Showing posts with label Corona Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corona Virus. Show all posts

WW: Jakarta Sky

I am warmly welcoming Jakarta's blue sky!

Perhaps, this is one of a few benefits or positive changes we all witness during the pandemic.
Clearer air.
Bluer sky.
Healthier earth.

Every end of afternoon, just before dusk, I have a new habit of going up to my rooftop. To enjoy the dramatic sky! I love it!

Do you notice similar changes in your neighborhood?
Is it bluer as well?
How do you like it?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the linky party.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Are you ready for the 'new normal'?
Well, ready or not, here it comes!

We have been advised that the new normal will soon be implemented and we will soon resume our activities under new health protocol and arrangement. Flyers have been prepared and disseminated as well. I sincerely hope we are ready for it and work it out as well

Well, we are in the discussion of returning back to our office pretty soon. I am also planning to take the rapid test to double check how things are. Wish me luck! And us all as well!

I just wanted to let you know our party will be running from Monday through Sunday, so anytime you have something new to share, stop back by and add your links to the linky!! 

We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back! So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! 


We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well!

❢❢ We would love to have your share our Party Banner If you missed last week you can see them here» Last Week Features ❢:❢ And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢:[...] 

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Summer Cash Giveaway Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzit♥ 
Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Virtual Eid Celebration and Halal Bihalal Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzitClearissa Coward // Command Center Common Spring Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Smoked Paleo Deviled Eggs Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | PinterestDivider 989321gyey13hzit♥ 
Suzan White // Country Crafting Nancy-C-Chocolate-Chip-confetti-brownies 

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Nancy C // Chocolate Chip confetti brownies


Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country crafting Painted Apron Hibiscus in a blue pot


Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria // My Purple World Marilyns Treats Meal-Plan-101-And-Why-You-Need-To-Do-It


Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Dabbling and Decorating // Outdoor Grilling Station

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Debbie Dabble // Memorial Day Front Porch // Planting never stops at Debbies Townhome


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Kiku Corner DIY Beeswax- Lotion-Bars Oh My Heartsie Girls Special Fashion FeatureShellby-on-The-Edge-What-to-Wear-to-a-Spring-Birthday-Party-Your-Own-Twist

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Shelby on The Edge // What to Wear to a Spring Birthday Party & Your Own Twist

But Now Lets Party...

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Virtual Eid Mubarak and Halal Bihalal

getting ready for virtual meet - up 
Thanks to coronavirus, we are now “forced“ to embrace the ‘new normal’.
This year‘s Eid is one of the examples.

Google Meet with my Google Local Guide Community

We are strongly urged not to go back home or do ‘mudik’ in order to curb the spread of the virus. Many of us stay at home, separated from the big family or their loved ones, and experience the first and special Eid Al-Fitr in the middle of the pandemic. And that includes us, the Frakarsas.

The link below is the video of our Eid Celebration last year.
You see.. we did it in traditional fashion. We had big gatherings, family and friends, lots of food, tons of fun! Making me missing everyone! As Lebaran day is happening only once a year and celebrated after a month-long fasting month, no wonder we won't nothing but the best during this victorious day. 

Yet, again, 2020 is super special.
There we are.. making so many adjustments in life, work and the way we conduct our activities. We are taking our Eid celebration to a new level and a new platform.

Virtual celebration.

I have several Eid celebration and ‘gathering’ going on this year. First with my mom and my brothers and our families through whatsapp group video call. Then with my aunties and big families, followed by Office colleagues, my childhood friends and families as well as my communities. Quite a busy and packed schedules that carries on till the end of the week after Eid Al-Fitr. Even on the third day (which used to be part of Eid long holidays before COVID-19), we already have meetings and webinars through zoom application as well.

our first meeting right after the Eid
 I even have back to back ‘halal bihalal’ virtual meetup with my junior high school friends and continued with my Jakarta Google Local Guides and then Women Local Guides. I ended up finish everything at 1 AM. Straight from 4 PM in the afternoon! It was crazily long but I really enjoyed it. I will share more detailed stories in another post. As you can see, we have no better option but enjoying it.

This halal bihalal continued until 11 PM 
This year, we are doing it differently as we stayed at home and did everything from home during Lebaran day. But of course, it does not mean it's not fun! You can see our lebaran celebration this year in my YouTube video as well.

