Showing posts with label ramadhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramadhan. Show all posts

A Solemn Ramadhan for All of us


Ramadhan is here...

Sungguh suatu kebahagiaan bisa kembali dipertemukan dengan bulan penuh rahmah yang senantiasa dirindukan umat Islam di seluruh dunia.
Bulan penuh rahmat dan ampunan-Nya.

And what makes it special is that we are observing it here at home.
Di Indonesia, tanah air tercinta.

Tidak ada yang memberi kebahagiaan lebih dibandingkan menikmati segala kebaikan Ramadhan bersama keluarga besar tercinta, di tengah berbagai keistimewaan di bulan luar biasa ini.

I am humbled to share this auspicious time with my beloved family.

Semoga teman - teman di mana pun berada juga bisa menikmatinya ya.
Mari kita sambut Ramadhan dengan penuh suka cita.

Karena Ramadhan adalah bulan di mana Sang Maha Penyayang memberi begitu banyak keistimewaan bagi umat-Nya yang paham dan takwa.
Ramadhan adalah bulan di mana ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran diturunkan.
Ramadhan adalah bulan saat malam lailatul qadar, malam yang lebih baik dari 1000 bulan, menjadi bagian darinya untuk orang - orang yang dipilih-Nya.
Ramadhan adalah bulan ketika setan dibelenggu, pintu neraka ditutup dan pintu surga terbuka lebar untuk kita semua tanpa terkecuali, termasuk orang - orang terkasih yang telah mendahului kita semua 
Ramadhan adalah bulan baik yang insya Allah menjadi saat terindah ketika doa yang dipanjatkan akan dikabulkan Sang Maha Segala
Ramadhan adalah bulan yang membuat saya merindukan almarhum papa dan keluarga besar yang telah mendahului kami the most..
Ramadhan adalah bulan penuh ketenangan yang perlu dilalui dengan ketenangan, penuh rasa syukur, dan berserah diri.

Tahun ini, kami menikmati Ramadhan di tanah air tercinta dan alhamdulillah, sebelum bulan suci ini dimulai, kami berkesempatan untuk pulang ke Lampung saat long weekend. I have to admit that it's always great to be back home.  Walaupun tidak lama, kami sempat berziarah ke makam orang tua tercinta, juga kakek dan nenek. Plus bertemu sebagian keluarga besar dan menikmati kebersamaan. 

Al-fatihah untuk papah..

This is really something that we miss a lot when we live abroad, far from the big families. Sekedar makan di restoran favorit dan jalan ke mall ternyata cukup membuat hati ini hangat, senyum berkembang karena senang. Kami sempat mampir di Mie Multi Lampung, yang menjadi kegemaran kami semua, plus juga menyusuri MBK untuk melihat keseruan di Lampung dan juga Obi et Fia, the cousins, were spending some times in the playground there as well. It's just priceless. 

Semoga teman - teman juga sempat menghabiskan waktu bersama orang - orang tercinta ya. I sincerely hope kita semua selalu berada dalam berkah dan cinta-Nya.

Have a solemn Ramadhan.


Ramadhan Kareem from Aotearoa New Zealand

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

Alhamdulillaaah.. Ramadhan is here.

Semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan-Nya dan mendapat segala berkah, ampunan, dan petunjuk-Nya di bulan suci ini πŸ™.

The holy month of Ramadhan is here and I am so blessed to  be able to enjoy this month of repentance, self-resistance, perseverance and empathy. The month when, once again, we are given the chance to reborn, to be a better self.

In sya Allah, this will be our second Ramadhan in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Read our first Ramadhan in Wellington here : Welcoming Ramadhan in Wellington

For 2024 or 1444H in Islamic calendar, we are enjoying Ramadhan in the middle of Fall, right after summer down here. In terms of time, it’s pretty much similar to the length of fasting in Indonesia. 

In the first week of Ramadhan, until the end of March, we roughly started the fasting at 6 AM until 7.30 PM. So it is around 13.5 hours fasting. Later in the beginning of April 2023, we will have daylight saving, when the time is adjusted in accordance with the movement of the sun. Then our fasting will start from 5.11 AM to 6.17 PM. So, it's pretty much similar to Indonesia. So, my family and I are super happy.

As you know, while we were posted in Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, US, we experienced Ramadan in the middle of long summer days. Well, it was quite an experience and alhamdulillah, everything run smoothly at that time.  

