Showing posts with label New York Couture Fashion Week 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Couture Fashion Week 2016. Show all posts

WW: PEARLASIA Photo Session in Sleepy Hollow

More from the photo session of PEARLASIA, Anniesa Hasibuan for 2016 New York Couture Fashion Week

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PEARLASIA, Anniesa Hasibuan for 2016 Couture Fashion Week

I know it's been a week after the amazing show of PEARLASIA, Anniesa Hasibuan for 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week. Is it too late to give you the complete story of the show? I sincerely hope not. Particularly since we have so many follow up activities after this successful show.

That Saturday was supposed to be the coldest day in the year. Artic weather came and said hi, even decided to stay around, I guess. But that didn't stop me from heading to Crowne Plaza Times Square, where 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week took place.

Brought 2 bags of jasmin rice, important staple food for my fellow Indonesians joining Anniesa Hasibuan's team, I braved myself and headed to the hotel. It was not that bad when I arrived, as sunshine did warm the day a little bit. As I arrived, mba Caroline Septerita, the senior professional makeup artist and hijab stylist, was working on Laura Muljadi, one of Indonesian super models joining the team. On the corner, Sarah Azka, another super model came directly from Jakarta, Indonesia, busied herself with snapchat as her makeup was done. Then everything felt like blurred memory as we get everything ready, from special goodie bags for Anniesa's guests to preparing the dresses, from finding the missing models and taking selfies with them. All behind the scene until the show itself started.

And I got to admit, I can still feel the goosebumps I got looking at the intricate details and royal look of 15 stunning dresses prepared and made with love by our talented young designer, Anniesa Hasibuan.

Anniesa Hasibuan mungkin merupakan salah satu pendatang baru di dunia fashion Indonesia. Namun gebrakannya luar biasa. Setelah tahun lalu tampil pula di 2015 Couture New York Fashion Week dengan Sasikirana, tahun 2016, Anniesa kembali mencuri hati NYC dengan PEARLASIA, koleksi adi busana yang sarat dengan mutiara Lombok yang terkenal di dunia. Brokat pilihan dalam berbagai warna pastel maupun nuansa off white and gold membuat koleksi busana haute couture yang cocok dipakai oleh ratu dan putri ini sukses menuai pujian di panggung NYFW.

As promised, while enjoying my first row experience during the fashion show, I took the liberty of taking some snaps with my smartphone. And working behind the scene with the team get me the up-close-and-personal look of the astonishing works of Anniesa Hasibuan.

Pengalaman yang mencerahkan lho bisa duduk di deretan depan pertunjukan fashion sekelas Couture New York Fashion Week, sekaligus membantu tim di belakang panggung dalam mempersiapkan model dengan pakaian-pakaian yang akan ditampilkan. Bayangkan saja... ada 15 baju yang ditampilkan dengan 15 model, 2 dari Indonesia, Laura Muljadi dan Sarah Azka, serta 13 model lainnya dari berbagai negara, termasuk Inggris, Belanda, dan USA. Beberapa pakaian menggunakan petticoat atau lapisan dalam yang menggembung dengan barisan kancing tutup yang memanjang di bagian belakang. Belum lagi penutup kepala atau hijab dan mahkota mutiara yang digunakan oleh setiap model. Pendek kata, seru :). Banyak kejadian asyik yang asli seru dan takkan terlupakan.

Stay here and enjoy the dresses :).
I only use my iPhone 6 plus and Ztylus camera for this, leaving my DSLR and all those lenses at home so that I can sit down and really enjoy the show.

Kali ini, saya hanya mengandalkan handphone untuk mengambil foto-foto selama fashion show berlangsung. Dan hasilnya tidak begita maksimal memang, namun yang penting saya tetap menikmati jalannya pagelaran busana ini dan mengabadikan beberapa.

one of my fave dresses

the golden touch

waiting for the show :)
Laura Muljadi and Sarah Azka, our supermodels :)

And now, let me invite you to take a closer look at some of the dresses :)
Really love all those curves, flowers, beads and of course, the pearls, the exquisite pearls of Lombok, which have been known as the world-class producer of natural pearls.

