One of my biggest supporters, my dearest hubby |
Recently I have been digging up my files and photos from my previous adventures and activities. I guess I keep saying that in my post during this pandemic LOL.
As October is celebrated as Pinktober as well in my house, I happen to see some photos taken during my 2-year treatment as breast cancer patient.
cheers from Obi and I .. one of my 6-hour-straight chemo episodes
It's amazing to see how photos brought back all the memories, nice and not-so-nice ones. I have to admit it was not always a rose-colored journey. There are times when I was not really myself and times when I got super tired, bored, and frustrated with everything I have to go through thanks to cancer.
the blood bag I have to carry for 6 weeks :)
I remember vividly when the verdict came, one simple phone call from my GP that changed my life forever. I will never forget when I first walked in to the operating room for mastectomy, my first chemo, the radiation process and endless doctor's and hospital visit and so many more. I am so blessed and glad to be able to pass it all through with a big smile! Merci ya Rabb.
Here are a few photos from my journey of Fighting Breast Cancer and let's spread more awareness about breast cancer, in our own way. I want those fighting it, our Warriors, and those surviving it, will always support one another so that we all can finish the fight!
The family waiting room at NYU Langone Hospital NYC |
Thank you for all the support from my dearest friends
Facetime with my om in Indonesia at that time..
my USG image.. |
My biggest supporter, my one and only hubby
My love, Bo et Obi, right before my second operation for breast reconstruction
Never forget to do you self breast exam or SADARI, periksa payudara sendiri, as well as consulting your doctor for clinical breast exam regularly or SADANIS, periksa payudara secara klinis. Love yourself and your body, don't wait until it's all too late!
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the