Have you watched Cinderella?
Have you watched Cinderella?
Yes, the happily ever after telltale that seems to bewitch us since childhod, at least in my case :). Beautiful dresses, grand ball, sad tears, prince charming and happily ever after ending...
Despite the classic version in cartoons and some more 'loose' interpretation that have been produced before (remember Ever After starred by Drew Barrymore?), Cinderella has her charms for girls of all ages, including me. And I am a biiiig fan of Disney as well :)
So we decided to watch it together with Bo et Obi :).
Last weekend, I have an additional meeting on Sunday morning (yes, Sunday morning, lucky me :) ) and I promised to spend some times with Bo et Obi as well. Then since my meeting was not too long, we planned to join some friends and watched Cinderella in one of the movie theaters near my office.
Last weekend, I have an additional meeting on Sunday morning (yes, Sunday morning, lucky me :) ) and I promised to spend some times with Bo et Obi as well. Then since my meeting was not too long, we planned to join some friends and watched Cinderella in one of the movie theaters near my office.
After a lovely lunch with friends, we hurried to the theater and got on the line. But before that, we managed to take pictures as well :) Obi brought her Cinderella doll and voilaaa...Cinderella was watching Cinderella as well :)..
Story's the same old plot.
Beautiful life with mom and dad shattered as mom passed away and dad remarried with two step sisters coming along. As dad was lost on the sea, Ella started her new life with the horrible step mom and step sisters. But again, Ella, who got her nickname Cinderella after sleeping by the hearth and had cinder on her face, always remembered her lovely mom's be kind and have courage. know the rest, right...
Bad treatments in the house, mice became best friends, met the Prince coincidently, and there were the Ball...Here stepped in the Fairy Godmother, the midnight curfew, the hunt for the owner of the glass shoes and the happily-ever after wedding :).
No surprises, I guess...
But I guess it is still enjoyable. Looking at cute Lily James walked dreamily to the Palace, or hearing the evil laugh of Cate Blanchet playing a horrendous step mother and blushing over the cute conversation between the Prince and Cinderella.
One funny remarks made by Obi was when Cinderella, for a hundreth times, cried.
And Obi just loudly said "agaiiiin"...and we just cracked hearing her saying that :). Looks like Obi doesn't fall for a weak, teary girl.
So, don't miss it..
It wil be an enjoyable move for sure...and your daughters will certainly enjoy it. Many good messages are reflected in this movie :).
The costume department is awesome as well.
Terutama kostum untuk sang ibu tiri dan dua saudara perempuan tiri Cinderella yang keren abis walaupun agak sedikit 'heboh' (baca : norak-norak bergembira) untuk Anastasia dn Drizella. Cate Blanchet was brilliant...dan bajunya itu lhoo, kereeen semuaaa hahahaha #salahfokus :)
Kostum sang pangeran yang diperankan oleh Richard Madden, si ganteng Rob Stark dari serial TV The Game of Thrones, juga keren bangeet, terutama yang royal blue. I love it!.
Jadi jangan ketinggalan yaaaa :)..
Have you watched Cinderella?
ReplyDeleteBeluuuum. This week full of lomba2 and midtest. Dua abege di sini udah ngomongin terus nih :D
ReplyDeleteHehehee...iya maaak...semoga segera sempeeeet nonton yaaa...
DeleteBelum sempat, mana sok sibuk pula tiap weekend ;)
ReplyDeleteIyaaa..aku juga seperti berkah terselubung karena nontonnya abia meeting hari minggu
DeleteWonderful pictures, Exquisite movie !!
ReplyDeleteIt was a lovely one indeed, Leovi..
DeleteBelum nontoooonnnn, sibuk jaga UAS T____T
ReplyDeleteAbis UAS ajaaa hehehe
DeleteBeluuum nonton.. kayaknya minggu ini mau ke theater :D
ReplyDeleteIyaaa meeel...moga2 sempet yooo
DeleteI plan on taking the girls when the crowds die down a little. Maybe in another week or two. Glad you guys enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteBetul, Mak Indah, ga ada yang baru di plot ceritanya. Tapi, aku suka tampilan visualnya. Adegan lizard disihir jadi pelayan lucu, ya! Aku berharap bisa lihat langsung sepatu kaca yang cantik itu. ^^
ReplyDeleteBelom nongton :(((( Kemaren acara movie time kantor Adit, kami vote nongton Cinderella. Eh yg lain vote Sponsbob. Kalah deh jadinya nongton Sponsbob and aku menyesaaaal :((
ReplyDeleteYah sih cerita Cinderella yah seperti itu aja intinya. Cuma mungkin kenapa ini jadi booming di Amerika dan negara lainnya mungkin dari para bintangnya dan juga tambahan2 ceritanya kali yah.
ReplyDeleteaku udah nonton ini juga mak...ceritanya bagus :)