Showing posts with label Jakarta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jakarta. Show all posts

Indahnya Bulan Suci di Tanah Air Tercinta

Assalammualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Apa kabar semua...
Semoga selalu sehat dan dalam lindungan-Nya.

Let me extend my warmest greetings to all you, my dearest friends and family. who observe Ramadhan, wherever you are. I hope it's not too late to do so considering that we have reached almost at the end of Ramadhan!

Every year, My family and I are blessed to be given the opportunity to once again observe this wonderful, holy month. We are joyfully welcoming Ramadhan, the auspicious month where our soul is spiritually awaken.. This is the very moment where forgiveness, humility and benevolence are the spirit we all keep within ourselves and reflect them on our daily deed. Hoping that it will make us a better person.

kesempatan beribadah di Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta saat Ramadhan 1445 H

We are super grateful that we can definitely enjoy Ramadhan this time at home. Kami sangat bersyukur karena bisa menikmati indahnya bulan suci di tanah air. Frankly speaking,  nothing beats the feeling and the vibe of being at home, especially for Ramadhan. Setelah menjalani ibadah puasa dan merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri maupun Idul Adha di banyak negara, beneran tidak ada yang mengalahkan keseruan dan kebahagiaan saat merayakannya di Indonesia. 

But don't get me wrong ya. di mana pun berada, kami sekeluarga tentu saja senantiasa bersyukur dan berusaha untuk menjalankan ibadah di bulan suci sebaik mungkin. But then again, kalau boleh memilih, nuansa Ramadhan di tanah air Indonesia memang tidak tergantikan.

Saya ingin berbagi indahnya Ramadhan di Indonesia yang selama ini kami sekeluarga rasakan. Terntu saja, buat banyak teman - teman semua, menikmati Ramadhan setiap tahunnya akan selalu istimewa. Buat kami, semuanya terasa lebih istimewa karena kami memiliki kesempatan untuk merayakannya di temapt atau negara lain di mana muslim adalah kelompok yang minoritas.

Suasana dan dekorasi Ramadhan di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan besar di Jakarta, Indonesia
Satu hal yang pasti, indahnya Islam dan kebersamaan menjadi semangat terbesar di bulan suci ini, ditambah dengan berbaia niat baik dan keinginan untuk selalu berlomba-lomba berbuat kebaikan, berbagi dengan sesama, saling mencintai dan mengasihi sesama, terutama mereka yang kurang beruntung. 

1. Quality time dengan keluarga besar

Salah satu kenikmatan terbesar yang saya nikmati selama Ramadhan adalah menjalankan kebersamaan dengan keluarga tercinta. Mulai dari bangun sahur dini hari, makan bersama saat sahur maupun berbuka puasa, hingga beribadah bersama secara berjemaah dan mempersiapkan hidangan bersama. 

Kami yang biasanya sibuk jadi bisa duduk bersama di banyak waktu. Begitu juga dengan anggota keluarga lainnya yang belum tentu bisa bertemu di hari - hari biasa, jadi bisa meluangkan waktu untuk berbuka puasa dan beribadah bersama. Karena kantor - kantor di Indonesia menerapkan jam kerja yang sedikit lebih pendek saat Ramadhan dibandingkan hari - hari biasa, kami pun bisa pulang lebih awal punya cukup waktu untuk berada bersama keluarga besar.

2. Beribadah dengan lebih khusuk

Alhamdulillah, saat di tanah air, saya dan keluarga merasakan betul indahnya berbagai ibadah di bulan suci. Pastinya, kami bisa beribadaha dengan lebih khusuk karena memang suasana dan prasarana sangat mendukung, dan tentu saja karena hampir semuanya menjalankan ibadah yang sama. Suasana Ramadhan sangat terasa di mana - mana.

Panggilan sahur di pagi hari, merdunya adzan, indahnya murrotal pengajian dan gema beduk yang bertalu - talu menandakan waktu berbuka mungkin terdengar biasa saja untuk banyak orang, tapi kami sangat menikmatinya karena keindahan ini tidak selalu bisa kami nikmati saat tidak berada di Indonesia. 

menunaikan Dhuha di Masjid Is

Selain itu, karena sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia menjalankan puasa, godaan dari yang tidak berpuasa juga lebih sedikit. Lain halnya ketika hanya sebagian kecil dari kita yang berpuasa sementara yang lainnya tidak ketika berada di negara yang penduduknya banyak non-muslim. Walaupun sebenarnya juga hal ini tidak mengurangi semangat ibadah dan berpuasa, tapi kembali, suasana yang mendukung akan membuat kita bisa lebih fokus dan khusus beribadah pada-Nya.

