MyItchyFeet: Petite-France at Strasbourg

Hello again....

Mind if I continue #MyItchyFeet journey hereee :)...I hope you won't..

So, we had a glimpse of Strasbourg here in my previous post :). 
And as I said there, one of lovely landmarks that will be too bad to miss is Petite France.

Sekarang mampir ke Petite France yuuuk..

Kawasan unik di kota Strasbourg ini memang menjadi salah satu magnet bagi mereka yang mengunjungi Strasbourg. Tidak heran memang karena area ini unik banget dan cantik dan terletak di Grande Ile, atau pulau utama, yang ada di kota Strasbourg.

Located in the Grand Ile or the main island, Petite France is beautifully stretched along the Ill river with bridges and canals. 

Karena letaknya dekat dengan sungai Ill, kawasan ini jadi makin terlihat cantik lewat refleksi rumah-rumah khas dengan hiasan kayu di permukaan air. Apalagi kalau hari cerah...dapet bonus langit biru :) 

The reflections of those half-timbered houses on the river are so captivating. 
I love to see the timber patterns and its sandstone bases. Pretty!

We walked to Petite France as we parked our car near the medieval square where Cathedrale Notre Dame was located. It took us around 1 hour to walk. Well, not because it was far, but simply because we stopped here and there to take pictures :). It's just too tempting :)

It's easy to find because the sign heading to Petite France were easily spotted as well.
Dan tidak perlu waktu lama juga untuk menikmati kawasan ini, karena memang tidak terlalu besar dan terlihat cantik dari agak jauh :)

But the history of Petite- France or Little France was a bit grim. 
Why? Because it was actually built as a place to cure people with syphilis! 
At that time, this disease was known as the "french disease". 
I read on Wikipedia, it was called that way because it was spread by the French troops. Ooh my...

Anyway, despite its bleak background, Petite-France is still worth a visit.

Here are some our pictures taken during the visit.
Photos were taken by my hubby, Udi :)

love the foreground :)

most of the houses are still in great condition...

the tower and its reflection..

So if you happen to be around, don't miss Petite-France. 

What do you like best from this lovely area?


  1. sebenarnya daerah Kali deres bisa indah kaya gini juga kalo tertata baik ya?

    1. bisa bangeet lho...asal ya benar-benar dibersihkan dan ditata dengan baik..

  2. It looks like a lovely place to visit.

    1. I hope you'll get a chance to visit this place...beautiful!

  3. Ah.. Kalok aku sih sukak semunya, Mbak Indaaaah :P

  4. So beautifull picture, Mak. petite, dulu aku suka denger dari botol parfum

  5. Kuharap aku bisa ke sini mak. Indah sekali lokasi dan fotonya.

  6. Ya ampun cantik banget tempatnya, Mbak *ngiler*

  7. I really want to live in one of those houses on the water. Such beauty!

    1. Me,'s an example of European classic beauty :)

  8. Yang langsung memikat mata itu bangunan cantik dengan garis-garis senada di jendela itu mak. Baru tau juga loh sejarah hitam Strasbourg ini. Kapan deh ya bisa jelajah dunia sampai ke sana juga. Doain yang kenceng ya mak :)

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