Under the Blue Sky

Going back to New York City is wonderful.
Although I spend most of my time at the UN Headquarters and my previous office, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations, I was blessed to be able to breath its fresh (and cold) air and enjoy the clear blue.
Well, although technically it's Fall, but the weather has dropped to single digit Celsius when I'm here. 
Looks like my plan to escape Jakarta's soaring heat works really well. 
Too well, as a matter of fact :)
It's not that easy to adjust from 39 degrees Celsius or 110 degree Fahrenheit to just 8 degree Celsius or 48 degree Fahrenheit, in just a week!

Mini me and I before the meeting 

Here are a few snaps that I took in between my meetings.
And tell you what...no matter how many photos I have taken (perhaps thousands of them), I can never get enough of the beauty of the sky.
Those clouds... never fail to amaze me!
Do you like watching the sky as well?

Mini me and I have been working too hard :)

one fine day..

UN Headquarters

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the beautiful sky from all over the world


  1. Jernih sekali awannya, kalau disana itu gimana suhu udaranya. Kalau disini pastinya sudah panas menyengat.

    1. Sekarang lagi dingin maaas di NYC..jadi single digit malah..sekitar 8 - 10 derajat Celcius

  2. I bet it was good to see some of the people you worked with!

    I love the mini you always. It's fun to see her in photos.

    I wonder who the next UN Ambassador will be?

  3. Topinyaaa manaaaa?
    Selalu sukaa kalau liat langit biru dengan awan putih. Berasa damai banget ya mam.

  4. Aku suka sama anak2 memandangi langit sambil menebak hari ini awan apa yang lewat. Karena kamoli suka membaca tentang macam2 bentuk awan. Dan foto terakhir itu yang awan nya seperti disapu namanya awan sirus.

  5. Yes, Mbak Indah.. I really like to see the sky both during the day and at night. Both are beautiful ��

  6. Dingin tapi cerah yaaa
    Di beberapa daerah Indonesia panas meningkat. Kadang mendung

  7. A beautifull sky! Meskipun single digit tapi semoga tetap fit ya Mbak Indah. Proud of you :)

  8. Sepertinya saya tidak cocok di suhu 110 derajat mba, secara saya tidak kuat dingin

  9. Me too.
    I never get tired of the blue sky, mba.

    I thank GOD 'for a blue true dream of sky' when marvelling upon the blue sky.

    For it is true somehow.
    It is truth.

    This is how the world suppose to be; this is how the life should be, bright and cheery, and big and vast and beautiful and ever - unfolding and beaming and bursting- this is the truth!

  10. kalo di daerahku, saat awannya terlihat seperti di foto, cuaca dipastikan panas banget.

    Sehat selalu, Mba Indah :)

  11. selalu suka dengan langit, awan, apalagi cerah gitu ya Mbak.
    dan pastinya ada rasa bangga ya lihat bendera tercinta berkibar diantara bendera negara-negara lain itu ::)

  12. Awannya cantik banget, saya palin suka melihat awan.yang biru gini. Hari jadi terasa lebih cerah

  13. Kerrn abiss pemandangan blu sky nya. Aku juga suka menatap langit biru, gak pernah bosan dan disitulah saya merasa sangat kerdil

  14. Love the skies...
    And also love with these blogpost.

  15. Selalu suka dengan langit biru dan laut biru. Sehat terus ya Mama Bo. Semoga sidangnya lancar

  16. Cerah banget ya cuaca di sana. Langitnya biruuuu. Awannya putih. Sukaaaa deh langit yang kayak gitu. :D

  17. Langitnya sangat bersahabat. Itu boneka selalu dibawa ke mana2 yaaa....

  18. Belum sempet kangen NY udah balik lagi aja ke san aya mbak, tapi bedanya skr ke sananya sama Mine Me terbaru

  19. Mini Me selalu ikut kemanapun Mba Indah pergi, mupeng deh.
    Indah banget, banyak bendera negara. Sukses ya Mba Indah

  20. Beautiful sky 😍. Akhirnya kembali lagi ke NYC ya. Selalu semangat dan sehat terus mba Indah.

  21. Disana 8 derajat berarti dingin banget yah tapi kok cerah yah mba, ahhh menikmatinya gimna ini yahh? klo di indo bakalan udah terik ini klo cerah gitu mba hehehe..

  22. Keren mba Indah :) aku juga suka lihat awan apalagi kalau pas dipesawat liatnya berasa deket

  23. Iya kebayang deh sulitnya menyesuaikan tubuh dgn suhu. Suamiku lagi di us jg mba, bahkan temanmya sampai pulang duluan ke Indonesia walai pelatihan belum selesai krn sulit beradaptasi dgn suhu


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