Jazz Age Lawn Party 2017

Jazz Age Lawn Party 2017

"Ladies and gentlemen, flappers and hoppers, gather around, as the next round will for you! and please welcome, Michael Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra!" 

The Master Ceremony that day, Robert Roos, invited everyone to cheer  Michael Arenella, "a musician, crooner, bandleader and impressario best known for leading his Dreamland Orchestra, who danced his way to the middle of the dance floor with his trumpet.

Amidst the bling-bling headdress, flappers, cloche hats, and those Great Gatsby vintage accessories (and snacks!), this lawn party is just like an intimate picnic with big group of people.
Michael Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra, as well as Virtuoso Piano-man and Crooner Peter Mintun, the Gelber and Manning Band, and Drew Nugent and the Midnight Society, is surely a great troop which give us non-stop entertainment that day!

Leaving Astoria midday, heading to Pier to catch the ferry to Governors Island, my troupe of 4,- my mom, Bo et Obi and myself,- rushed to line up for our ticket to that island.
Destination: Colonel's Row, Governors Island.
And what a splendid day indeed!

posing with stoic face!

The 5 of us, 8 with my mom and Bo et Obi, had prepared to join this lovely gathering.
Months before, we purchased the ticket for Jazz Age Lawn Party for the early bird price, USD 45 per person. Kids are free.
Then wardrobe department certainly requires serious attention!
And there came our back-to-20s outfit with its flares, lace, beads, draperies and marie jean shoes.

That morning, the ferry taking us to Governors Island was super packed.
Some dressed, some don't.
But we all enjoyed the ambience and beautiful island, blessed with perfect summer weather.

We arrived at around 2 PM and the party started from 11 to 6 PM.
We had a little picnic near the and obviously never ending photo sessions, then we headed to the main dance floor and what a sight!

Enjoy some of these snaps before I share more stories :)

The main stage and dance floor was so colorful and buoyant with such lovely vibes!
Michael Arenella has started this wonderful event since 2005 and you can see why this even is such a vibrant one!
People come and join the party in their best costumes, make-up and dances.
ooh those moves .. swings and sways in glittering flappers and hair pomaded, shoe-shined boys leading you on the main floor with hot and sweet Jazz-age dance orchestra.
Love it! 

We also enjoyed beautiful performance from Roddy Carvella and the Canarsie Wobblers.
Those social jazz dances are so much fun!

So, what do you think about this party?
Surely a memorable one for me and my family.
Which one is your favorite?

Jazz Age Lawn Party 2017
Sunday, August 27th, 2017
Governors Island, New York Party 


  1. Piknik rame-rame dengan kostum keren!

  2. Betul kang jazz age... jadi mostly swing sama dixieland yang memang cocok buat dansa :)

  3. Gosh this is stunning concept!! A way to enjoy music.
    Aku suka sekali ambience dan foto2 disini mba iinnn...

  4. Ya tuhan seru banget sih! Mba Indah, plis ajak aku ke sana... Btw ini ambilnya pakai kamera apa mba? Bagus sekali, super jernih!

  5. Wah, di sana banyak acara macam ini, ya. Asyik ��

    Btw, foto-fotonya bening amat, Mbak

  6. Mbak, seru ya acaranya. Lihat foto-fotonya koq berasa kayak lihat cuplikan film ya :)

  7. Mba Indah ini acaranya keren ya, aku juga suka sama kostumnya mba Indah. Keren.

  8. Life, it's a lot like jazz...
    It's best when you improvise.

    Falling in love with the costume.

  9. This party looks like smashing good fun! I love how everyone dressed. I am sure it was a very lively event!

  10. Tumben gak pakai yang berwarna ungu, Mbak. Tapi suka banget deh dengan kemeriahan acaranya :)

  11. Aku ngebayangin dance & party kalau lihat kostum kyk gini, kyk di film2.

  12. seruuu kostumnya suka.. keren. Tahun 20an gayanya elegan ya


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