Indonesia is mourning after series of natural disasters that struck some parts of Indonesia, particularly Palu, Sigi, and Donggala in Central Sulawesi and Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara.
We once again witnessed the adverse impact of tsunami, land slides, and earthquakes which swiped Palu, Sigi and Donggala. Meanwhile, Lombok, which has been famously known for its incredible natural landscapes, had just endured earthquakes less than a month ago.
It was so sad to see how people lost their loved ones and all the materials they have gathered the whole life vanished in seconds. Let alone the infrastructures and public facilities that have been destroyed.
The Indonesian Government has provided the emergency responses and will continue to do so to ensure that those who need help are reached. We at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has deployed officials to help the emergency responses and also provided around Rp 300 million or approximately USD 20 million for the first batch donation. More are coming obviously and at this point, there are around 16 countries have pledged their help, support and assistance for Indonesia.
There are ways if you are willing to help Indonesia, including through Palang Merah Indonesia or Indonesian Red Cross ( ) or Badan National Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) or Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (
Let's work together, Indonesia!
Pray for Palu, Sigi, Donggala and Lombok and help us saving them!
Now, I have the privilege to welcome you to Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Hearties Girls and I. Have fun!
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♥Susan // Susan B. Mead
You Need To Incorporate-Videos
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Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Beautiful Sunrise in Havana Cuba
♥ Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
4 Ideas to Wear Religious Jewelry in Style
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Features Chosen by Hostess// Indah // My Purple World
All That's Jas// Oven-Baked-Bang-Bang-Shrimp-Bonefish-Grill-Copycat-Recipe 
Penny's Treasures // DIY Pear Stems For Fall
At $28.00 a stem Penny made her own by buying pears,
removing a few stems from foliage to attach to her arrangement, turned out perfect.

Delightfule Made // Pumpkin-Cream-Cheese-Breakfast-Braid-breakfast-braid-recipe
This pastry is made with store-bought crescent roll dough, layered with
pumpkin pie spiced cream cheese, and filled with pumpkin puree. 
Darice // Sunflower Mason Jar Craft
I love fun crafts made using Mason Jars, this is so
cleaver with a few paints, a pouncer sponge brush 
Five Spot Green Living // Vegetarian Casseroles
There are 20 vegetarian casserole recipes feature in her post.
Its getting that time of year for comfort food that is healthy. 
Busy Being Jennifer // Creating DIY Fall Gnomes
In different variations you could create a whole village of gnomes with Jennifers tutorial. 
Simply Stacie // Apple Cake With Butterscotch Sauce
I am seeing so many apple cake recipes with a caramel or butterscotch sauce, this looks amazing!! 
Coastal Bohemian // Artist Trading Cards
These little cards measure 2.5" x 3.5" and are great for trading
referred to ATC cards or for tucking into gifts and other cards. They are really fun to make and trade. 
GlueSticks // Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins
Anyone not like pumpkin, included in these chocolate chip
packed muffins, look delicious!! Visit and Watch the video!!

Kiku Corner // Vogue-V9167-Notch-Neck-Princess-Seam-Dress-8
Making clothes was something I did when my kids were young,
Patterns have changed, this dress pattern includes cups sizing. Meinhilde is a great seamstress. 
You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Garden Ideas, Tablescapes
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But Now......Lets Party.....
I pray for Indonesia. So many things on one time.Good luck.
ReplyDeleteThank you for choosing my shrimp recipe for your feature! Prayers for Indonesia. x
ReplyDeletePray for Palu, semoga semua segera berlalu.
ReplyDeleteKita doakan yang sudah mendahului kita, semoga amal mereka diterima dan ditempatkan ditempat terindahNYA, Aamiin.
Pray for Palu, Donggala, dan Sigi. Semoga Sulteng segera pulih kembali aamiin.
ReplyDeleteBtw daku salfok sm foto2 makanannya. Meluncur nyari hesteg itu ah..
Pray for Palu, Sigi, Donggala, Lombok, juga Situbondo, semoga warga di sana diberi kekuatan untuk bangkit dan berkarya kembali.
ReplyDeleteDan aku pun galfok sama Baked Bang bang shrimp yang terlihat yummy
ReplyDeleteGempa demi gempa menyusul Gempa Donggala.
Semoga segera berakhir dan kita bangkit lagi.
Do'a utk kota2 yg termena musubah dahsyat dan dan do'a buat mereka yg telah kehilangan harta dan tempat tinggal serta orang2 tercinta.
