I can't help but grinning reading all those feeds, so I decided to publish it again here, especially as the previous page will soon be closed...
So, here it is...This one is about our visit to London back in January 2009..
It was fun indeed, and very 'productive', if you know what I mean :D...At that time, I submitted it to Bo's page, so I have to adjust it a bit...
It all started in January 1, 2009...well, di tengah winter Jenewa yang lucu, London is decided to be our next destination :D...setelah persiapan selesai (tiket sih udah lama dibeli, even before visa yang ternyata cepet ngurusnya et gratiiis :D), berangkatlah the 3 of us on Jan 1, 2009, only 2 hour after the New Year Party in PTRI Jenewa :D....mantaaaap, pulang ke rumah, ambil koper et langsung caaabs ke airport...no wonder, sampai airport kita tiarap karena airport sepiii as cafe et toko pada tutup tanggal 1 Januari !!
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antara laper dan ngantuuuuuk :D |

Ngg lupa belanja belanji di Beatles Store yang persis sebelahan dengan Serlock Holmes Museum...
Quite a trip, and making us hungry...so off we went to China Town untuk makaaaan...yummy indeed, bikin rombongan semangat untuk jalan lagi sampai ke Oxford St., ngopi-ngopi, et nongkrong di depan Selfridges yang udah mau tutup :D....
Daaaan of courseeee....London dingin ajaaah :D..Extra clothes for all of us, terutama Bo yang kemulan dengan selimut :D...
Well, it's time to call it a daaay as big days are coming ...jadwal penuh niiih...FO Portsmouth, London landmarks dan many moooreeee....we'll be back with more photos...
London is coooold, mamaaaa... |
Tau nggak, postingan ini bikin ngiri to the max, karena London itu impianku banget. Sampe2 aku pernah lho posting pengin ke London, yg pake foto naik sapu ituh :)