Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts

Ingin Kulit Sehat, Cerah dan Lembab? Coba Scarlett Whitening by Felicya Angelista

Ingin Kulit Sehat, Cerah dan Lembab? Coba Scarlett Whitening by Felicya Angelista

“Hai Indah, minggu ini kita jadi diving ya! Nanti kumpul jam 8 pagi di Pantai Puri Gading. Kita akan turun di spot Batu Mandi dan sekitarnya”

Bunyi teks di WAG ini langsung membuatku sumringah. Seperti biasa, setiap ada jadwal diving aku akan happy dan semangat banget, because diving is really my cup of tea! Sejak resmi mendapat lisensi di tahun 2012 (dan aku menyesal kenapa ngga dari dulu), setiap ada kesempatan aku selalu mencoba untuk ikut diving trip yang ada. That is why, dalam 1 - 2 bulan biasanya kami kembali ke Lampung untuk diving maupun snorkeling. 

Seru? Pasti. 

Bahagia? Banget!

Namun ada satu hal yang kerap menjadi ganjalan setiap aku pulang dari diving trip. Ada yang bisa tebak kira - kira apa? Kondisi kulitku!

Bahagianyaaa bisa diving terus!

Berada di bawah matahari yang kerap terik dan dalam waktu lama membuat kulitku jadi agak hitam dan kusam. Well, mungkin kalau hanya sekedar menggelap masih oke ya, karena banyak yang menganggap kulit sawo matang yang kita miliki itu eksotik, tapi kalau kusam? Lain cerita! Semakin sering kami berada di pantai atau di pulau, semakin kering dan menggelaplah kulitku. Bukan hanya wajah saja, tapi juga tangan dan kaki! Pokoknya bagian tubuhku yang terpapar sinar matahari pasti menjadi belang or beda warna, kering, kusan dan terlihat ngga sehat. Sedih kan jadinya. Padahal aku sudah rajin menggunakan sunscreen yang khusus untuk olahraga termasuk diving dengan SPF 70 serta menggunakan after sun lotion supaya kulit tidak terbakar. Lebih sedihnya lagi, penyebab ini semua adalah olah raga dan hobi yang membuat hatiku bahagia. Berhenti diving dan snorkeling?  Ya jangan dong, kan itu olah raga favorit. Jadi galau deh!

Rangkaian produk body care Scarlett by Felicya Angelista

 So,  I guess the best way of addressing this issue adalah selalu menjaga kesehatan kulitku dan mencari produk perawatan tubuh atau body care yang pas dan bisa membantu mengatasi masalah yang aku hadapi ini. Luckily,  aku banyak melihat review teman - teman, terutama para beauty bloggers Indonesia yang keren - keren itu. Salah satu seri body care yang hip dan banyak disuka mereka adalah Scarlett by Felicya Angelista. 

And I finally got a chance to try them myself! Yaaaay! Penasaran seperti apa rasanya menggunakan rangkaian produk ini? Here we go!

Body Scrub Romansa 

Produk pertama yang aku coba adalah body scrub Romansa. 

Kesan pertama? Wangi bangeeeet dan bulirannya halus, jadi saat dipakai kulit tidak sakit.  I love it!

Aku memang suka menggunakan body scrub karena perasaanku mandi saja belum lengkap dan biasanya selesai menggunakan body scrub, kulit menjadi halus, lembab dan bersih karena sel - sel kulit mati kita akan rontok setelah kita bersihkan. Enaknya menggunakan Body Scrub Romansa  ini adalah bulirannya yang halus dan pas (tidak terlalu halus, tidak terlalu kasar) membuat scrub mudam menempel di kulit dan tidak menggumpal, lalu saat kita gosokkan tidak membuat kulit kita sakit. Selain itu, wanginya enak dan lumayan menempel di kulit. Jadi tambah bahagia deeeh.

Cara penggunaannya juga gampang deh. Tinggal dioleskan ke kulit secukupnya, sampai kulit tertutup oleh scrub dan digosokkan setelah tunggu beberapa saat. Saat digosokkan, kotoran yang menempel di kulit akan rontok dan setelah kita bilas dengan air, kulit terasa halus licin, wangi dan lembab. That's why I love it!

Brightening Shower Scrub Pomegrante

This is another favorite of mine from the whole series. 

Dengan kondisi kulit yang agak menggelap dan kusam akibat sering berada di bawah matahari langsung, aku benar - benar menikmati brightening shower scrub pomegrante. 