So, many of us are familiar with teleconference applications such as Google Meet, Webex, Skype, Polycon, and Zoom application and therefore we use them a lot. It was fun to chat, laugh, share photos and slides with the others. Even some technical glitches can be funny during the meeting. Perhaps this is the new normal that we all have to get used to. I do have problems with the connection sometimes and from bad backache after long, straight time sitting in front of the computer. And I guess I have to check my sight again as the hours being spent in front of the computers have significantly multiplied. But out of these issues, I can say I enjoy my virtual Eid Mubarak and Halal Bihalal.

How about your Lebaran day? 
So do you have your virtual meetings with your loved one as well?
How do you like it?

Memaknai Gotong Royong di Tengah Badai Corona


“Terima kasih, Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia untuk dukungan Anda dan Pemerintah Indonesia bagi WHO. Saya sangat setuju, kita harus bersatu untuk melawan musuh bersama, lebih dari sebelumnya. Hanya dengan solidaritas kita bisa melawan #COVID19 dan menjaga dunia tetap aman”, cuit Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Direktur-Jenderal Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia atau World Health Organization yang biasa disingkat WHO, menghiasi jagad maya lewat Twitter beberapa waktu lalu. 

Di tengah polemik dan tuduhan dari suatu negara terhadap badan dunia tersebut, Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia, Ibu Retno Marsudi, telah sampaikan dukungan kepada badan kesehatan dunia dan sistem multilateralisme dalam upaya mengatasi krisis akibat pandemi COVID-19 saat memberikan pernyataan pada Pertemuan Tingkat Menteri Kelompok Alliance for Multilateralism yang dilaksanakan secara virtual dan diikuti oleh 30 negara dan diprakarsai Jerman beberapa waktu lalu.

Selain fokus pada penanganan COVID-19 di tanah air, Indonesia terus mengambil berbagai inisiatif dan melakukan upaya menggalang solidaritas serta kerja sama dengan berbagai negara maupun pihak – pihak terkait dalam upaya mengatasi pandemik virus Corona dan segala ramifikasinya. Semangat gotong royong, yang selama ini menjadi salah satu atribut kebanggaan bangsa, menjelma nyata dalam bentuk solidaritas antarbangsa yang disampaikan di berbagai mekanisme dan kesempatan.


Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia mengartikan gotong royong sebagai kata kerja yang bermakna “bekerja bersama-sama, tolong menolong, bantu-membantu.” Berakar dari bahasa Jawa, kata gotong berarti pikul atau angkat, sedangkan kata royong berarti bersama-sama. Karenanya, gotong royong berarti mengangkat bersama-sama atau mengerjakan sesuatu secara bersama-sama. Gotong royong merupakan bentuk nyata kepedulian dan partisipasi orang Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah atau tantangan yang dihadapi kelompok atau lingkungannya, termasuk melalui kedermawanan dalam membantu sesama.

Tidak heran jika Indonesia sempat mendapat predikat “Negara Paling Dermawan” lewat the 2018 World Giving Index yang dikeluarkan oleh British organization Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) beberapa tahun silam.

Meski banyak yang mengatakan bahwa semangat gotong royong mulai memudar dari tatanan sosial masyarakat Indonesia, namun nilai ini tetap tak bisa terpisahkan dari budaya negeri Merah Putih ini. Paling tidak saat bangsa ini menghadapi tantangan, ancaman, atau bencana besar, naluri gotong royong dan saling membantu kembali menyeruak.

Tidak terkecuali saat pandemi Corona ini. Di tengah hiruk – pikuk upaya pemerintah untuk mengambil tindakan tegas guna menyediakan pengobatan dan pelayanan kesehatan bagi mereka yang positif terpapar dan memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19, termasuk memastikan ketersediaan APD dan masker yang sangat dibutuhkan para tenaga medis, berbagai dampak sosial dan ekonomi akibat virus Corona mulai terasa di kalangan masyarakat. Cerita kelu para pengemudi online dan taksi, pengusaha kecil, pedagang harian, buruh lepas dan para pekerja sektor informal lainnya yang kehilangan sumber pencaharian menjadi viral di mana – mana. Di saat – saat genting seperti ini, berbagai gerakan gotong royong dari aneka lapisan masyarakat dan organisasi saling bahu membahu, mengetuk hati masyarakat untuk saling membantu saudara sebangsa setanah air yang kurang beruntung. Tidak kurang seniman, selebritis, tokoh agama, organisasi kemanusiaan, hingga remaja dan masyarakat umum, dengan caranya masing – masing, bergotong royong mengumpulkan donasi, perlengkapan medis, hingga sembako dan makanan gratis untuk mereka yang membutuhkan akibat terkena dampak COVID-19. Gotong royong pun digaungkan dalam bentuk himbauan untuk tetap di rumah, bersama – sama menjaga diri serta orang lain dengan mengurangi resiko penyebaran luar virus Corona.