ReplyDeleteWe are all sad but we know kalo kesedihan tidak bisa menjadikan kota yang terkena gempa seperti sedia kala. So, kita harus bangkit dan bahu-membahu menolong saudara kita yang sedang kesusahan.
ReplyDeleteSemoga warga yang terkena musibah segera mendapat pertolongan dan kita semua selalu mendoakan untuk mereka
ReplyDeleteDengan banyaknya bencana, semoga Indonesia tetap bersatu
ReplyDeleteSemoga masyarakat indonesia bahu-membahu untuk menolong saudara yang alain aamiin
ReplyDeleteTurut berduka untuk saudara-saudara kita yang terkena musibah ini. Semoga mereka semua diberi kekuatan menghadapinya, amiin
ReplyDeleteDevastating :( Indonesia has been in my prayers. All of these natural disasters lately are so heartbreaking. Mother Nature needs to let up a little.
ReplyDeleteSemoga Allah memberikan kekuatan dan kesabaran lebih kepada Saudara2 kita yg terkena musibah..dan meringankan hati kita untuk saling membantu.. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteSemoga segera pulih kembali Indonesia meskipun memakan waktu lama utk recovery.
ReplyDeleteTurut berduka dengan bencana yang dialami oleh saudara-saudara kita. Semoga bisa segera pulih kembali dan bisa bangkit lagi.
ReplyDeleteBerdoa untuk kesembuhan Indonesia, semoga semua saudara saudara kita yg sedang diuji diberikan kesabaran. Semoga setelah ini Indonesia bisa semakin kuat dan bersatu. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteAku habis solat juga berdoa buat mereka dan kita semua agar selalu sehat dan tabah. Ya kita harus saling menguatkan supaya lekas bangkit
ReplyDeleteDoa terbaik untuk teman-teman di sana. Yang masih mencari keluarga, yang memperbaiki rumah, yang masih di pengungsian, dsb. Semoga lekas pulih.
ReplyDeletesedih sekali aku mba pas tahu kejadian ini. Apalagi pas di gempa palu, 5 teman kantorku sempat ga ada kabar selama 3 hari. Smoga kejadian gempa ini ga terjadi lagi ya. Amin
ReplyDeleteAku baru kali ini lihat semua warga Indonesia bersatu, saling membantu dengan cara mereka. Banyak Mbak di sini anak2 muda kreatif menggalang dana untuk saudara kita di Palu dan sekitarnya. Ah, smeoga kita tetap bersatu dan bukan hanya karena ada musibah seperti ini saja.
ReplyDeleteLihat peta Sulawesi makin teriris rasanya hati ini karena teringat bagaimana gempa dan lumpur membuat keluarga disana kehilangan harta benda.
ReplyDeleteYes, I feel very sad too, to hear the news. Oya, my son and I are currently raising funds for disaster victims in Lombok, Palu and Donggala, through the purchase of a children's story book, written by my son. Alhamdulillah, the first print are sold out. We are currently preparing the second print. :)
ReplyDeleteikut mendoakan saudara2 kita yang sedang tertimpa musibah semoga kembali pulih
ReplyDeleteLet's pray for Palu.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget to helping them with the real action.
Not judge with something useless more and more...
It's hurt...
Semoga Palu segera pulih kembali. Dan indonesia menjadi lebih kuat
ReplyDeleteturut berduka cita untuk semua saudara kita yang ada di palu, sigi dan donggala.. semoga kondisinya segera pulih kembali.. meskipun meninggalkan trauma, tapi semoga bisa optimis lagi membangun semua dari awal T.T
ReplyDeleteSemoga Palu, Sigi, Donggala dan segenap daerah bencana segera pulih dan kembali normal seperti atau bahkan lebih baik dari keadaan semula ya, mba...
ReplyDeleteSemoga juga pemerintah bisa menjadikan Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki mitigasi terbaik seperti layaknya Chile dan Jepang.
Semoga warga yang terkena musibah segera mendapat pertolongan dan semoga segera pulih. Aamiin
ReplyDeletewe are with PALU KUAT PALU BANGKIT
ReplyDeletesemoga duka mereka di sana bisa lebih ringan dengan perhatian2 kita sekecil apapun itu
Pray for Palu, Sigi dan Donggala ya. Semoga Indonesia kian kuat menghadapi bencan
ReplyDeleteI thought about you with all that happening. I saw it on the world news. In the US we need to have more of world news to see! Peace be to you during this time.
ReplyDeleteWe got so much help in Lombok, one of which was thanks to the help of cool writings on cool blogs like this. As residents of Lombok, we express our deepest gratitude