Yang pasti wanginya enaak banget dan segar! seperti fruity dan flowery at the same time. Pokoknya aku sukaaa! Kalau sudah dipakai, buliran yang ada di dalam produk ini juga pasti terasa dan membuat tubuh kita juga jadi lebih bersih. Dengan warna pink yang super cutie  shower scrub yang satu ini memang juara. Oh ya, busanya juga banyak dan benar - benar bikin rileks deh. 

Untuk penggunaannya juga mudah banget kok, tinggal usap sabun di seluruh badan yang telah dibasahi air. Setelahnya tinggal dibasuh dengan air dan voila,  you are done!

Brightening Shower Scrub Pomegrante and Mango

Brightening Shower Scrub Mango

Fruit lovers, here's one lovely shower scrub for you!

Mandi dengan brightening shower scrub mango ini bikin happy deh. Wanginya asli segar dan seperti produk serupa yang varian pomegrante, aku menikmati sekali busa yang melimpah dan kulit yang segar, lembab dan bersih  sesudah mandi. Berkat buliran scrub yang terkandung di dalamnya, shower scrub yang berwarna kuning dengan tektur ini memberi sensasi mandi yang menyenangkan! Aku jadi betah di kamar mandi hehehe.

Sama seperti brightening shower scrub pomegrante, pemakaian produk yang satu ini juga mudah ya. Kemasan botolnya dengan plastik dengan tulisan Scarlett yang timbul dan tutup  botolnya menggunakan sistem lock/unlock untuk memastikan produknya tidak tumpah namun tetap mudah untuk dituang. 

Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion 

Selain body scrub dan brightening shower scrub yang sudah aku bahas di atas, body lotion juga aku pakai untuk melengkapi produk perawatan kulitku. 

Dan taraaaa... aku langsung mencoba 3 varian, Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion charming, romansa, dan freshy.

All in all, semua produk body lotion dari seri ini enak dipakai. Teksturnya lembut dan tidak lengket serta cepat meresap di kulit. Setelah pemakaian, selang beberapa saat, kulit akan terasa lembut dan lembab. Salah satu active ingredients yang ada adalah glutathione, yang kaya antioksidan, dan vitamin E, yang memang juara untuk kesehatan kulit. Wanginya? Segar banget! 

Untuk Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion charming,  wanginya akan mengingatkan kita seperti  wangi parfum mahal yang hits, Baccarat Rouge 540. Oke banget kan! Untuk Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion  freshy, yang aku suka banget, wanginya fruit based dan mengingatkan aku pada  wangi Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia eau de cologne. Finally, untuk Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion romansa, as the name suggested, wanginya romantis banget dan floral based, cocok buat kamu yang suka wangi bunga. 

Tiga pilihan body lotion yang oke banget

Cara pemakaiannya juga sederhana, bisa digunakan setiap hari, pagi dan malam secara merata di seluruh tubuh untuk hasil maksimal. Tinggal pompa produk dari kemasannya dan voila... you can use them. Setelah dipakai, tunggu beberapa saat hingga produk menyerap secara menyeluruh. Jangan lupa untuk disimpan dalam suhu ruang ya supaya tekturnya tidak berubah. 

Secara keseluruhan, aku juga suka berbagai produk Scarlett karena kemasan botolnya itu ukurannya pas dan mudah banget untuk dibawa kemana-mana, tidak terlalu besar atau bulky. Pas banget buat aku yang memang suka traveling atau mendapat tugas dari kantor. Selain itu, ketika kita memesan produk ini, semua produknya dibaluti oleh bubble wrap sehingga produk tidak akan rusak ketika kita terima. Aku juga dapat box exclusive yang reuseable dan desainnya cantik banget. 

So, what do you think?

A big yes, yeah?

Yang pasti, semua produk yang aku sebut di atas, mulai dari brightening body scrub, brigthening shower scrub, dan fragrance brightening body lotion dalam beberapa aroma semuanya  mengandung glutathione dan vitamin E  Kedua bahan aktif ini berfungsi untuk  mencerahkan, melembabkan, dan menutrisi kulit kita lho. So it's good to have that!

