Merdeka - Photo Session a la HUT RI


lady diplomats at my Mission

We had a lovely photo session at the office in order to welcome the 72nd Independence Day of Indonesia.

Dress code: Red and White and whatever suit them fine.

Those are the colors of our national flag, sang saka Merah Putih.
Merah or red, represents bravely we all need to fight for our independence and beyond.
Putih or white, represents the sacred feeling  of being one Nation, Indonesia.

my political division :p
I chose the red outer from Anniesa Hasibuan with its matching obi with gold jersey dress from H&M (go check it at www.h& as I got it on sale).
And the necklace is also made in Indonesia.

the boys..with me Ambassadors


serious style :)

                                          Anybody has done this special photo session as well?
                                          On the occasion of your country's independence day?
                                                                               Do you enjoy it?


  1. such fun in the office and you were all dressed nicely with red details!

  2. Great fun you have..

  3. Ada lomba agustusan juga di sana gak, Mbak? :)

  4. That does look fun! I love all the red. It's my favorite color.

  5. Selamat hari kemerdekaan ya mama Bo dan teman2 di sana. Jauh dari Indonesia gk menyurutkan semangat utk ikut merayakan ya. Dress code merah putihnya meriaaah bgt ituu

  6. Seru banget sesi fotonya ya, Mbak. Seru banget ya, merayakan hari kemerdekaan jauh dari negara Indonesia tercinta, tapi soulnya terasa

  7. Such a fun celebration! You all look lovely in your red and white! Happy Independence to you! Thank you for joining my #SpreadTheKindness Link Up!



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