"Give me bakso and I will be the happiest girl in the world"Obi Frakarsa, 2017
Bakso has always been my favorite.
No matter what the weather is, be it super cold and perfect-for-a-bowl-of-hot-soup night or scorching hot summer days, bakso has been one of the most wanted dishes at home.
During winter, I always have chicken or beef broth ready, with some bakso .
My kids and I adore it!
I can eat them on daily basis, although I know too much meat is not good.
In NYC, we do have options to buy bakso from Asian or oriental groceries.
But they are usually not halal or use too much MSG :(, so really not a good choice for me.
The best choice for me is to cook it myself.
While we're away from home, us, the Moslems, often worry about the food we eat as we are bound to at halal food. As we don't eat pork and all its derivative products, we have to be careful with the ingredients of all the food we have. Something that we don't have to worry about when we are in Indonesia. That's why I love cooking everything myself to make sure about it. I know we share the same concern with one of my dearest friends from Em(b)ak Ceria, Isti"adzah Rohyati. She used to live in Suly, Iraq and although Iraq is pretty much
dominated by moslems, but being away from home makes us cook almost everything. Even Isti is very good at making tofu at home! Yes, home-made tofu! How I envy here :). She's back to Indonesia now and I believe she has more relaxing time at home in Indonesia.
So now, are you ready to cook it with me?
Wanna try Bakso Isi Telur or Indonesian egg-filled meatball soup, if I may freely translated it?
Let's start with the ingredients:
Minced beef - 250 gr. Feel free to substitute it with chicken, mutton or no meat at all.
Beef chunk - 100 gr, for the soup broth.
Maizena - 1 spoonful
Beef chunk - 100 gr, for the soup broth.
Maizena - 1 spoonful
Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce - 1 teaspoon
Sesame oil - if desired, 1 teaspon
Salt - as needed
Pepper - as needed
Nutmeg - as needed
Sugar - as needed
Eggs - 4
Shallots - thinly sliced
Onions - finely chopped
Spring onions - thinly sliced
How to cook:
First, boil the eggs until done and peel the shell. Put it aside.
You can have the whole egg in one jumbo meatball or you can cut them into half or what you desire.
Boil the beef chunk for broth, add onions, salt, pepper and a bit sugar if you like, until it's nicely done and tasty. Sprinkle it with thinly slices spring onions.
You can have the whole egg in one jumbo meatball or you can cut them into half or what you desire.
Boil the beef chunk for broth, add onions, salt, pepper and a bit sugar if you like, until it's nicely done and tasty. Sprinkle it with thinly slices spring onions.
Then mix the minced beef with all the sauce and spices, make sure they are all well blend.
Add one spoon of maizena to help forming the meatballs.
Shape the meatballs with eggs inside.
Cook it on a boiling pot of water, or broth will be better, until it is done and floating on the pot. Depending on the size, it takes at least 15 minutes in boiling water to cook those meatballs, but slightly longer is better so that we're sure that the meatballs are well-cooked.
Eat it hot with some extra fried onion and chili if you like. Some also like to add egg noodles or bihun or vermicelli on a bowl of bakso.
I also like to add extra kick with apple cider vinegar.
And voilaaaa...
Enjoy Bakso Isi Telor - Indonesian Egg-filled Meatball Soup
Bakso memang selalu jadi favorit
ReplyDeleteHahahaaa iyaaa.. ngg pernah ngg enaaak :)
DeleteLebih enak lagi ngebakso ada yang traktir atau bayarin kita
DeleteWawwwwwwwwwwww uenak tenan
wuih daging semua gitu bergizi banget....
ReplyDeleteHehehe iyaaa mba.. anak-anak sukaaa
DeleteSaya pernah beberapa kali membuat baks di rumah bersama keluarga. Resep nya dari google dan kadang pake resep membuat bakso dari Buku Resep dan dari dapur UMAMI> Banyakan gagal karena kita buat baksonya nda pake es sebagai campuran adonan, dan juga dagingnya tidak halus, nda pake mixer. Heiheie. CIncang pake pisau aja hhieiehiheiheiehie
ReplyDeleteAku pun kalau buat sendiri ngg sehalus or sekenyal yg dijual-jual itu mas.. tapi paling tidak yakin ngg ada pengawet, MSG, apalagi daging ngg halal :)
Deletewah ini baksonya beneran karena banyak dagingya, ga tepung doang kayak di sini
ReplyDeleteIyaaa ya mba... kalau di tanah air banyak tepungnya
DeleteI don't eat meat :) but in my country we do have meatloaves with boiled eggs inside!
ReplyDeleteThat's even better, Dezzy.. I'm cutting down my meat consumption but once in a while I permit myself 😇
Deletebaksonya daging semua hahahaha.
ReplyDeletehihihiii iyaaa mak irul...yang penting halal :)
DeleteBakso daging no msg.supper yummy... kapan2 dicoba ahh resepnya
ReplyDeleteWaaa bakso paporitkuuu, tapi aku lebih suka yang isinya daging drpada telur 😁😁
ReplyDeletejadi laper....wah berarti masih enak di Indonesia yaa tenang soal haram halal, tapi kalau tinggal diluar negeri bisa jago masaak kaya mama obi :D,sebenarnya mampir kesini sekalian belajar bhasa inggris he...3x nice recipe thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteOmg, tosss lah kita mba. Bakso memang favorit semua orang :D. Akupun kalo udh bingung mau makan apa, pasti bakso jd pilihan. Tp kalo dibandingin ama bakso telur, aku lbh seneng bakso urat mba :D
ReplyDeleteWow enaaaaak. Pingin bikin bakso sendiri, biar lebih sehat hihi. Tapi chopper rusak, belum ada gantinya. Kalo dicacah biasa dagingnya kurang halus.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of putting a hard boiled egg in meat, but I know this is something my husband would truly love! I will for sure make him this dish soon!
ReplyDeleteWah Mbak Indah pinter bikin Bakso, 2 kali aku bikin bakso gagal terus. Sampai suamiku bilang, sudah enggak pelru bikin, beli aja. Heheee
ReplyDeleteakupun pecinta BAKSO!! apalgi yang dalamnya isi keju atau bakso urat atau sambel ranjau.
ReplyDeleteMaka nikmat mana lagi yang kau dustakan
That does look good! I would totally try this.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds really tasty. I would love to try this someday.
ReplyDeleteEnak nih mbak baksonya, cobain ah resepnya kapan2 ☺
ReplyDeletebakso! that reminds me of my childhood back home
ReplyDeletewah mantep banget ukuran baksonya, lebih puas dan bisa dibikin sendiri di rumah
ReplyDeleteBaksonya endeus banget keliatannya mbaaaakk. Aku dulu bikin bakso yang biasa aja, bukan yang isi telur. Ribet. Hahaha. Iya sekarang di indo bener2 libuuurr masak beratnya. yang enteng2 aja palingan, yg beratnya mah tinggal beli aja hahhah.