Selain itu, kita juga ngga perlu khawatir karena semua produk Scarlett terdaftar di BPOM dan halal. Setiap produk ada stiker halal dari MUI,  not tested on animals yang artinya prosesnya sangat ramah dan tidak menyiksa binatang tertentu, serta ada label Scarlett berwarna perak dan QR code yang bisa kita pindai untuk mendapat informasi lengkap tentang berbagai produk Scarlett. 

Untuk harga, seluruh harga produk satuannya adalah Rp 75.000,- namun jangan lupa, ada  harga paket hemat jika kamu beli 5 barang dengan harga hanya Rp 300.000,-. Pssst,  dapet box exclusive+free gift juga lhooo. Ayo buruan pesan ya, bisa lewat whatsapp di nomor (+62) 877 0035 3000 atau lewat line dengan akun @scarlett_whitening. Gampang kan! 

Well, demikian pengalamanku menggunakan serangkaian produk yang oke banget. 

Ingin kulit sehat, cerah dan lembab? coba Scarlett whitening by Felicya Angelista. 

Have fun!

Review of Garnier Skin Active Clearly Brighter Daily Moisturizer SPF 15

Review of Garnier Daily Moisturizer

Hello, beautiful people!

Hope you are enjoying whatever season you are on now.
I know some of you are enjoying the freezing snow, endless rain, or even balmy sun.
Here in Jakarta, Indonesia, we have a melange of sunshine and heavy pour.
Well, the beginning of the year is typically like this and we usually have more rain as the Chinese New Year is coming.

I have been enjoying the tropical weather of Jakarta.
Yet, my skin need some adjustment obviously after moving from colder place like New York City to forever-humid Jakarta.
That's why I need a good day-to-day sunscreen.

Now, I have been routinely using Estée Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion (read the full review by clicking it :)) as well as Garnier Skin active Clearly Brighter Sunscreen.

Let's read my take on this on the review of Garnier Skin Active Clearly Brighter  Daily Moisturizer SPF 15.


This product is one of the collection from Skin Active series, particularly Clearly Brighter variant. There are 5 different products from this series and the one I have is the daily moisturizer with broad spectrum SPF 15.

Clearly brighter
It comes in a plastic bottle with pump on top to help us adjust the liquid as needed.

The weight is 2.5 fl oz/75 ml. For me it's enough for approximately 3-4 months of daily use. It also has its expiry date printed clearly on the bottle.

The pump on top of it...

As I read it from the website,, it claims that it will brighten and smoothen our skin. " Clinically proven results.* In 1 week, reveals two key dimensions of brighter looking skin: radiant, more even skin tone and improved skin texture, even reduces wrinkles. *In a clinical test."


Again, the website says:

"Active ingredients Purpose 
Avobenzone 3% .................... Sunscreen
Octisalate 5% .................... Sunscreen
Octocrylene 5% ................... Sunscreen

Inactive Ingredients: water, glycerin, silica, dimethicone, PEG-100 stearate, glyceryl stearate, octyldodecanol, ammonium polyacryloyldimethyl taurate, ascorbyl glucoside, benzyl alcohol, benzyl salicylate, capryloyl salicylic acid, caprylyl glycol, citral, dicaprylyl carbonate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium EDTA, geraniol, limonene, linalool, nymphaea alba flower extract, palmitic acid, phenoxyethanol, phenylethyl resorcinol, sodium hyaluronate, sodium hydroxide, sodium palmitoyl proline, steareth-100, stearic acid, tocopherol, xanthan gum, fragrance."

the look of the moisturizer


I bought this at CVS New York City and the price is USD 15,-

I haven't really look for it here in Jakarta but I guess I saw it online.


Too bad I lost the box but this product certainly comes in a sturdy box in white and green nuance, signature of Garnier. The bottle itself is pearly white with green pump on top of it. The pump is good, so that it's easy to control the flow of the liquid from the bottle.

I have other product from the same series that I will review later. It's Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel - Cream fro dry skin. the packaging is pretty much similar to this daily moisturizer.

Wait for this review!


To use this product, pump the product (approximately 1 - 2 pumps are enough) and apply it liberally to your face and neck. Do it 15 minutes before being exposed to the sun. 
Easy peasy, right!


I like the fact that it feels light and not stick on my face. 

It doesn't have any particular smell and there is only a faint, lovely hint of flower but not too strong. So it's good!