3. Ziarah kubur ke orang tua dan keluarga tercinta

Saat berada jauh dari tanah air, kebiasaan ini yang tidak bisa kami lakukan. Namun saat berada di Indonesia, terutama jika kembali ke Lampung, kami berkesampatan untuk melakukan ziarah kubur ke orang tua dan anggota keluarga tercinta yang telah mendahului kita. 

Makam almarhum kakek dari almarhum papa yang kami kunjungi di Lampung

Tentu saja doa bisa dikirimkan kapan saja dan dari mana saja, namun ada perasaan yang berbeda saat bisa berada di kuburan Papa, ayah ibu mertua, kakek nenek dan keluarga besar yang telah mendahului kita semua. Ziarah kubur juga mengingatkan kita bahwa ada kematian yang akan menunggu kita semua, terlepas kita siap atau tidak. 

4. Menikmati masjid dan mushola, tempat beribadah umat Islam

Indahnya mendengar suara beduk bertalu - talu dan kumandang adzan di setiap waktu sholat menambah syahdunya bulan suci Ramadhan. Ini juga hal dasar yang begitu mudah ditemui di tanah air, namun menjadi kemewahan tersendiri saat berada di luar negeri karena memang tidak semua negara memperbolehkan berkumandangnya adzan sebagai penanda sholat bagi umat Islam. 

usai beribadah shalat Isya dan tarawih bersama keluarga besar di Jakarta

Ramadhan kali ini, saya berkesempatan beribadah di Masjid Istiqlal, beberapa mushola di hotel dan malls, serta tentu saja di rumah. Ada rasa bahagia dan nyaman tersendiri saat bisa menundukkan diri pada Sang Maha Segala di tempat - tempat ibadah ini. Senang melihat banyak tempat ibadah yang bagus, nyaman dan sejuk di Indonesia. Nah, saat berada di negara - negara lain yang pernah kami datangi dan tinggali, tempat ibadah bagi kaum muslim untuk publik memang tidak terlalu banyak.

5. Takjil War, Berburu makanan minuman untuk takjil 

Takjil War, atau saat berburu makanan dan minuman untuk takjil, menjadi salah satu keunikan yang dijumpai di Indonesia. Hampir bisa dipastikan, setiap daerah memiliki tempat- tempat dan pusat jualan makanan minuman takjil yang selalu ramai oleh para pemburunya, seperti saya.

hidup gorengaaaan... godaan setiap berbuka puasa 

Takjil sendiri, dari beberapa sumber terbuka yang saya baca, sebenarnya berarti mempercepat atau menyegerakan dalam berbuka puasa.  Takjil kerap diartikan sebagai makanan atau minuman berbuka, padahal artinya berbeda.
Well, yang pasti, keseruan untuk berburu makanan minuman takjil itu yang menjadi kegiatan khas saat Ramadhan. Aneka makanan dan minuman khas Indonesia maupun dari berbagai daerah dan belahan dunia lain bisa dijumpai. Banyak makanan dan minuman favorit yang diminati banyak orang, sehingga antriannya mengular. Tapi saat makanan dan minuman yang diinginkan bisa didapatkan, rasanya bahagia banget. 

Menu berbuka bersama di RM Patin H. Yunus saat di Pekanbaru, Riau

7. Kehebohan buka bersama atau Bukber

Kegiatan buka bersama atau biasa disebut bukber kerap menjadi bagian dari kegiatan di bulan suci Ramadhan. Memang waktu berbuka bersama kerap dihabiskan bersama keluarga dan teman - terman, termasuk biasanya dengan rekan - rekan kantor. We did the same thing, dan kali ini saya sempat melakukan buka bersama dengan rekan - rekan kantor dan juga kolega kerja. 

buka puasa bersama teman - teman sekantor

Walaupun tidak terlalu sering, tapi kegiatan buka bersama memang seru meskipun perlu persiapan yang baik. Paling tidak jika di Jakarta, perlu booking tempat jauh - jauh hari dan pastikan berapa orang yang akan ikut maupun menu yang akan dipesan. Bahkan di beberapa restoran, waktu untuk makan pun dibatasi. Karenanya kita harus betul - betul mempersiapkannya. Untuk keluarga, kami lebih memilih untuk melakukannya di rumah supaya bisa tenang berbuka dan juga melakukan ibadah sholat bersama.

Alhamdulillah kegiatan buka bersama lancar semua dan senang bisa berkumpul dengan banyak anggota keluarga besar yang ada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya.

buka puasa bersama keluarga besar di Jakarta..

Pasti teman - teman juga punya banyak pengalaman berburu makanan dan minuman takjil serta buka puasa bersama kan? Boleh share di komentar ya..

Berbuka bersama dengan anekan makanan Korea halal di Jakarta, Indonesia

Itulah sebagian keseruan dan berkah Ramadhan yang bisa kami nikmati di tanah air. 
Beberapa tahun sebelumnya, saya sempat berbagi keseruan saat menunaikan ibadah puasa di negeri lain, terutama di Selandia Baru, New York dan Geneva,  di mana kaum muslim adalah kaum minoritas.