Semangat yang sama diusung Indonesia di ranah internasional. Solidaritas, kolaborasi dan kerja sama internasional ini juga yang menjadi nafas Resolusi Majelis Umum PBB pertama dalam merespons COVID-19 yang disahkan di awal April 2020 lalu. Resolusi bertajuk solidaritas global untuk memerangi COVID-19 ini diusung Indonesia bersama Singapura, Swiss, Norwegia, Liechtenstein dan Ghana. Resolusi ini antara lain menggarisbawahi peran penting Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia dalam menangani krisis kesehatan global serta mengajak negara – negara mengintensifkan kerja sama internasional untuk mengurangi, memitigasi dan mengatasi pandemi, termasuk melalui tukar menukar informasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan praktik terbaik dalam penanganan pandemi, serta aplikasi berbagai panduan yang dikeluarkan oleh WHO. Proses pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan secara daring karena kantor pusat PBB di kota New York pun ditutup akibat pandemi tidak menghalangi disahkannya keputusan yang didukung oleh 188 dari 193 Negara Anggota PBB.

We have to work together!
Dalam kerangka ASEAN, saat KTT Istimewa ASEAN Plus Three tentang COVID- 19 yang dihadiri Presiden Joko Widodo, Indonesia juga tekankan kerja sama kongkrit untuk ciptakan resiliensi dalam penanganan pandemi maupun resiliensi ekonomi, kelancaran lalu lintas barang, perlindungan warga negara ASEAN, dan kerja sama dengan mitra ASEAN. Indonesia juga sambut baik pembentukan COVID-19 ASEAN Response Fund yang fokus pada pembelian peralatan medis dan obat-obatan.

Selain itu, Menteri Luar Negeri juga tegaskan peran penting perempuan dalam penanganan pandemi maupun upaya tak henti mengatasi segala bentuk diskriminasi terhadap perempuan, baik terkait akses kesehatan, pendidikan, dan bantuan ekonomi, di saat sulit seperti sekarang. Hal ini disampaikan dalam pertemuan dengan para menteri luar negeri perempuan maupun pertemuan virtual Regional Action Group for Asia –Pacific di bawah kerangka Forum Ekonomi Dunia.

Masih banyak peran aktif Indonesia di berbagai forum lainnya, termasuk Ministerial Coordinating Group on COVID-19 dan Pertemuan Menteri Luar Negeri ASEAN – Amerika Serikat.


Tentu saja pernyataan solidaritas dan himbauan peningkatan kerja sama internasional tidak cukup untuk mengatasi masalah global yang dialami dunia saat ini.

Solidaritas, kerja sama dan kolaborasi memang menjadi kunci penting untuk keluar dari kungkungan badai Corona, namun semuanya harus diikuti oleh kebijakan dan aksi kongkrit. Sebagaimana gotong royong yang tidak hanya berupa niat, namun diikuti kerja nyata.

Setiap negara mengalami permasalahan pelik yang dapat dikatakan serupa dalam mengatasi penyebaran virus yang luar biasa cepat dan mematikan bagi sekelompok orang. Kebijakan ‘me first’, yang mengedepankan kepentingan nasional masing-masing negara, sangat terasa lewat berbagai kebijakan yang bersifat protektif, kaku dan membatasi, mengakibatkan antara lain terputusnya rantai perdagangan yang melumpuhkan banyak industri dan ekonomi di berbagai negara, termasuk untuk industri strategis seperti alat – alat kesehatan, yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengatasi pandemi ini. Dan itu hanya satu contoh saja,di luar komplikasi lainnya.

Lewat berbagai kesepakatan dan komitmen politik di forum – forum internasional ini, Indonesia harus dapat meminta masyarakat internasional untuk benar – benar wujudkan langkah nyata yang membantu mengatasi pandemi.