Read our Ramadhan story in New York City here: Ramadhan with the Kids

I sincerely hope Ramadhan will bring all the best of us and may we all who observe it will manage to do all the good deeds and get jannah as we deserve. And what makes this Ramadhan special is that us, Umat Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Wellington, is planning to build an Indonesian mosque in Wellington, New Zealand. Last week, on the first weekend in this Ramadhan, we had Tarling or Taraweh Keliling, hosted by one group of Indonesia community in Wellington. I guess I will share the event on a separate post. 

Saat ini, UMI Wellington sedang berikhtiar untuk mendirikan masjid Indonesia di Wellington, Selandia Baru. Ikhtiar besar yang dilakukan dengan semangat tinggi dan niat baik untuk mendapat ridha  dan berkah-Nya.

Untuk informasi lengkapnya, check out our website untuk informasi tentang UMI dan juga proposal pembangunan masjid/Indonesian Islamic Center di Wellington, Selandia Baru di

Sekiranya teman - teman ingin berpartisipasi dan bergabung bersama kami untuk mencari berkah-Nya, klik link dan bisa mencari kampanye let's build a mosque in Wellington New Zealand

Selain melalui platform Launchgood, berikut Info rekening donasi Pembangunan Masjid Indonesia di Wellington, NZ, jika teman - teman berkenan bergabung.


BRI 3781-01-000007-566  Atas nama Irdan Moh Arkan 

New Zealand

West Pack Bank: 03-0525-0022413-001, Swift code: WPACNZ2W

Stay tune for more news on this campaign, termasuk Tabligh Akbar Online bersama untuk kick-off rencana baik ini πŸ™

Mohon bantuan doa, penyebaran informasi terkait rencana baik ini, dan juga dukungan donasi untuk mewujudkan masjid Indonesia ini.

Let’s build Indonesian Islamic Center and mosque in Wellington, New Zealand


Once againRamadhan kareem, dear friends. May Allah SWT bestow us with endless blessings.

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

WW: Cooking during Ramadhan

 Ramadhan is soon coming to the end.

This special month has taught us many things, including how to share with others, how to control our emotion and how to redeem ourselves in front of our Creator. Special month indeed require special treatment and one of the beauty of Ramadhan is that we spend extra time with our beloved family, friends and communities.

I do spend more time at home and after all the prayers we have to do, I cook a lot.
I really enjoy it and for me, cooking is certainly one of my cup of teas. I don't really cooking something fancy but the fact that you are creating something special for your beloved ones is really a luxury already. At least for me and my family.

So during our first Ramadhan in New Zealand, I managed to prepare some meals for shaum or our breakfast before dawn, and ifthar, or breaking the fasting. I cooked some entrΓ©e as well as the main courses of the day. at later stage, I cooked some cookies too, like kaastengels, nastar and more. Some cooking are successful, some are not LOL, particularly the new areas of bread that I have been exploring lately. 

here come nastar..

I guess I have shared some recipes before and this year, I have to admit I got so absorbed with the work at the office that I haven't shared any recipes. My bad! I hope I will be able to sit down and share more. What I manages to get is some photos of the food I cooked so far and here they are.

lasagna for Ifthar

This is really a special time and I am so grateful for being able to experience all this here in Wellington, New Zealand, with the Frakarsas, my beloved. 

See you on the next stories and meanwhile, stay safe, happy and healthy, wherever you are!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

How is your Ramadhan, dear friends?

Wellington has been so nice and gentle for us who are observing Ramadhan. Not only that the days are getting shorter, but the weather is so friendly as well. We have beautiful days but not too hot that makes us thirsty during the day. The works continue but we have shorter hours in the office. The kids are now enjoying their 'Fall' break as well so they don't have to go to school. it makes things easier for sure. All in all, Ramadhan has been very nice and special.

During the Easter break, we didn't go anywhere. Besides Ramadhan, we were thinking of  going somewhere a bit up in the North during the Lebaran break. Since many things are getting more and more expensive, we definitely have to plan it well and therefore save some money as well. 

We are pretty much busy at the office as meetings never stop. But most of the meetings or courtesy calls we have with different counterparts are very intriguing and enriching. We discuss a lot about the latest global issues, the bilateral priorities and possible collaborations as well as economic cooperation. Not to mention the networks and friendship we get from these new friends, colleagues and families here in Aotearoa. For sure, all the journey here in New Zealand is one that my family and I cherish. Well, I will certainly try to share more stories from the land of the Kiwis.

Now, let's enjoy Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Have fun with the links!

We hope you had a wonderful Easter however we still are sharing ideas along with spring ideas and a fashion feature.

We always have a great lineup and were happy to have you join us each week and hope you enjoy this weeks features to inspire you.. We have so many talented bloggers it is hard to to choose but we do our best each week, and if you need more Inspiration check out Last Weeks Party 4/11/2022 there were so many great blogs that visit us great of Ideas.