Berkah  Ramadhan di tanah air memang begitu banyak. Rasanya tak henti-hentinya kita perlu terus bersyukur dan bersyukur atas nikmat-Nya. Semoga semangat tinggi untuk beribadah dan berbagi kebaikan, serta refleksi diri atas segala tindak laku selama satu tahun berjalan, bisa terus dilakukan dan dipertahankan, meskipun bulan Ramadhan berakhir.

Semoga Ramadhan teman - teman menyenangkan dan izinkan saya dan keluarga menyampaikan Selamat Hari Raya Idul FItri, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Wassalamammualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Plataran The Dharmawangsa, Heavenly Place for Authentic Indonesian Cuisine

I have always had a soft spot for traditional ambience and Indonesian cuisines.

While spending some time in my beloved Indonesia, I try to explore its amazing

If you are looking for a posh, authentic Indonesian restaurant elaborated with top-notch, high class interior design in rare wooden furnitures, batik and antiques, this is the place.

Welcome to Plataran at the Dharmawangsa.

If you are familiar with the Plataran restaurant, then let's see this one.

I have been a big fan of Plataran restaurant, be it in Menteng, Senayan and here in the Dharmawangsa. They are just simply awesome!

When we arrived, we parked in the side ways and walked in to the restaurant. As you step into the area, you can see the bold and intricate design of Javanese cultures, with the replicate of statues from the famous temple of Borobudur, wood carvings imitating Rumah Jawa or the Javanese traditional house and batik, beautifully coated on the floor. In short, I love the ambience, the interior design and of course the food! The price is of course a bit higher than the average but it is worth it. Being known as the provider of authentic Indonesian cuisine in an antique and traditional setting, 

As you step in to the area, you are welcomed by rows of statues like the ones in famous temples. Then the warmth of wooden Java house is welcoming you as you sit inside. I simply love it! Well, who wouldn’t! Not to mention Batik, the original piece of high quality Batik,being coated on the floor! The food is exquisite! And authentic as well. I love soto buntut, rawon, asinan jakarta, gado - gado, bola - bola udang, dendeng batokok, and more. i love the salad and soup they have here. Some rice dishes are also wonderful. As foe tje drink, you have various choices as well. They have mushola, parking lot, and clean, artsy toilet. Well… highly recommended indeed and hope you get a chance to try the food here as well.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends

Birthday edition

Happy, happy birthday to me!

August here and how I love to celebrate this lovely month of August with a big bang! Well, just kidding. I am still in the quarantine and there is no way I will celebrate my birthday with parties or get-together. But of course, I am super blessed that even during the quarantine, for the 2nd time, I was blessed with the spirit and the strength to fight back. I was again lucky to get all the necessary medicine needed to fight the pandemic and this time, together with my hubby, we stayed at home and rest.

fancy some brownies cheese cake?

So, as August 11 came, my hubby hugged me in the middle of the night and wished me a very happy birthday. Again, although the condition is far from ideal and we both are still fighting the cough, I felt so blessed. My kids knocked our door and shouted happy birthday from outside and slipped the birthday cards to me. They wrote lovely cards and I was so happy to read them. 

Nasi kuning made with love

Later that day, my birthday caked arrived and I really loved it. It's the double chocolate mirror glaze in purple. I love it and my kids can't get enough of it either. I ordered in in one of the IG dessert shops near my house and I just love the turn out. It's a lovely cake indeed.

We then had wonderful brunch of nasi kuning made with love by my mom as well as brownies cheese cakes for extra dessert. What a lovely day indeed! I really thank the Almighty for all the blessings. 

So now let me welcome you to this weeks party, we hope you enjoy the features, we are waiting for you to share from your blog! Please take a minute to introduce yourself, we'd love to get to know you, and comments are golden. 


Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

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Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Studio 27 - By Jennifer Adams // Jello Mold Recycle 2 - Faux Lemon Bundt Cake If only this was real, could of fooled me at first glance How-to-Create-The-Perfect-Gift-Basket

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Tasting Middle Eastern Food at Abunawas Restaurant Jakarta

Are you a big fan of delicious mandi and biryani rice?

With lamb or chicken, both are so good by the way, on top of the rice?

Then join me here in this post as I am taking you to one of the best restaurants serving Middle Eastern food in Jakarta. Abunawas Restaurant.

Are you familiar with the Middle Eastern food? I have been enjoying more and more Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food when I was in New York City. My hubby loves lamb a lot and Middle Eastern food has been very famous fo their lamb menus. Since we lived in Astoria and there are many mosques as well as moslem communities in some parts of if, we also found many restaurants serving these wonderful cuisines and they are halal! Not to mention the famous Halal Guys, the food cart selling delicious chicken and lamb gyros as well as falafel. Oh my... I really miss them! That is why up until now we really miss this type of food.

