Showing posts with label combro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label combro. Show all posts

WW - glorious Indonesian food at NY Indonesian Street Festival 2016

They speak for themselves :).

Glorious Indonesian food at the recent New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016.
Starting from rendang jengkol (I don't even know what's the translation of Jengkol in English :)), to bakwan, martabak daging and combro, from sate padang to lemper and arem-arem. So many choices, all makes me drool.

Most of them are precooked and packed, some are freshly prepared on the spot.
One thing for sure, they are super delicious!

Here's the complete story of New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016 

rendang jengkol for you :)

Sate Padang...and all the long lining up just to get a portion of it :)

es teler..perfect for hot NYC day..

so many choices indeed :)

And finally, at home, I was inspired to make my own sate padang :)
Mari makaaaan 

home-made Sate Padang :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy bloghopping

Combro - Spicy Tempe and Grated Yucca Fritters

Haloooo.. Apa kabar semuaaa?
Bagaimana liburannya?
Semangat tahun baru, semangaaat juga beraksi di dapur :).

How's your winter break?
I sincerely hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones.
And now we better get ready for brand new days with renewed spirit and determination!
To a fabulous 2016 :)

And I guess, one of my (silent) resolutions for 2016 is bringing more Indonesian tradisional food and recipes here in my blog. I do wish I can fulfill that :). 

And to start with, today I have Combro, spicy tempe and grated yucca fritters :).
Combro with C, not K.
One of my favorite all-time favorite, mood-lifting, comfort food :). I know, I have a looooong list of favorite munchies and more than happy to share it with you all.

Kalau di Indonesia, beli combro memang gampang aja. Saya ingat kalau selalu punya andalan tukang gorengan yang buat combro enak di mana pun berada. Di Lampung, di Jakarta, bahkan di kantorku. Tapi memang makin lama makin susah dan makin sedikit yang jualan combro. Mungkin karena membuatnya relatif lebih ribet dibandingkan bakwan, cireng atau tahu isi ya? Atau oncom dan singkong makin mahal harganya? Hmmm. Perlu survey lagi nih :).

Combro, or the abbreviation of oncom di jero, or oncom inside in Sundanese, is believed to be originated from West Java.  The authentic combro is using oncom, or fermented soybean leftovers, which is a common staple food in Indonesia. But since we don't have oncom in NYC, I use tempe, another Indonesian traditional ingredient, that you can easily find here in the USA. Since both are made of soybeans, they have similar taste and perfect for this recipe.

Berhubung oncom ngg ada di NYC (sampai sekarang belum ketemu yang jual oncom di sini hehe), jadi isi combronya kita ganti dengan tempe ya. Rasanya enak jugaaa kok :).

Here are the ingredients:

Cassava or yucca - 2 big ones, grated
Tempe - 1 package, beaten or cut into small cubes
Chilies - 2 or 3, depending how spicy you want it to be, if desired
Onion - medium 1, thinly sliced
Shallot - 1,  thinly sliced
Garlic - 2, crushed
Vegetable oil for frying
Salt, sugar and pepper - as desired
Coriander powder - if desired

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan tidak banyak kok, hanya singkong, oncom atau tempe sebagai pengganti, bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe, garam, gula dan lada untuk membumbui. Plus minyak goreng untuk menggoreng.

How to cook:

First, we get the filling ready. Put the thinly sliced onion and shallots plus crushed garlic on a hot skillet, cook them until fragrance and put the chilies and tempe then saute it. Put it aside and let it cool.

In a mixing bowl, put the grated yucca or cassava, salt, pepper, a bit of sugar and coriander powder (if you like) and mix them well. Then get a spoonful of the mixture, flatten it in your hand, put a teasponful of filling then cover it with the mixture and shape it oval or as desired. then the last thing to do is deep fry it until golden brown. And Combro is ready :). Feel free to eat it with fresh chili or hot sauce if you like.

ready to eat Combro :)
Memasaknya juga super gampang.
Pertama kita siapkan dulu isinya. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih dan cabe hinga matang dan wangi, campur tempe dan jangan lupa bewi garam, sedikit gula, lada dan bubuk ketumbar kalau suka. Saya suka bangeeet dengan ketumbar karena wanginya khas :). Setelah isi jadi, tiang siapkan adonan singkong yang telah diparut dan juga diberi sedikit garam. Bentuk oval dengan tempe atau oncom di tengahnya dan rapikan bentuknya. Lalu tinggal digoreng deeeh :). Dan combro hangat siap dinikmati, apalagi jika ditemani cabe rawit segar dan teh hangat. Aaah bahagiaaa judulnya.

Dan kalau melirik jam dinding, proses membuatnya juga cepat kok. Less than 1 hour, ngga sampai satu jam. Oke kan :)

Hope you enjoy Combro, the spicy tempe and grated yucca fritters, as much as I do and happy cooking.