More exquisite details of PEARLASIA, @anniesahasibuan for 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week

the fabulous details from the dress

And once again, congratulations to Anniesa Hasibuan and her team. It's very unfortunate that Anniesa herself cannot join us on this great event but working behind the scene with such a solid team is incredible. Kisses for mba Caroline Septerita, Mba Murni, Indah, Hanna, Mas Aldi, Ariz, Fuad, and Mba Afida Sukma. And of course, our lovely models, Laura and Sarah, plus Mba Ika et Matteo. Great job, everyone :).

great job, everyone :)
Hope Mba Anniesa Hasibuan will join us on the next show :)

So, what do you think about PearlAsiaAnniesa Hasibuan and her amazing dresses?
I bet NYC loves here.
Which one of the dresses that you like?

WW: 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week

What a night!
What a collection of great dresses :).
I truly enjoy my front-row experience watching 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week. 
Wanna take a closer look at those dresses? 
Here are some of them.

Anniesa Hasibuan

look at the train..

Laura Muljadi and Sarah Azka, Indonesian supermodels :)

after the show :). Photo by Don Pittman

C-tie dye

look colorful..

before the show..

Vanny Tousignant

look at the hair piece :)

Lining up...

Dauphine of France Couture 

love the glasses ;)

some of the dresses from Dauphine

Which one do you like ;)?

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PEARLASIA, Anniesa Hasibuan for 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week

And amidst the freezing and windy winter days, New York City will once again feel the heat from 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week from 12 - 14 February 2016.
And I just can't wait :).
Saya memang pecinta fashion. 
I am not a self-declared fashionista but I love everything about it, especially when it comes to the wastra nusantara or our traditional fabrics, geniously mixed with Indonesian designs.
Just like the previous year, Couture New York Fashion Week will be filled once again with those incredible haute-couture pieces that will make your jaws drop.
I was lucky enough to get a reserved seat last year for Diana Couture and it was an impressive show. Last spring we have 3 designers from Indonesia and after the big shows in Crowne Plaza Times Square, we had the open trunk show at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York. Again, all those beautiful dresses invited endless claps and admiration from the audience.

And now, we have the 23rd session of the Couture New York Fashion. Starting from 12 -14 February 2016, this highly anticipated show is once again showcasing some fabulous haute-couture dresses created by designers from different parts of the world. Including Indonesia.

So, New York, please welcome Anniesa Hassibuan...
are you ready :)
Anniesa Hasibuan and her breathtaking designs for this winter season, PEARLASIA, is ready make a big bang in 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week .

Remember Anniesa Hasibuan?
I wrote about her before when she came to New York with Sasikirana, Anniesa Hasibuan's Masterpiece for New York Couture Fashion Week 2015. Obviously her talents and passion for intricate and elegant royal touch is graciously translated into her dresses.
Wanna see some?

Here's a sneak peek of the exquisite PEARLASIA by Anniesa Hasibuan.

Kecantikan alam Indonesia yang luar biasa, khususnya kekayaan lautnya, menjadi inspirasi Anniesa Hasibuan kali ini. Lombok, yang telah mencuri hati banyak orang, termasuk saya, memang terkenal sejak dulu dengan mutiara alamnya yang cantik dan bermutu tinggi. Dan kecantikannya bisa kita lihat di dua desain yang akan ditampilkan dalam 2016 Couture New York Fashion Week. Intip yuk seperti apa...

Semua foto berasal dari akun instagram @anniesahasibuanofficial.

it reminds me of Elsa :)

So amazingly out of this world, right.
I just love the blinking details over pastel soft layers of fabrics. Pretty...

look at all the details :)

You can see now why I am super excited to see the whole collection.

Don't miss the show on Saturday, February 13th, 2016, 6 PM at the Crowne Plaza Times Square, Manhattan, New York. 

For more information on the tickets and more, you can check it in
Certainly something to look forward to this weekend :).

And wait for more details from the show ...

Can't wait, can't wait ..