Hai haiii...
Jangan maraaah yaaa...karena saya baru bisa menepati janji yang sudaaah lama ini untuk berbagi lagi tentang La Alhambra yang cantik.
Mungkin masih ingat cerita saya tentang jejak indah dan bersejarah Islam di tanah Iberia yang sekarang menjadi Spanyol. Baca #MyItchyFeet: Hola Espana: La Alhambra #1 di sini and #MyItchyFeet: Hola Espana: La Alhambra #2 Alcazaba di sini.
Akhirnya, saya bisa langsung melanjutkan seri #MyItchyFeet in Espana, terutama di Granada, dan lebih spesifik lagi...La Alhambra..
Subhanallah.... |
You know what, whenever I mention that place, rasanya hati ini berdesir, membayangkan keindahan dan keagungannya.
Sejak kecil, saya biasa memelototi salah satu buku koleksi Kokak, kakekku tercinta, termasuk buku tentang Alhambra. Buku itu pemberian tante Mira, yang telah lebih dulu mengunjungi tempat bersejarah ini dengan suami dan keluarganya saat mengunjungi ibu mertua yang saat itu memang tinggal di Granada. Mungkin karena sejak kecil sudah begitu ingin mengunjungi tempat ini, secara tidak sadar semesta pun mendukung :). Sang Khalil dengan rencana indahnya pun mengarahkan hati dan sepasang kaki gatalku ke sini. Alhamdulillah. .
Setelah kebiasaan 'menyiksa' diri sendiri tidak terpuaskan dengan hanya browsing sana-sini (ya iyaaaah...info gratisan kalii :D). saya pun akhirnya mempersenjatai diri dengan buku panduan. Well, memang terlihat mini, tapi isinya maksi...pas kan dengan prinsip kita untuk tetap hemat tapi mendapatkan apa yang kita mau :D.
Setelah daerah sekitar la Alhambra dan Alcazaba, alias si benteng megah (baca ceritanya di sini), kali ini beneran saya akan mengajak teman-teman menyusuri Istana Nasrid, alias Nasrid Palace yang keindahannya begitu memukau.
This place is also famously knows as the First Palaces..Why the first? because we also have Charles V Palace, built after the fall of Islam in Granada.
at the Comares.... |
Who's looking down behind that window.... |
Why Palaces? because this complex is the home of several palaces, including the Nasrid Palace (my fave); the Comares Palace; and the Palace of Lions (where the famous fountain resides).
Now, let's see the Nasrid Palace first, then Comares Palace.
Sesuai dengan jadwal, saya baru bisa memasuki Nasrid Palace pada pukul 14.30. Ini merupakan satu bukti keseriusan Pemerintah Spanyol dalam menjaga kelestarian tempat yang kaya akan cerita dan sejarah. Jumlah orang yang berada tempat ini dibatasi sesuai dengan kapasitas yang tidak mengganggu keutuhan dan keselamatan bangunan ini. Banyak yang sudah antri dan satu per satu dengan tertib kami memasuki tempat indah. Once you are in there, you usually can stay longer and it really suited us as we really took our time to admire every corner of this palace and took pictures of it.
by the pillars :)..don't blame me from taking pictures again and again.. |
The Palace was built by Abu I-Waleed Ismail, the fifth king in Nasrid Dynasty. Well, the record before could not be found but there were possibilities that this historical palace has been founded even before that.
If you see the pillars and the surrounding, you will definitely be amazed by their intricate details. Sepintas seperti sarang lebah, dengan ukiran yang bernuansa arabesque. cantik sekali. Saya sering bertanya, apa maknanya? mengapa seperti sarang lebah? Apakah karena lebah hidup dalam komunitas yang serba teratur dan tertib dalma menjalankan ritual sehari-harinya so umat Muslim diharapkan juga demikian? Entahlah...
The more we wandered around the Palace complex, the more awed we were..It's really mind blowing to think how advance the architecture at that time. To think all these majestic corners were built by hands with no intervention of modern machinery... Impressive!
Let's take a look at those details...most photos were captured by my hubby, Udi and some by me...
the beehive structure I've mentioned before... |
one of the doors of Nasrid Palace... |
the ceiling... |
the reflection on the water just makes the Palace looks more beautiful... |
Lucky me, my hubby just couldn't get enough of taking the pictures..so although I had my own camera with me, but I was more than happy to be his amateur model...together with Bo of course...:)
looking at Albaycin through the window of Nasrid palace...and look who's busy taking pictures too besides me..Bo :) |
The windows at Nasrid Palace... |
Then in the Comares Palaces, everything is as amazing as the other parts of the Palaces.... The façade of the Comares Palace was built for Sultan Muhammad V back in 1370..almost 650 years ago...
cheers from Bo et mommy ... |
The Veranda...breathtaking... |
One of the lovely doors... |
Look at the details... |
The beehive ceiling ... |
So, bear with me, while I'm trying to get more details on the captions...
Hope you enjoy it as much as we did...
I have to warn you though, that I will come back with more stories, details and photos for sure for another part of this beautiful huge complex :)
Cheers et viva #MyItchyFeet :)
Saya suka pilar pada gambar keenam. Sungguh detil pembuat pilar tersebut. Dan sangat teliti memahat seperti itu
ReplyDeleteSo true...pillar-pillar itu memang cantiiiik sekali...
Deletereally magnificent pictures you have...! The nest of bee one of inspiring them maybe..
ReplyDeleteNice posting, Thanks ya Mak
thanks for visiting...glad to know you like the photos..
Deletepilarnya sungguh,,,Subhanallah,,,,keren mak,, :O
ReplyDeleteIsh... menyenangkan sekali. Kepingin kesana...
ReplyDeletewow arsitekturnya keren nie mbak indah awsome dah mantap
ReplyDeleteSubhanallah... bener-bener indah ya istananya. Mupeng, mudah2an aku dapet kesempatan menjejak disana
ReplyDeleteGila, memang indah yaa....