan hariku yang kebanyakan di kelas atau perpus.
Lama banget aku gak baca buku gini, jadi ingat jaman menikah aku dikasih buku Twiligt versi bahasa Inggris sama suamiku. Lengkap pulak bukunya, karen dulu suka banget sama Twilight.
ReplyDeleteDuh baca Harry Potter saja bagi saya butuh perjuangan luar biasa. Menarik banget sih, tapi saya bacanya juga lama bangeeeet. Biasanya baca novel2 ringan bisa habis sekali duduk, nah ini sampai berbulan2 baru kelar. Haha
ReplyDeleteSalam manis,
Buku-buku anak-anak di atas memang bagus-bagus nih untuk dibacain ke anak-anak. Kalau saya, sekarang lagi bacain buku siroh Nabi yang untuk anak-anak. Itu aja belum selesai-selesai hehe .
ReplyDeleteCuma tau bukunya Harry Potter aja, Mak, xixixi... Haduh, kurang banyak bacaan saya yaa..
ReplyDeleteMba Indah koleksiannya lengkap
ReplyDeleteaku belum pernah baca bukunya, sempat pinjam tapi nggak kelar
karena tebelnya wkaakak
aku tapi suka nonton filmnya