WW: Rockefeller Lookout

One fine Saturday and off we went out enjoying the sun.
New York City has been blessed with warm weather lately so we did sort of a warm up Fall Foliage trip to the Palisades and the factory outlet.
We stopped at the Rockefeller lookout and enjoy the scenery.

Here are some snaps from our brilliant weekend.


I have my mom and my cousins as well so it was a lovely family trip with my hubby and Bo et Obi, my kids :)

How's your weekend?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun linking up.


  1. Nice photos and the family one love all the smiles heheh!, it's been quite mild here in London too but very dull as usual here LOL

    Have a tanfabulous week :-)

    1. Thanks dear...NYC has been weird, I have to say. Too warm for the end of October :)

  2. I am enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. We did a lot of Haunted Forests this weekend and for once didn't freeze all night. It was great!

  3. cerahnya cuaca ditambah cerahnya hati karena berkumpul dgn saudara2 ya mba Indah... :)

  4. Wah kompaknya sesion foto2an bersama,full happy

  5. Week end kemaren aku dan keluargaku nyobain bus wisata DKI. Pertama rute kota tua, ke dua rute mbah priok dan semuanya gratis. Senang ya, week end bareng keluarga

  6. Hehehe malah fokus liat minime naik gakah jadinya di ujung cerita.

  7. Pergi bersama keluarga selalu menyenangkan. Rame dan seruuu. Duh jadi pengin liburan juga :D

  8. Pemandañgan yang indah dan hati yang bahagia kumpul dengan keluarga.. anugerah yang terindah ya mamabo.. :)

  9. Lots of buildings to see. That first image almost looks like a painting.

  10. Nice place to stop by. The view is breathtaking.


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