Ueno Park and the Surroundings - Photo Album

Before coming back with more stories, allow me to share some more colorful photos taken at the Ueno Park and its surroundings.

I really enjoyed walking around the areas and observing the peaceful morning.
I stopped at Bentendo Temple and paused for a while.
The colors and the intricate details of the temple is amazing. 

But of course, the main attraction of Ueno Park is the cherry blossoms.
Although it was not yet fully blooming, some of the trees shown the pinky petals already and  that's enough for me to have a taste of the Japanese spring.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do and happy spring!


  1. Oh wow. I would love to go somewhere at the right time of year to see cherry blossoms blooming! How lovely! <3.

  2. What a beautiful place! Someday I wish I could visit there. Japan its completely awesome... Thanks for sharing

  3. Sakuraaaa, fotogenic banget, dicari banget sm smua wisatawan, cantiiikkkk

  4. Wuuih ... aku suka banget sama patung naga kecil ngluarin air ..., imuuut 😁!

  5. Fotonya bagus2. Kayaknya lagi sejuk ya udaranya?


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