So back to Jakarta, we do have some choices when it comes to Middle Eastern food. As you have probably be aware of, there are huge Arab communities in Jakarta and they do have their authentic restaurants. This place, Abunawas Restaurant, has been very famous for it Arabian cuisine and the setting as well as the ambience of the place is also beautiful.

When you arrive, the front part of the building is so lovely and it directly reminds of the jazeera, complete with shoe-horse shaped patio and door. As you step in, you will be transported to the Middle East as the coordinated theme and accents used depicts the unique Arabian cultures.

For sure the health protocol is implemented so the mask in obligatory and your temperature will be checked and you have to wash your hands or use the hand sanitizers. and physical distancing is also in place.

Abunawas Restaurant, Jakarta
health protocol is implemented.

As you can see here, the interior is wonderful and I really love the details. It reminds me of La Alhambra in Granada, Spain, as well as La Mesquita in Sevilla, Spain. The fresco, the color choice, the ceilings, the walls.. they are just lovely! I feel so nostalgic when I saw all this beautiful setting. It has wonderful murals and amazing sofa that I would like to bring home LOL. Take a look at them here.

Abunawas Restaurant, Jakarta, Indonesia

Look at the murals!

I am IN LOVE with this sofa!

Now.. Let'
s take a look at the menu here!

As I have mentioned before, they are very famous for their mandi and biryani rice. You can have this rice with chicken, lamb or fish. All of them are so good! There is also Zurbiyan rice but I haven't really tried it.

You can have the menu in individual plate or portion, or the portion for two, which for me, can accommodate 4 hungry people. 

Quarter lamb or chicken over your choice of rice is people’s favorite. You can have mandi or biryani rice, or half - half on them. Complete with spicy sauce as you like it.

Middle Eastern Food at Abunawas Restaurant Jakarta
Chicken over half biryani, half mandi rice

If you order any dippings, like babagamush or hummus, you will get the pitta bread as well. I also tried the cheese samosa and I love it. Tabouleh is so good and fresh, although I would love to have more lemon and fresh tomatoes on it so it has more kick.

I managed to try the smoothies as well. It has I chose the one with peanut butter, which is very nice and creamy. I guess the name of this beverage is Iskandaria Peanut Smoothie. It has a nice ring one it, right! Next time I will try the one with dates I guess!

Iskandaria Peanut Smoothie, anyone?
The restaurant has two floors so you can choose where you are going to eat. You can also have the tables or the ‘tent’ where you can sit on the floor for full Arabian experience. They have private rooms you can use as well. I love the ambience, it’s pretty with fountain, cave-like and tent-like decoration, murals on the wall and Arabic accents.

the tent looks so exotic

It has spacious parking lot, so it won’t be a problem. I am not sure it is disability friendly though, especially for those with impaired mobility. It has spacious room but to reach the second floor will certainly be problematic. I hope they will fix it soon.

So, what do you think? Will you try the food here? I will definitely be back here again soon with my hubby!

Stay safe and healthy, everyone.

Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Jakarta

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta
Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta 

After quite some times, I visited one of the new  additions of artistic corner in Central Jakarta, Kendal Tunnel.

Have you been here? 

I recently visited this very spot for a little photo session with a friend. This tunnel is unique as it used to be an active road, but it was then repurposed as mini skate park and artistic hub built near the MRT Station of Dukuh Atas. After all those times, I just managed to visit it!

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta
Many enjoy the art mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta 

It was really fun to see the development in this area. As the MRT route was inaugurated in March 2019 by the Indonesian President, Pak Joko Widodo, the areas near the stations have been beautifully developed. Kendal Tunnel is one of them, dedicated as an artistic pedestrian spot which has been elaborated with murals. 

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta
the beasty wolf..

One part of the tunnel is adorned with animal - themed mural, particularly wolves and wild dogs in the artistic forms, with bold colors and shades. 

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta
Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta 

the bold design of art mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta 

On the other side of the tunnel, rows of 2 murals are depicting the life in Jakarta nowadays. You will see the MRT, the sky scrappers, Trans Jakarta or the Bus Rapid System in Jakarta, as well as  others.

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta
Art Mural showing New Jakarta at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta 

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta

Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta
Strolling around the Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta 

I took the liberty to take some pictures, of course, as I enjoyed strolling around the area. Sunday morning walk is getting more and more fun!

So, what do you think about the art murals at Kendal Tunnel, Jakarta? 

Do you like it? which part of it you like most? I hope I can find more place like this and share it in my blog. Meanwhile, stay safe, happy and healthy, wherever you are!

cheers from the Art Mural at Kendal Tunnel, Central Jakarta