Enjoying the burning sky as I headed home.
Astoria Park is such a wonderful place to see the burning sky.
Merci ya Rabb, the Most Merciful, for all this breathtaking beauty we enjoy.
This is what I saw when I stepped out of the N line at Astoria Boulevard.
Astoria Park is such a wonderful place to see the burning sky.
Merci ya Rabb, the Most Merciful, for all this breathtaking beauty we enjoy.
This is what I saw when I stepped out of the N line at Astoria Boulevard.
"The sun and the moon (move) by precise calculation;
And the stars and trees prostrate; And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance .... So which of the favors of Your Lord would you deny?"
Al-Quran, Ar-Rahman 5-7 & 13
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