I usually put it after the serum, with a short break in between. It absorb quickly to the skin and you can feel the moisturizer working, It keeps my skin fresh and moist. After 2 months of intensive use, I can see my skin tone is brighter and healthier. Unfortunately, I don't have the 'before' photo, but I can assure you that I feel the result of wearing it diligently. 

no filter..nothing but the daily moisturizer.. 

So, that what I have about Garnier Skin Active Clearly Brighter Daily Moisturizer  with SPF 15 .
So far, I have no complaints and happy to use it and repurchase it. It's not too expensive and it's 

What do you think?
Do you think you will try this as well?
What is your favorite daily moisturizer?
Share it freely in comments, please.


Garnier USA:

Review of Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion

Introducing Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion

Who wants to have healthy, glowing skin?
I bet all of us want it.
Some might want it badly, like me!

I have been an avid lover of skin care products, particularly those which are safe, skin-friendly and show effective results. After series of treatment that I have to go through for my breast cancer, particularly  the chemotherapy, I have been suffering from super dry skin and hyperpigmentation, which resulted in dark spots on my face. As my oncologist informed me previously, this is part of the side effects of chemo as well as the medicine I took in order to make sure that cancer does not return to my system. It doesn't look that bad bad but it's still sad to see them spreading over my cheeks and forehead.

Aku memang pecinta skin care, apalagi semenjak menjalani kemoterapi di tahnu 2014 dan 2015. Meskipun aku tidak pernah memiliki kulit mulus sejak muda #emangudahtuamba tapi aku perhatikan kulitku benar-benar menderita sejak kemo. Kulit wajah terutama, yang bukan hanya kering dan terkelupas namun juga penuh dengan bintik hitam. Dokter oncologist aku memang sudah mengingatkan bahwa dampak dan efek samping dari kemoterapi memang banyak, termasuk hiperpegmentasi di kulit wajah. Ini yang sering membuatku sedih kalau melihat kulit wajah dari dekat. But, hey.. we can always find something to work on it.

So, with that in mind, I have tried to look for products that can help me address this issues.

It is not always that easy to find one though.
Some are too strong for me as it has alcohol in it or the active ingredients are simple unsuitable for my type of skin. Some are good but extremely expensive. Some are just simply a big No-No.

But then, of all the products I have tried, I fall in love with this one from Estee Lauder!
Introducing Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion.
Estee Lauder has long been known as one of the leading companies with visionary ambition and believe that every woman is  beautiful. Established in 1946, the company continues to provide beauty products which help women across the globe express their beauty and confidence. Another thing I love about this brand is its commitment and endless support to the campaign of breast cancer, along with special attention on  sustainability, citizenship and employee well-being.

Well now, here's my review of Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion.

Name of the product:

Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion

Here's what it claims

This milky emulsion claims to be 'a powerful brightening facial emulsion' , which help us get brighter and clearer face. The milky texture is absorbed fast and refreshing. It also contains natural elements which boosts the daily cycle of our skin. It also prevents and reduces dark spots and discolouration (just like what I need!) and thus makes skin smoother, clearer and have translucent complexion. Moreover, it protects skin from harmful damages which mostly take place during the day and maximise the power of the night cycle to revitalize the skin. It is also dermatologist and ophthalmologist - tested and most importantly, non - acnegenic and will not clog pores. 

One of the main reasons why I try this is because it focuses on the dark spots and discolouration. Those are two pressing  issues  I have with regards to my face. 

Besides, this product is created for and tested on Asian skin in Asia.

Seperti yang saya baca di kotak produk ini, bintik-bintik hitam di kilit wajah pada dasarnya diakibatkan oleh berbagai partikel jelek dan merusak yang terakumulasi di kilit wajah pada siang harı dan terbentuk menjadi bintik hitam saat malam harı. Karen itu, Estee Lauder, dengan teknologi terbarunya memanfaatkan siklus alami kulit untuk melakukan regenerasi dengan menggunakan formula yang lembut namun efektif dari bahan-bahan alami. Hasilnya, kulit akan lebih cerah, sehat dan translucent. Plus produk ini memang diciptakan untuk kulit Asia dan dites di kulit wajah Asia juga.

Price: USD 110,-

Aku belum tau persis berapa harganya untuk produk ini di Indonesia.


I love the simple, yet chic and elegant packaging. The color of the bottle is pearly white with touch of silver at the edge.  The logo of Crescent White is silvery circle. It has smooth triangle form with cap and Estée Lauder seal on the cap for new product.

What I have is the 3.4 oz or 100 ml so it's quite big.

