Heloooo everyone ..
How is your holiday?
I hope everyone isenjoying one's break in this festive month. Spending lovely time with family and friends, doing all the things you love :).
We have some friends coming at the end of this year and it was great meeting up with them after quite some times. After exploring NYC in its drizzling Christmas day, we decided to sit down at home and just relax.
I have been trying to use more veggies in my cooking, especially for the kids. Then with a little mixing here and there, I managed to make veggie and cheese Bitterballen. Yummy and easy for everyone to enjoy.
Untuk mereka yang sudah sering dan biasa membuat bitterbalen, pasti tau bahwa resep bitterbalen klasik adalah campuran daging giling, keju, susu, dan tepung yang bersalut telur dan tepung panir. Cemilan yang berasal dari Negeri Kincir Angin ini memang sudah menjadi salah satu resep andalan di keluarga saya.Namun kali ini saya mengganti daging dengan aneka sayuran seperti wortel, kacang polong, jagung dan buncis, supaya anak-anak lebih banyak asupan sayurannya. Sedangkan bahan yang lainnya sama, yaitu susu, keju (berhubung persediaan keju di rumah sedang melimpah, saya mencampur parutan keju Edam dan Gruyere plus Parmesan bubuk), tepung, garam, lada dan sedikit bubuk pala jika suka. Plus telur dan tepung panir untuk pelapisnya sebelum digoreng. Ternyata meskipun isinya sayuran namun rasanya enak jugaaa :).
So, let's cook..
Here are the ingredients:
Mixed veggies - 2 cups. I used carrots, corns, green peas and green beans. You're indeed welcomed to use other favorite veggies of yours :)
Onion - a half, thinly sliced
Flour - approximately 2 cups or as needed
Milk - 1 cup
Cheese - I used a mixture of grated edam, gruyere and parmesan
Eggs - 2, beaten
Vegetable oil
Salt and pepper
Nutmeg powder - if desired.
How to cook:
Put the onion in the hot pan and cook it together with mixed veggies.
Once it's ready, pour the milk as well as salt, pepper and nutmeg powder, then slowly add the flour and cheese, little by little until everything is well mixed and no longer sticky.
Then shape the mixture into small balls, dip them into beaten eggs then roll them in a plate of breadcrumbs. You can do that twice or three times until the layers get thicker.
Deep fry it until golden brown and you can enjoy cheese and veggie bitterballen with mustard, mayo, or hot sauce. I even eat it with fresh chili :).
Once it's ready, pour the milk as well as salt, pepper and nutmeg powder, then slowly add the flour and cheese, little by little until everything is well mixed and no longer sticky.
Then shape the mixture into small balls, dip them into beaten eggs then roll them in a plate of breadcrumbs. You can do that twice or three times until the layers get thicker.
Deep fry it until golden brown and you can enjoy cheese and veggie bitterballen with mustard, mayo, or hot sauce. I even eat it with fresh chili :).
Cara memasaknya gampaaang bangeeet. Pertama tumis bawang hingga harum, lalu masukkan sayuran dan masak sebentar hingga agak layu, tapi tidak terlalu matang. Masukkan susu, garam, lada dan bubuk pala lalu aduk. Sedikit-sedikit masukkan tepung dan keju ambil terus diaduk hingga adonan tercampur rata dan kalis, tidak lagi lengket jika dipegang. Setelah adonan agak dingin, ambil satu sendok dan dibentuk bulatan. Masukkan ke dalam telur yang dikocok dan gulirkan di atas tepung panir hingga semua permukaan tertutup. Ulangi 2 kali jika ingin lapisannya agak tebal. Goreng dengan api sedang hingga kecoklatan dan Bitterballen siap disantap. Jangan lupa sambal atau cabe rawit untuk pelengkap buat yang suka pedas seperti saya :).
See.. I guess it's pretty easy for everyone to try it at home and I hope you enjoy it as much as we do :).
Happy cooking...