Have you had some issues with your bones?
I do.
And I guess each and everyone of us would love to have healthy bones.
And I guess each and everyone of us would love to have healthy bones.
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Let's build healthy, strong bones! picture: Pixabay |
Building healthy, strong bones needs two key nutrients, which are vitamin D and calcium. While calcium supports the teeth and bone structure, vitamin D helps improve the absorption of calcium and bone growth. Most of us know about what to eat for healthy, strong bones – anything that is full of calcium and vitamin D. However, just as important, but less regularly discussed, are foods and beverages that weaken your bones. This article will show you 9 unexpected foods that are bad for healthy bones.
1. Coffee
to soda, coffee could reduce the ability of your body to absorb calcium,
thereby hurting your bone health. Therefore, you had better reduce your intake
of coffee to less than 3 cups per day. In the morning, instead of having
several shots of espresso, you can reach for an apple as an alternative. Apples
can provide you with more energy than a cup of coffee thanks to its high
content of simple carbs.
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picture: pixabay |
2. Sodium-Rich
reaching for the bag of potato chips, think again. It is said that sodium-rich
foods may cause our bodies to lose calcium and result in bone less. The more
salty you consume, the more calcium you lose. In essence, salt causes excessive
calcium excretion via kidneys. Nutrition experts recommended taking under
2,300mg of salt per day and you will be fine. This intake amount should be
reduced further if you have other health conditions like high blood pressure.
3. Iron-Rich Foods
Iron is
beneficial for our health, we all know that. Nonetheless, the time you take it
matters. Most foods that are bad for healthy bones are a direct result of
interfering with the absorption of calcium, thereby causing bone loss. If you
are eating calcium-rich foods, you had better avoid iron-rich ones to maximize
the amount of calcium absorbed.
4. Soy Products
products are also in the list of foods that are bad for healthy bones because
they may interfere with calcium absorption. Actually, soy products like tofu,
tempeh, edamame and soy beverages are rich in the bone-building protein, but
they also have plant compounds which may hamper the absorption of calcium.
5. Alcohol
drinking alcohol bad for your bones?
The answer is yes.
When drinking alcohol,
it acts like a calcium-blocker, which prevents the important bone-building
minerals from being absorbed into your body through the foods you eat.
drinking also disrupts the process of bone remodeling by preventing the
bone-building cells (osteoblasts) from doing their job. As a result, your bone
will become weaker and your healing is also interfered.
of drinking alcohol, you can choose beverages that are lower in alcohol. They
may taste as good as alcohol, but are not hard on your bones.
6. Sugary
Do not go
overboard on sugar, especially if you have a sweet tooth. Despite there is no
proven link between sugary snacks and their negative impacts on bones, the harm
to bone health might be resulted from consuming too much added sugar while not
getting enough essential nutrient-rich foods. If you want to indulge your sweet
tooth, choose cranberries, prunes and other antioxidant-rich fruits.
Antioxidants are healthy nutrients for bone health.
7. Hydrogenated Oils
process that turns liquid vegetable oil into the solid oils used in baking,
damages vitamin K found naturally in oils. Vitamin K is necessary for strong,
healthy bones, and vegetable oils like olive oil and canola oil are the 2nd
best source (dietary) of such key nutrient.
of eating pastries and bread bought from bakeries or baking your bake goods
(because they contain hydrogenated fats, you ought to eat more dark green leafy
veggies like spinach, collard, Swiss chard, etc. They are rich sources of vitamin
K, an important bone-boosting nutrient.
8. Vitamin
A-Rich Foods
A-rich foods include eggs, liver, dairy products, and vitamin-fortified foods.
They are rich sources of animal-derived vitamin A, also known as retinol.
Despite vitamin A can improve eye health, clear acne, amp up your immune
system, taking too much of it may weaken your bones. For example, if you take
more than 3 ounces of beef liver, you may stimulate bone breakdown or
osteoclast activity. To control your risk of over intake of vitamin A through
foods, you should switch to non-fat or low-fat dairy product and consume egg
whites instead of whole eggs.