The packaging
Where to buy:
You can definitely buy it directly at or through leading stores such as Sephora and Macy's. I personally bought it Macy's New York City.
Saya sempet lihat produk ini ditawarkan di toko online Indonesia tapi lupa apakah ready stock or out of stock.

How to use:

Pour adequate amount of the emulsion, pump it as needed. 
Remember, it's tick and rich so 2 pumps are enough for me. 
Apply it over your face and smooth it using your fingers.
I love doing a little massage while applying it.

It is suggested to use it day and night.


In love with its milky texture
I have to say that as the name suggested, the product is milky and rich.
I feel the skin instantly moisturised once I apply it on my face.
It is fast absorbing but, depending on your skin type, it may take a while to be fully absorbed. In my case, I usually wait for 10 - 15 minutes to ensure that the whole emulsion is well absorbed before applying other products such as serum or moisturiser. 

I have been using this product for the last 3 months, using approximately using more than half of the 100ml bottle. Too bad I am not always that diligent to use it AM and PM but I always use it in the morning. And yes, I do notice the development! My skin is brighter and healthier, plus some of the dark spots are reduced, although not completely gone. Well, I am being realistic and as long as the skin is healthy, I will continue. 

No filter .. My healthier skin now, using only the milky emulsion...too bad I forgot to take the 'before' photo :). You still see the dark spots here and there but much better.
The only notes I have here is that the emulsion is quite thick and in the warm temperatures of Indonesia, even in the morning, it can be a bit sticky and hot. I make sure I do it in an air-conditioned room. Moreover, it's quite pricey, apalagi jika kita rajin menggunakan di pagi dan malam hari menjelang tidur, agar efektifitas full cycle yang ditawarkan produk ini. I use the whole bottle in around 3 months. 

Nevertheless, all in all, I love this product!

I am already repurchasing my 2nd bottle and will stick to it for a while before I try others.
So, that's my review on Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion.

Will you try the same product as well?

Or you have similar product you have been using as well.
Tell me what you think.


Better Moisturized Skin with Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter

Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter

Having trouble with dry, horrible skin?
Me, too!

I have been facing some issues with my skin after the chemo.
Well, I did the chemo at the end of 2014 and the first four month of 2015 and up until now, I am still facing one of the impacts and consequences.
Horrible, dry skin.
There were times when my skin was so dry I didn't realize it started bleeding.
Well, chemotherapy caused all of those side effects but even after I was done with my treatment, I still bear the consequences.

I have been using several products to help addressing this issue.
As suggested by my oncologist, I started with something natural with less chemical.
It would go gentle on my skin and reduce the possible complication.

Another challenge that I have here is my fond of snorkeling and diving.
Going out to the middle of the ocean and spending the whole day under the sun and underwater is not that friendly to my skin either.
And lately, I have the opportunity to visit some Caribbean countries. 
Whenever I have the time and chances, I would definitely go snorkeling and diving in these beautiful spots.
But since I love doing it, I just to find a good product that will help me with my skin.

At some point, I also need extra moisturizing products during Ramadhan that we has just passed a couple week ago.

As I have mentioned before, during the holly month of Ramadhan we moslems fast from dawn till dusk for one month. With long days we have in this summer and restricted hydration during fasting month, my skin get drier and drier.

But now, I found one product that helps with my dry, dull skin.
Almost instantly.
Introducing Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter.
This body butter is special because it has extra ingredients of shea butter, hokum and cocoa butter which help moisturizing our skin.
And I love how it feels on my skin!

You can just easily rub a small amount of the body butter to your skin and wait for a while to ensure the skin fully absorb it. It feels good and it's not sticky.
I also love the wonderful smell of coconut on my skin.
So natural and reminds me of the beach!

The ingredients of this lovely lotion include, among others, water, shea butter, cocoa butter, garcinia indica butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and rose hip oil. Check out the complete ingredients in this photo.

So you can see that this body butter is good for your skin, enriched with so many natural products and has no dangerous ingredients on it. It's natural, paraben free and packed with vitamin A, B, C, and E to nourish skin. What's not to love about this body butter.

If you want to give it a try, you can get it from Maple Holistics or through Amazon as well as their Facebook page. Check out their lovely website and you can get free samples too!

Enjoy your beautiful, moisturised skin with Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter.

Disclaimer: I received free product for this review but  all opinions expressed here are my own.