I have no yet traveled abroad since COVID - 19 but I know I still have tons of photos from my previous travels that I haven’t shared.
Well, in 2019, I did go to so many places and countries. I guess I went to Geneva and New York several times, then visited Russia, Norway, England, Singapore, Turkey, and Belgium.
For sure I would like to share it with all of you here.
And welcome to Belgium!
I came here in November 2019 and guess when was the last time I visited this place?
16 years ago when I had my internship here in Indonesian Mission to the European Union.
And in 2019 I had the chance to go back and I felt so overwhelmed.
Kota Brussels, Belgia memang memiliki kenangan tersendiri untukku. 16 tahun yang lalu, gadis kampung asal Lampung ini mendapat kehormatan untuk menjalani program magang di Perutusan RI untuk Masyarakat Eropa (PRIME). Meskipun PRIME saat ini telah dilebur bersama Kedutaan Besar RI untuk Kerajaan Belgia dan Kepatihan Luksembourg, namun kenangan manis dan berbagai aktivitas yang kami jalani di Brussels masih lekat dalam ingatan. Belgia adalah negara Eropa kedua yang aku jelajahi setelah Belanda. Di Den Haag atau The Hague, aku sempat mengikuti kursus non-gelar di Clingendael Institutes. 16 tahun yang lalu, aku masih gadis lugu yang belum pernah menginjakkan kaki di bumi Eropa. Terbayang kan betapa excited-nya aku ketika tau bahwa setelah usai menjalani pendidikan Sekolah Dinas Luar Negeri sebagai diplomat muda Kemlu, aku dan teman angkatanu mendapat kesempatan untuk mengikuti kursus di Belanda dan menjalankan magang di banyak negara, termasuk Belgia. Aaah, jadi panjang nih ceritanya sekaligus nostalgia.
One of my favorite places in Brussels is Grand Place.
This is truly the heart of Brussels as we have so many interesting buildings and historical places here.
It is right in the middle of the city center and you can't miss it!
I will share more stories with you all on my reminiscing-of-the-past trip to Brussels, Belgium in November 2019.
And now, join us in (almost) wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.