Join-our-weekly-link-party-each-week-starting-MondaysWonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

We would love if you share our party for others to enjoy. You could Pin The Banner From Above ❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Wedneday-Hostesses-2021Dont-miss-our-hostess-features

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Ideas To Make Moms Feel Special Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World The Endless Charm of Napier, the Art Deco Capital of New Zealand Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center The Art of Emotional Mental and Spiritual Spring Cleaning Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Stress Out of Control? Guaranteed Ways to Lower + Giveaway Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Tour Of Mini Vacation To Brooksville Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Wonderful-wednesday-linkup-307.Pin-Our-Banner.


♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World The House on Silverado // Easter Table with Vintage China


♥Feature Chosen By Clearissa // Clearissa Command Center White Arrows Home // 13 Easy Spring Home Decor Ideas To Give Your House A Refresh After Winter. How-to-stylize-bookshelves♥Feature Chosen By Clearissa // Clearissa Command Center Story Tellers Cottage // How to Style Your Bookshelves


♥Feature Chosen By Clearissa // Clearissa Command Center Organized Island // Old Fashioned Hummingbird Cake


♥Feature Chosen By Suzan // Country Crafts What The Fork Food Blog // Easter Meringue Nests Porcsciutto-Wrapped-Asparagus.

♥Feature Chosen By Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Pots & Planes // Roasted Asparagus Spears Wrapped in Prosciutto


♥Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Our Tiny Nest // DIY beaded Wreath Tutorial Creating-a-Gift-Basket-with-hand-picked-items

♥Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Create With Joy How To Create a One Of A Kind Gift with hand picked items your select


♥Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Scribbling Bloomer // Summer Fashion Crops-or-Capris

Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week --> Add Your Email You Can Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...] Now Before You Get Started I need you to take a few seconds to comment, to let us know your thoughts, it is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Now Lets Party!!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Welcoming Ramadhan in Wellington, New Zealand


Ramadhan is soon coming.

This holy month blessed with so many beautiful pahala and deeds, given to those who dedicate their niat or willingness, as well as their deeds and action only for Allah SWT the Almighty. Ramadhan is not only about refraining from eating, drinking and conducting intimate intercourse. Or stop gossiping and It is also the perfect time for us to reflect upon everything we have done and redeem ourselves, trying to be a way better person. Ramadhan will be the high time for us to restrain from unnecessary and consuming greed, to share more to others and to get closer to our Creator.

This year, we have our Ramadhan in Wellington, New Zealand.

Our first time ever.

Selalu ada saat pertama untuk banyak hal dan kali ini, kami puasa untuk edisi perdana di Wellington, Selandia Baru. Well, tentu saja hal ini menambah keistimewaan bulan penuh berkah yang selalu kita tunggu. Selandia Baru menjadi negara ke-lima untuk saya yang menjadi 'rumah' dan tempat menjalankan ibadah puasa. Selain Indonesia, alhamdulillah saya diberi kesempatan untuk menikmati Ramadhan di Melbourne, Australia; Brussels, Belgia; Geneva, Swiss; New York City, AS; dan Wellington, Selandia Baru. Along with me, Udi my hubby menggenapi pengalaman saya di 4 negara, sementara untuk anak - anak, ini kali ketiga mereka berganti tempat tinggal.  Tentu saja, tempat yang paling menyenangkan untuk menjalankan ibadah ini tak lain dan tak bukan adalah di tanah air tercinta.

Bukan bermaksud untuk sombong tapi kami benar - benar mencatat dan menikmati kesempatan yang diberikan Allah SWT kepada kami sekeluarga. Tentu saja banyak suka duka yang dialami saat menjalani ibadah di bulan suci Ramadhan jauh dari keluarga besar dan tanah air kesayangan. Ada banyak kerinduan yang terasa di dada. Nanti aku cerita lebih lanjut deh mengenai keseruannya ya, terutama dari the land of the Kiwis.

Now, let's see how Ramadhan is here in Wellington, New Zealand. Since we started it at the end of summer and the beginning of fall or autumn, the length of time for our fasting is pretty much similar to that of Indonesia. We start the fasting from 5.15 AM and end it t 6.15 PM. So more or less it's 13 hours. Really manageable. Especially since the weather here is also friendly now. Well, it's still cold but that's way better than if it is too hot. we are so privilege as we have got the experience of doing the fasting month in summer. Long hours, hot weather, regular work schedule and school were really huge challenges for us while fasting in Geneva and in New York. 