9. High- Protein Foods
too much protein, particularly animal protein, may take the bone-building
nutrient – calcium – from your bones, causing weakened and brittle bones and a
higher risk of pain and injury.
In fact,
diets that are high in protein may interfere with calcium absorption. For
example, if you eat red meat excessively, you may hurt your bones.
what to eat and what not to eat for healthy, strong bones are important because
it helps protect your bones in the old age. It also enhances your life quality
and boasts your longevity, and reduces the risk of falls, injury, osteoporosis,
arthritis, brittle bones and joints. Avoidance
of the foods that are bad for healthy bones above will help improve your bone
Stay healthy, everyone!
About the author:
Hughes is a Health and Beauty expert who has more than 5 years of experience in
Health Care industry. For more health care tips on
healthy living, visit him at the website TrueRemedies.com. There, you will find posts on natural
treatments, recipes, healthy foods, and so much more.
Well i think, like calcium and iron, there'll be better if we don't consume together
ReplyDeleteThat's the best way I guess
DeleteWell I must make my coffee not too much everyday.
ReplyDeleteTake care and watch out for your daily intake of coffee
DeleteHello, thanks for all this information. I take a Vitamin D, I have been told I have a vitamin D deficiency. I should probably take calcium or eat more food rich in calcium for my bones. Thanks for sharing, have a happy day and week ahead.
ReplyDeleteYou too Eileen
DeleteI didn't know that soy products aren't good for bones. So does it mean that cow milk is actually better than soy milk?
ReplyDeleteAhh, aku masih ngopi nih, cuma dah 2 tahunan ini belajar mengurangi cukup segelas aja ga, kalo dulu sehari bisa ampe 5 gelas, sekarang segelas.Apalagi kalo puasa gini jarang ngopi..
ReplyDeleteSo, the conclusion are be healthier and balancing with consume all the vegetables and fruits.
ReplyDeleteNgopi tuh seperti temen,sahabat yang gak bakal bisa tuk ditinggalin.
ReplyDeleteAku sekarang dah ga kuat ngupi,klo jaman masih suka ngebolang kusuka kopi hitam,pkus diracik aneh-aneh.terakhir yang kuingat kopi hitam diseduh di atas batok kelapa
ReplyDeleteAku lagi ngurang2in makan cemilan yg bergula2 jg nih mbak. Ternyata emang gak baik ya buat tulang tfs
ReplyDeleteWalatra Sehat Mata Softgel
ReplyDeleteKebetulan tidak minum kopi. Tapi yg manis masih hahaha...
ReplyDeleteBahkan yang kaya vitamin A pun termasuk dalam list mbak? Wah, gimana aku ya yang butuh vitamin A buat mataku ini huhu.
ReplyDeleteWah baru Tau, kalau kopi nggak baik... Aku suka banget padahal lho
ReplyDeleteNOOOO, coffee? I definitely would have bad bones becau I love coffee so much
ReplyDeleteAnd my problem is, I love coffee to much. No wonder I had bad bones.
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent post, full of good information. Indah. Weight bearing exercise is also very good for keeping bones strong--walking is the best exercise!
ReplyDeleteThank you for choosing my blog about Bologna as a feature fro My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday! I appreciate it very much!
This is very informative. My body has a hard time absorbing nutrients, so my bones are very week and brittle. I have to take prescription supplements to keep them healthy.
ReplyDeleteAt first I saw coffee and was like - no! They I read limit 3 cups a day. I only have 1 big one. It’s not filled with sugar, so I think I’m ok.
ReplyDeleteSedang mencoba mengurangi sugary snacks..
ReplyDeletepantesan aja kalau suamiku habis ada acara minum sm temennya eh ga lama sakit pinggang dia banyak hal yang ga dia tahu kalau alkohol ngaruhnya kemana mana
ReplyDeleteKopi, makanan manis & berbahan kedelai, aku baru tau mereka buruk bagi kesehatan. Sedangkan semuanya itu sering aku konsumsi. Thank you kak infonya
ReplyDeleteWidiih gawat.. aku baru tau ternyata kopi mempengaruhi juga ya.. aku tiap hari malahan minum kopi bisa 2x wkwk.. harus mulai dikurangi ni kebiasaan nya..