Tindak lanjut, baik di tingkat bilateral, kawasan maupun multilateral, perlu dilakukan segera, untuk pastikan kesempatan ini menjamin pemenuhan kebutuhan mendesak, seperti persediaan alat medis yang esensial, alat perlindungan diri, obat-obatan, maupun kebutuhan vaksin, yang masih terus dikembangkan. Selain itu, isu teknis terkait hak paten dan hak kekayaan intelektual dalam memproduksi alat medis, obat-obatan, dan vaksin, yang selama ini kerap mengganjal hubungan berbagai negara, dapat diterapkan secara fleksibel kepada negara – negara berkembang maupun least developed countries (LDCs), sehingga dapat diperoleh dengan harga terjangkau. Hal mendesak lain yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah terkait fasilitasi pergerakan dan alur barang yang perlu dipastikan agar dapat terus mendukung industri barang strategis yang dibutuhkan untuk penanganan pandemi, maupun untuk menopang perdagangan dan rantai pasokan global (global supply chain) serta mendukung pemulihan perekonomian pasca pandemi. Setelah itu, kita pun masih menghadapi tantangan besar dalam menyikapi the new normal yang mengubah begitu banyak kebiasaan, tata kelola pemerintahan dan bisnis, serta kehidupan masyarakat dunia.

Masih panjang daftar pekerjaan rumah yang harus diselesaikan saat dan setelah pandemi COVID-19 berlangsung. Namun semangat gotong royong, yang diwujudkan dengan solidaritas, kolaborasi, dan kerja sama internasional, bisa menjadi langkah bersama dunia untuk keluar dari kemelut ini.

Now, what have we done to help addressing this pandemic?

*Artikel ini merupakan salah satu written assignment dalam program pelatihan Sekolah Staf dan Pimpinan Kementerian Luar Negeri RI angkatan 64 tahun 2020.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Marhaban ya Ramadhaaan

It's almost a week of Ramadhan and how we gratefully embrace it every day.
Fasting month is always be comfortable when we do it at home in Indonesia, although this year everything is different due to the social and physical distancing polices that have been strictly implemented in our city. Well, it help improve the situation although here and there we heard many complained about the confinement and they simply don't obey the prevailing regulations from the government. Even simple things like wearing mask and staying at home unless you go out for something extremely important are difficult to obey. 

There is a huge debate about our rituals during Ramadhan. Many of us are so used to gather at the mosque to pray together and do various rituals like reading Holy Quran and discuss more about fiqh and issues related to Islam in a group. But since the pandemic, the Government as well as many Islamic organizations and religious leaders have strongly urged people to stay at home and continue their Ramadhan rituals at home, which is as blessed as the ones done at the mosque. Moreover, mudik, or the tradition of going back home for Eid-al Fitr or the victory day at the end of Ramadhan, is also prohibited. It is of course done in order to cut the wide spread of Corona virus and to control the situation so that we can all go back to our normal life soon. I sincerely hope people will listen to that and obey the rules for the benefits of all.

Anyway, I do enjoy my time with my family and we do spend so much time together, doing things that we love together. For me who has been spending so much time at work and traveling around, staying at home, feeling fit and healthy, is really a huge privilege. And I am totally grateful.

Now, let me invite you all to our weekly party, Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Have fun!

We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back! So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! 

We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well!


❢❢ Our Party Banner is here if you would like to share » Link « !! If you missed last week you can see them here» Last Week Features ❢:❢ And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢:Wonderful-Wednesday-Hosts

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Rejuvenate Your Immune System With Red Fruits Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzit
Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Happy Earth Day Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Clearissa Coward // Command Center Remaining Positive While Coping With Covid-19 Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Kaycee Mason // Free Wedding & Party Event Planning Resources Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Suzan White // Country Crafting Lazy Day Oatmeal Cake Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
Divider 989321gyey13hzitBest Picks from last weeks party

Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria// My Purple World Cindy's Online Recipe Box // Spicy Orange Shrimp and Broccoli

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Whispers of The Heart // We needed some brightness to our table

Feature Chosen by Suzan White/ / Country crafting Unique Creations by Anita // DIY-Wooden-Wall-Hanging


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Claire Justine // 5 Upcycle Ideas for the garden Comfort-Spring-Cupcake-liner-Butterfly-Crafts

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Comfort Spring // Cupcake Liner butterfly crafts  Fun-Fashions-Featured-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-GirChez-Mirelle-Fashions-A-Pascha-outfit-for-the-win

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Chez Mirelle Fashions // A Pascha outfit for the win
But Now Lets Party..

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