Rustic Maka, fresh deodorant for you!

Being an active mom with 9 -5 (and moreee most of the time) working hours, I definitely need to make sure that I stay fresh all the time. Besides perfume and body lotion, I usually have fresh deodorant ready for me and my hubby.

It can be a bit tricky sometime to find products that will be suitable for me as a person with cancer history.  I have to be really careful with everything I use, but I guess everyone will think the same way :). Most of the time, I always look for the organic ones, making sure that they are made only from natural ingredients and minimal, if not zero, harsh chemicals. And I was so lucky to win giveaway hosted by dear Theresa Mahoney and get free Rustic Maka products.

Have you heard of Rustic Maka before? 

Rustic Maka produces series of non-toxic, organic and deodorants, in full and travel sizes, and bath salts. Faithfully adhering to the philosophy of "less is more," Rustic Maka is the great choice for those looking for personal care solutions made of traditional and simple ingredients.

I got a chance to try some of their products. 

First, I got the Pachy Sweet Lemonade deodorant. I love its soft, yet fresh lemony scent in my skin.  With organic arrowroot powder, organic raw shea butter, organic coconut oil, aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate, wildcrafted candelila wax, sweet orange essential oil, organic vanilla extract and lemon essential oil, I feel so good and fresh. Its oil makes my skin soft and moist, too. 

And I also have one for my hubby, too.  
Yuuup...I want him to smell nice too. And we got to try Pachy Rough River for men.
With similar ingredients as my sweet lemonade one, Rough River is freshly adorned with bergamot essential oil. Love it!

As a bonus, I got the mini travel size of Pachy . It's very handy as we don't have to bring the big size wherever you go. And I bet it's perfect for any trips we make as it's just as tiny as the pocket lighter. 

Click for more complete info and choices and don't hesitate to try one yourself. They have 7  lovely scents for deodorant with only $11.95 for full size and $7.95 for travel size. For Skora natural bath salts, there are two  choices of calming fields and sweet lemonade for $20.95.

One more thing...all this products are never tested on animals! 
Truly something that makes you feel good and fresh, too...


  1. Congratulations on winning the gift from Theresa Mahoney !!

  2. kemasannya lucu kayak bukan deodoran *katro nih baru lihat yang beginian :P
    mami obi ada riwayat kanker? aku baru tau mba, i'm sorry.. ceritain dong mba tentang kankernya dulu..

    1. hai mak...aku baru terdeteksi kanker payudara juli 2014 dan setelah mastektomi bulan Agustus 2014, sekarang masih menjalani kemo :)..beberapa postingan aku banyak yang bercerita tentang prosedur yang aku jalani :)..

  3. Baru denger merk ini, Mbak.. Ngga ada ya di Indonesia? :D

    1. iya Bebi..ini memang buatan USA dan kayaknya baru dijual di sini aja :)...tapi enak deeeh..

  4. I've wanted to try this brand after she posted about them. I also saw that Amazon has empty containers you can buy to make your own. I thought about doing that. Whatever I choose I want to move away from the stuff in the stores.

    Here's a new one Mica (age 9) asked to use deodorant. He said someone in his class uses it. My husband said, "No way! You're not going through puberty yet." I said, "I started using it when I was in 5th grade I think." I don't know what age to start kids on using deodorant.

    If you do ever want to try making your own after using Patchy here's a link to the empty ones on Amazon:

    1. Thanks's interesting that you can actually make one yourself...Thanks for the link. My son Bo is on the 3rd grade and I was thinking perhaps it's good to introduce him to deodorant, but I haven't done so..Perhaps it's the right time?

  5. I am so happy you are loving your deodorants! We are trying very hard to move to all natural and organic products, though some habits are hard to break. I don't like a lot of the chemicals in most deodorants, so this is such a great brand that I love letting my girls use too. Actually, I noticed Mariah NEEDED to start wearing some when she was 11. Allison started wearing it sporadically last year when she was 10, but I don't think she really needed it then. She only puts it on on days when she has gym class though, but I am sure she will go to full time here soon.

    1. you're right...we are so used to using all those chemical products :('s good that we have more choices for organic one :)


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