ReplyDeleteduh sampe sekarang aku masih ngopi, kayanya susah banget ninggalin kopi, tapi alhamdulillah nya udah mulai bisa mengurangi kopi sedikit demi sedikit hehehe
ReplyDeleteWaah ternyata banyak juga ya makanan yang kurang bagus untuk tulang, bahkan produk makanan yang mengandung susu kedelai, padahal susu kedelai kusuka, kalau ngopi jarang sih, tapi keripiknkentang dan camilan manis susah nih nguranginnya
ReplyDeleteGimana ini aku suka coffee dan minum alcohol sometimes in the weekend hihi. AKu baru tau apple itu khasiat nya sama kayak kopi buat nambah energy di pagi hari. Tapi kenapa yah ngeraa gak lengkap tiap pagi kalau blom minum kopi huhuh CANDU
ReplyDeleteOwala kenapa no 1 nya coffee mba hihi, cant live without it. At least 2 cangkir kopi sehari, but perlu dipertimbangkan juga ya demi kesehatan :)
ReplyDeleteBaca ini terus bersyukur banget karena aku gak suka coffee, cuma suka sama aromanya aja :D
ReplyDeleteBeberapa diantaranya sih masih suka konsumsi. Tapi ya nggak berlebihan amat. Tapi aku juga suka doyan susu. Terutama susu UHT. Nggak spesialis susu kalsium sih. hehee
ReplyDeleteUntung aku bukan pecinta kopi, pernah sekali minum pas posisi belom makan langsung sakit banget perut kayak kelilit gtu. padahal biasanya belom makan pun minum apapun ga sakit, berarti emg bener bener kopi gabaik buat kesehatan.
ReplyDeletepaling suka ngopi padahal udh tau kalau kopi itu ngk baik, tapi kadang kalau kemana-mana emang paling cocok sama kopi dibanding minuman manis lainnya.
ReplyDeleteAduh sedih banget bacanya karena aku pecinta kopi sejati, meskipun memang aku tau kurang bagus sih. Semoga bisa dikurangi.
ReplyDeleteIya mbaa secukupnya ajaaa
DeleteAku seneng banget setiap kali mampir ke postingan kak Indah pasti selalu dapat ilmu baru terutama soal kesehatan. cuma aku sedih nih karena makanan yang ada di urutan pertama adalah favorit aku, yaitu kopi. hiks. Berarti ini jadi pertanda aku mesti mulai mengurangi konsumsi kopi harian aku.
ReplyDeleteKopi memang banyak bawa dampak negatif ke kesehatan mbaaa
DeleteAku baru tau high protein dan vitamin A rich food ternyata ga bagus buat tulang. Makasih ya mbak atas remindernya. Mendekati umur 30an harus menjaga kondisi tulang nih biar tetap kuat :)
ReplyDeleteNot too much mba.. Vitamin A is good but not too much
DeleteWah kopi kurang bagus ya. Hikss mesti dikurangin nih sama makanan manis juga yak ..nambah ilmu baru dan pantangan buat menjaga kesehatan tulang nih
Aku baru tahu kalo kopi tidak baik untuk kesehatan tulang ya, padahal aku suka banget minum kopi nih mbak, duh jadi galau sekarang ya
ReplyDeleteUntungnya dari semua list aku masih normal, tidak suka minum kopi jg, biasa cuma nyicip" . Aman jadi yaa 😆
ReplyDeleteKalau kayak kopi, gula dan alkohol sih udah pasti ya tapi ternyata soy juga ya, ga nyangka juga padahal aku suka banget.
ReplyDeletewait, itu serius kak, soy milk enggak bagus utk tulang? lalu alternatif susu sapi yang vegan apa dong? bukannya ini bagus ya?