Have you ever written a flashback?
Sort of a short review of what happened at the previous year.
All the good, bad and just so-so things occurred last year.
The ups and downs of your live.
The highlights of your life in 365-day.
I gotta admit that I am not good at looking back.
I tend to move forward and bury the hatchet, although for sure I took good mental notes of all those lessons learned in life.
But I can always try, right?
And here I am now, trying to have a good look of what 2016 has brought me and be blessed!
Pernah menulis kilas balik satu tahun yang baru saja dilewati?
Terus terang, saya ngga pernah hahaha.
Sepertinya ini semua karena perpaduan rasa malas dan tidak (pernah) punya cukup waktu karena awal tahun kantor selalu 'dihajar' dengan tumpukan laporan yang antriannya ngalah-ngalahin pembagian samples lipstik Sephora.
Kalau kali ini memutuskan untuk menulis segala haru biru dan perjalanan di tahun 2016, bukan berarti saya ikut-ikutan ya :).
Well, ikut-ikutan juga ngga papa deh.
Hitung-hitung sekalian menikmati memori daun pisang dan melihat kembali keseruan 2016 :).
Kalau bicara pencapaian, terutama di blog, mungkin tidak ada apa-apanya dibanding teman-teman blogger lainnya.
Well, I am still working on my blogging skills and I have to admit I' m an amateur!
But that certainly doesn't stop me from learning more and more from you all.
Tapi, again, kalau bicara pencapaian, buat saya bisa bangun setiap hari dengan sehat, bahagia dan penuh semangat adalah pencapaian yang sebenarnya.
Apalagi ditambah bonus peluk hangat dan ciuman sayang anak-anak dan Bapak :).
But on a more serious note, blogging has once again offered many wonderful opportunities for me.
Meskipun jarang banget ikutan lomba blog, alhamdulillah tulisan penuh rindu saya untuk Lampung berhasil menang juara 2 di lomba blog Lampung Krakatau Festival. Hadiah uang tunainya sangat bermanfaat untuk mama dan hadiah tur gunung Krakataunya saya berikan kepada teman baik yang memang berada di tanah air. Berkah lain juga banyak saya nikmati lewat pertemanan baru di arisan blog, berbagai posting berbayar (termasuk dalam USD :))), dan aneka hadiah dari giveaways yang saya ikuti, including auto steam machine (thank you, Theresa!) and books (thanks a million, Karen and Linda).
So indeed, 2016 proves to be another fantastic year for me and my loved ones.
Ada banyak 'pengalaman pertama' yang mewarnai 2016.
So many 'first time' experiences for me in 2016.
Let's see...
First time visiting Yosemite National Parks and enjoying some of those wonderful parks in the west part of the US with my petite family.
First time hiking in Grand Canyon.
First time visiting Jordan and awestruck in Petra.
First time riding a donkey and giggling along the way.
First time joining a 5K run and finished it.
First time enjoying front row in New York Fashion Week.
First time taking a selfie with Stevie Wonder *and he said, "isn't she lovely?" to me :).
First time fully joining 5 miles (around 8 km) strides for breast cancer awareness and finished it with a smile.
First time watching Beyonce and Coldplay amazing concerts.
First time having a clean mammogram and getting injection to kick away those cancer cells.
And the list can go on and on and on.
Aren't I so blessed?
We all are!
Satu hal yang pasti, saya tidak pernah berhenti bersyukur untuk nikmat kesehatan dan kesempatan yang Gusti berikan. My itchy feet certainly enjoyed some of the most beautiful places on earth and I sincerely hope we can continue to do so in the new year.
So here's a little round-up of my 2016..
Sort of a short review of what happened at the previous year.
All the good, bad and just so-so things occurred last year.
The ups and downs of your live.
The highlights of your life in 365-day.
I gotta admit that I am not good at looking back.
I tend to move forward and bury the hatchet, although for sure I took good mental notes of all those lessons learned in life.
But I can always try, right?
And here I am now, trying to have a good look of what 2016 has brought me and be blessed!
Pernah menulis kilas balik satu tahun yang baru saja dilewati?
Terus terang, saya ngga pernah hahaha.
Sepertinya ini semua karena perpaduan rasa malas dan tidak (pernah) punya cukup waktu karena awal tahun kantor selalu 'dihajar' dengan tumpukan laporan yang antriannya ngalah-ngalahin pembagian samples lipstik Sephora.
Kalau kali ini memutuskan untuk menulis segala haru biru dan perjalanan di tahun 2016, bukan berarti saya ikut-ikutan ya :).
Well, ikut-ikutan juga ngga papa deh.
Hitung-hitung sekalian menikmati memori daun pisang dan melihat kembali keseruan 2016 :).
Kalau bicara pencapaian, terutama di blog, mungkin tidak ada apa-apanya dibanding teman-teman blogger lainnya.
Well, I am still working on my blogging skills and I have to admit I' m an amateur!
But that certainly doesn't stop me from learning more and more from you all.
Tapi, again, kalau bicara pencapaian, buat saya bisa bangun setiap hari dengan sehat, bahagia dan penuh semangat adalah pencapaian yang sebenarnya.
Apalagi ditambah bonus peluk hangat dan ciuman sayang anak-anak dan Bapak :).
But on a more serious note, blogging has once again offered many wonderful opportunities for me.