We follow the announcement from FIANZ or the Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand. FIANZ has a special working group dealing with the sighting of new moon to confirm the start of Ramadhan. Based on FIANZ memo, Ramadhan starts on April 4th, 2022 in New Zealand. So, that's Monday for us.

So far, we don't really have preparation in particular besides making sure that we have our resolute commitment to be a much better, more righteous follower. 

Untuk puasa kali ini, kami tidak memiliki persiapan khusus kecuali meluruskan niat dan meneguhkan hati untuk bisa terus memperbaiki diri dan menjadi hamba-Nya yang lebih taat. Jujur saja, saya pribadi merasa ada begitu banyak kekurangan diri yang rasanya membuat saya malu untuk bersimpuh pada-Nya dan banyak meminta. Saya harus mengakui bahwa berbagai tanggung jawab di dunia kerap membuat saya alpa akan prioritas pada akhirat. Sementara anak - anak yang beranjak dewasa juga menyadarkan saya dan suami betapa cepat waktu berlalu dan masih banyak PR yang harus kami kerjakan sebagai orang tua sesuai ajaran-Nya dan teladan dari junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW. Semoga semua niat baik, puasa, ibadah, doa, permohonan ampun dan sujud kita pada-Nya bisa menjadi peluruh dosa - dosa kita dan membuka pintu surga untuk kita kelak. 

Marhaban yaa Ramadhan.

Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa dan mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya teman -teman. 

Have a solemn Ramadhan.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Hope everyone is well and here comes another round of Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. 

It has been another solemn week of Ramadhan for me and my family, with virtual as well as hybrid meetings in between. For sure I have done 2 extra antigen rapid tests and 1 PCR to ensue that I am well and fit before and after meetings. With the new variant of viruses and how infection spread even faster, we take a lot of precautions. Even for the Eid al - Fitr, we are prohibited from making trips back home or what we warmly call home coming. Usually, days before the end of Ramadhan, we will be traveling back home and ready to spend the victory day with the family and your loved ones. But then I guess with the latest development of cases developing in India and other countries as well, it is for the benefit of us all that we stay at home and reduce mobility. Lebaran Day will be as solemn and victorious as it can be without us gathering in big crowds or making some trips. We have seen how the cases in India get worse and worse and I believe we all have to learn from it.

Anyway, all of us at home is happily continuing our Ramadhan. The kids are so used to it and it's always comfortable to celebrate Ramadhan at home. The kids have finished their online classes and only getting some exercises through Google Classroom. They help us clean the house, cook and bake, and take care of the kittens. We have been cooking a lot at home and/or receiving food hampers from friends.

Ow, have I mentioned that we have 3 new kittens? Let me introduced you to PJ, Ink and Yellow. All of them are super cute indeed!

Cheers from Cemong, Yellow, PJ and ink somewhere there LOL

Now, as always, let me invite you to our weekly party , Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends is ready!

Beautiful cupcakes in purple and teal frosting from my dearest friends

Hello everyone and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday "Weekly Link Party" we are happy to have you join us. If you are new, thank you for joining us, we hope you will browse through our features, stop by and meet someone new. And let us know in comments, What do you have going on in your garden this spring-Or plans for an outdoor party-Mothers Day Visit?

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find something of interest and don't forget, our hostesses have great posts they share as well.

Join our weekly link party each week starting Mondays 

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Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Enter The 3 Tier Tray Plus a $20.00 Gift Card Giveaway Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Wonderful Stay at Pullman Hotel Grand Central Bandung Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Craft With Me/DIY Wreath & Wooden Box With Upcycled Jars Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Diversity: Inspiring Kids to Embrace Difference + A Giveaway with Milo! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Family room almost done Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest



Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Amy's Creative Pursuits // A Bathroom Refresh and How To Remove Crackle Paint New-DIY-hygienic-pads-set

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Keeping It Real // New DIY hygienic pads set Parmesan-Broiled-Tomatoes

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting The Kitchen is My Playground // Parmesan Boiled Tomatoes


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Crafts Ala mode // Recipe for Apple Pie Streusel Cake


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Nancy C. // Dark Chocolate Cupcakes Little-Treasures-Mothers-Day-Gift-Ideas 

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Little Treasure's // Celebrate Mother's Day - gifts inspiration Shelbee-on-The-Edge-The-Fab-40s.Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Shelbee on The Edge // The Fab 40s Shelbee features fashion bloggers and offers several linkups each week Marilyns-Treats-Gluten-Free-BrowniesMarilyn's Treats // Gluten Free Brownies

Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week > Add Your Email < Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...] Now Before You Get Started would you take a moment to Let us know your thoughts and thank you for Sharing, it is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Now Lets Party!!!


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