Meskipun jarang banget ikutan lomba blog, alhamdulillah tulisan penuh rindu saya untuk Lampung berhasil menang juara 2 di lomba blog Lampung Krakatau Festival. Hadiah uang tunainya sangat bermanfaat untuk mama dan hadiah tur gunung Krakataunya saya berikan kepada teman baik yang memang berada di tanah air. Berkah lain juga banyak saya nikmati lewat pertemanan baru di arisan blog, berbagai posting berbayar (termasuk dalam USD :))), dan aneka hadiah dari giveaways yang saya ikuti, including auto steam machine (thank you, Theresa!) and books (thanks a million, Karen and Linda).
So indeed, 2016 proves to be another fantastic year for me and my loved ones.
Ada banyak 'pengalaman pertama' yang mewarnai 2016.
So many 'first time' experiences for me in 2016.
Let's see...
First time visiting Yosemite National Parks and enjoying some of those wonderful parks in the west part of the US with my petite family.
First time hiking in Grand Canyon.
First time visiting Jordan and awestruck in Petra.
First time riding a donkey and giggling along the way.
First time joining a 5K run and finished it.
First time enjoying front row in New York Fashion Week.
First time taking a selfie with Stevie Wonder *and he said, "isn't she lovely?" to me :).
First time fully joining 5 miles (around 8 km) strides for breast cancer awareness and finished it with a smile.
First time watching Beyonce and Coldplay amazing concerts.
First time having a clean mammogram and getting injection to kick away those cancer cells.
And the list can go on and on and on.
Aren't I so blessed?
We all are!
Satu hal yang pasti, saya tidak pernah berhenti bersyukur untuk nikmat kesehatan dan kesempatan yang Gusti berikan. My itchy feet certainly enjoyed some of the most beautiful places on earth and I sincerely hope we can continue to do so in the new year.
So here's a little round-up of my 2016..
I always start the new year celebrating the birthday and wonderful life of my beloved late father. I know you rest in peace up there, Papa.
And you are looking down at us all with a big smile.
Last January, we also enjoyed a little 'happy new year' gift. Jonas storm!
This month of love was filled with exciting fashion adventures!
New York Couture Fashion Week with Anniesa Hasibuan's PearlAsia collection and have-fun-go-mad repertoire with her fantastic team were quite an experience.
It was the first time for us as well to have a full-day photo session at ..guess where? Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Yuuup..that's the one! Good thing headless knight decided not to join us that day >_<
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eerily beautiful :) |
After collecting those piles of flashy, colorful travel brochures and peeping so many websites about Jordan and Petra, I finally arrived in this beautiful country in March. And the whole trip was for free! Oh yeaaah...
Read the story here: One day in the Lost City, Petra, Jordan
Petra, here I come!
One of my dream-come-true trips happened in March, 2016.
Read the story here: One day in the Lost City, Petra, Jordan
Spring break is officially our favorite time for an unforgettable road-trip!
Spring break is officially our favorite time for an unforgettable road-trip!
12 days on the road, 10 cities (and probably more :)), 7 States, 5 National parks and once-in-a-lifetime precious experience.
Drop dead tiring but undoubtedly reinvigorating our body and soul.
From Las Vegas to Route 66, from Lower Antelope Canyon to Lake Powell, from Grand Canyon to the Death Valley, from Mesquita Flat Sand Dunes to El Capitan and Tunnel View in Yosemite, and from Muir Woods to San Fransisco.
Truly a wonderful trip we had here.
Still continuing our Spring Break road trip, our beginning of May was started with the fantastic view of Yosemite, from Glacier Point.
After enjoying its fields of gold at the valley, driving up to 2199 meter to see Half Dome and the surrounding nature is the perfect adios to this beautiful park.
I wish I could go back here again!
Reality bites and days were filled with works.
But, guess what. I had a chance to see Queen B, BEYONCE, on her fabulous Formation concert here in NYC.
I slay, my queen :). the concert was FABULOUS!
At the some month, my princess Obi graduated from Kindergarten, as the best student in her class!
Yaaaaay...congratulations, love.
Well, summer was officially there but I didn't have some days-off to start our annual summer trip. Besides June and July was Ramadhan, so we had observed the solemn Holy month and celebrated Eid Fitri.
We managed to see some fantastic murals in Astoria as well.
And, COLDPLAY was coming to town!
Oh my God...their concert was also fantastic!
10 thumbs up :)
My birthday month and I had wonderful time at home with my munchkins.
We also revisited Pocono, Pennsylvania and had a great time there.
We also revisited Pocono, Pennsylvania and had a great time there.
Another 'storm' was here as the UN General Assembly was coming but the real highlight of this month was the New York Fashion Week, where I witnessed and became part of history for Anniesa Hasibuan's show in NYFW.
The first Indonesian designer in NYFW Main Show, first modest collection in NYFW and first all-hijab models. How cool is that!
The breast cancer month!
And I had, once again, joined Making Strides against breast cancer and walked 5 miles with family and friends.
I felt so blessed to be surrounded by my beloved and continued my campaign for a world free of breast cancer.
I started this month with joining 5K run.
Never ever before I joined such thing!
And although mixed with brisk walking, I finished it with a huge smile :)
Got a chance to go back to Switzerland and Zermatt was where I was heading to this time.
I just share the story in my blog and check it out in All white in Zermatt.
Sweet December!
All the birthdays and our 12th anniversary!
And we ring in the new year at the intersection of the world, Times Square, with millions of others. I shared that a few post before this :)
All the birthdays and our 12th anniversary!
And we ring in the new year at the intersection of the world, Times Square, with millions of others. I shared that a few post before this :)
So, that's 2016 in glimpse for me.
How's yours?
Surely as colorful as mine.
Surely as colorful as mine.
I sincerely hope we all have a fabulous 2017!
Have a fantastic 2017, everyone...
Have a fantastic 2017, everyone...